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Metabolic Compatibility of Abattoir and Human Corneas: An Ex Vivo31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study of Intact Tissues


作者: Jack Greiner,   Stephen Kopp,   Jonathan Lass,   Joseph Gold,   Thomas Glonek,  


期刊: Cornea  (OVID Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 12, issue 6  

页码: 461-465




年代: 1993


出版商: OVID


关键词: Cornea;Phosphatic metabolites;Porcine;bovine;human corneas;3IP nuclear magnetic resonance;Spectroscopy


数据来源: OVID



This study establishes the metabolic similarities and differences of intact abattoir corneas and the human cornea ex vivo, using31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Phosphorylated sugars (SP), inorganic orthophosphate (Pi), phosphodiesters, ATP, ADP, and the nucleoside diphosphosugars and dinucleotides (NS&DN) were quantitated. The intracorneal pH also was determined. In addition, metabolic indices ATP/Pi, ATP/ADP, ATP/ (ADP + Pi), SP/Pi, the phosphorylation potential, and the31P energy modulus were calculated. Significant differences were observed between the abattoir and human corneas in phosphorylated sugars, NS&DN, and intracorneal pH, as well as in the indices ATP/ADP and SP/Pi. The overall energy status as measured by the31P energy modulus was significantly higher in the bovine cornea when compared to the porcine and human corneas, suggestive of a very high energy reserve in the bovine cornea.


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