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In plane and out of plane anisotropy in Langmuir-Blodgett films of discogenic molecules


作者: J. Pérez,   M. Vandevyver,   H. Strzelecka,   M. Verber,   C. Jallabert,   A. Barraud,  


期刊: Liquid Crystals  (Taylor Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 14, issue 6  

页码: 1627-1634




年代: 1993




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



Langmuir-Blodgett films of a discotic mesogenic pyrylium tetrafluoroborate salt (1) have been investigated from the point of view of their in-plane anisotropy, i.e. considering the average molecular orientation with respect to the dipping direction. The molecules are found to stand on edge with their flat polycyclic core more or less perpendicular to the dipping direction. Mixing1with N(C4H9)4+TCNQ−in the spreading solvent leads to a different behaviour of the monolayer at the air-water interface, involving the formation of the Pyrylium-TCNQ salt. In contrast to the films of pure1, these films do not exhibit any in-plane anisotropy after deposition on a solid substrate. The temperature dependance of the molecular anisotropy of both films has also been investigated. The results are presented and discussed in the framework of their mesomorphic properties together with the influence of the anion associated with Pyrylium.


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