56 THE ANALYST. INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. THE following is a list of the names of the candidates who passed the examination of the Institute of Chemistry held in January, 1899 : PRACTICAL EXAMINATION FOR THE ASSOCIATESHIP (under regulations in force prior to October 1, 1893)-Chapman, Arthur Jenner, Finsbury Technical College, London; and with Messrs. F. and A. C. Claudet, FF.1.C. Forster, Ferdinand Edward Paul, Finsbury Technical College ; registered student under Messrs. F. E. Lott, F.I.C., and C. G. Matthews, F.I.C. Lishman, George Percy, B.Sc. (Edin.), Surgeons’ Eall, Edinburgh ; registered student under Professor W. Ivison Macadam, F. I. C. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION (under new regulations) .-Aston, Staff ord, Univer- sity College, London. Blackman, Walter Lionel, Royal College of Science, London, and St.Bartholomew’s Hospital. Coysh, Basil Radcliffe, King’s College, London. Hewitt, Henry Dixon, Finsbury Technical College ; registered student under A. C. Chapman, Esq., F.I.C. Hill, Alfred, University College, Nottingham. Kinnersley, Henry Wulff, Merchant Venturers’ Technical College, Bristol, under Professor Julius Wertheimer, B.A., B.Sc., F.I.C. ; registered student under Dr. E. H. Cook, F.I.C.; and at King’s College, London. Rogers, John, Gltasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Shedden, Frank, 3. Sc. (Lond.), Mason University College, Birmingham. Wright, Leonard Victor, B.A. (Cantab.), Sidney College, Cambridge. FKNAL EXAMINATION FOR THE ASSOCIATESHIP (under new regulatiom). - In Branch A (Mzneral Chemistry) .- Golding, John,* School of the Pharmaceutical Society ; Laboratory of the Royal Agricultural Society of England ; University College, Nottingham. Hancock, Walter Charles,* B.A.(Cantab.), Caius College, Cambridge ; with Mesirs. C. F. Cross, F.I.C., and E. J. Bevan, F.I.C. ; and at King’s College, London. Marshall, Arthur, A.C.G.I., City and Guilds of London Institute. In Branch B (Metallurgical Chmistry) : Imrie, John, Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Wild, Boland Cecil, King’s College, London ; registered student under C. J. Head, Esq., F.I.C. In Brunch D (Oyganic Chemistry) : Gilles, William Setten, A.C.G.I., City and Guilds of London Institute. Hinks, Percy John, A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.), Royal College of Science, London. Joyce, Thomas Goode, B. Sc. (Lond.), Mason University College, Birmingham. In Branch E (the Analysis of Food a d Dmgs and of Water) : Gilbard, John Francis Hutchins,* Finsbury Technical College ; and with Dr. Bernard Dyer, F.I.C. Hackman, Charles Adolphus, King’s College, London; and with A. C. Chapman, Esq., F.I.C. Young, Francis Samuel, M.A. (Oxon.), Queen’s College, Oxford, and Caius College, Cambridge. The examiners were Professor Percy F. Frankland, F.R.S., F.I.C., and Otto Hehner, Esq., F.I.C. * For the Fellowship.