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Evaluation of thermodynamic functions relative to cavity formation in liquids: uses and misuses of Scaled Particle Theory


作者: Nicole Morel-Desrosiers,   Jean-Pierre Morel,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 59, issue 1  

页码: 1-7




年代: 1981




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The Scaled Particle Theory (SPT) is probably the most powerful theory presently available, that enables the calculation of the thermodynamic functions relative to the formation of cavities in liquids. We give the general relationship between the enthalpy of vaporization and the enthalpy of formation of a molecular cavity in a pure normal liquid; the good agreement with the experimental data constitutes one of the strongest arguments justifying the application of SPT to real liquids. However, we show that SPT can lead to uncertain cavity terms if the molecular diameters of the studied liquids are not well-known. We compare, on the other hand, the cavity terms (GandH) calculated from Sinanoglu's theory, since this theory has been used to that end recently, with those obtained from SPT.


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