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Pheromone-Mediated Anemotactic Flight and Mating Behavior of the Sciarid FlyBradysia impatiens12


作者: S. A Alberts,   M. K. Kennedy,   R. T. Cardé,  


期刊: Environmental Entomology  (OUP Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 1  

页码: 10-15




年代: 1981




出版商: Oxford University Press


数据来源: OUP



Bradysia impatiens(Johannsen) females emit a sex pheromone that elicits male upwind flight in the male, evidently via a mechanism of optomotor-modulated anemotaxis. Maximal male wing fanning and upwind walking to female body extract occurs between 5 h before to one h after the initiation of scotophase on a 16:8 LD. Mated and unmated females appeared to have similar quantities of extractable pheromone. The mating sequence appears relatively stereotyped.


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