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Index of authors' names, 1919




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1919)
卷期: Volume 115, issue 1  

页码: 1519-1524




年代: 1919




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF AUTHORS’ NAMES. TRANSACTIONS. 1919. A. Abram Harold Helling. See Thoinns Martht Lowry. Allmand Arthur John and Wilfrid Gwtav Polack the free energy of dilution of aqueous sodium chloride solutions 1020. Applebey Malcolm Pemival sodium hypochlorite 1106. Armstrong Edward Frankland and Thomas Percy Hilditch conversion of the simple sugars into their enolic and ethylene oxide forms 1410. Aston Francis WiZZiam a simple form of apparatus for estimating the oxygen content of air from the upper atmo-sphere 472. B. Barnea James Heclor obituary notice of 409. Barratt Sydney and Alan Francis Titley the catalytic reduction of hydrogen cyanide 902. Batep John Percy obituary notice of, 408. Baxter Robert Etginald and Robert George Fargher 1 :3-benzodiazole-arsinic acids and their reduction pro-ducts 1372.Bennett George Macdonald the nitra-tion of diphenylethylenediamine 576. Blount Bertram and James Harry Sequeira “blue john ” and other forms of fluorite 705. Bonafield William Robert mixtures of nitrogen peroxide and nitric acid 45. Boyd David Runcimnn and (Miss) Doris Feltham Thomas the velocities of combination of sodium derivatives of phenols with olefine oxides. Part II. 1239. Boyle (Miss) Mary t h e conductivities of iodoanilinesulphonic acids 1505. cxv. Briggs Sa?nuel Henry ClSffwd, chromatocobaltiammines 67. the theory of duplex a5nity 278. Burrows Qeorge Joseph the rate of hydrolysis of methyl acetate by hydro-chloric acid in water-acetone mixtures, 1230. Burrows George Joseph and Rustaxe Ebeneaer Turner the constitution of the nitroprussides.Part I. Conduc-tivity and cryoscopic measurements, 1429. C. Carpenter Charles WilZiam. See Hubert Frank Coward. Challenger Frederick. See Percy Paraday Frankland. Chapman David Leonard and William Job Jenkins the interaction of acetyl-ene and mercuric chloride 847. Chapman David Leonard and John Reginald Harvey Whiston the inter-action of chlorine and hydrogen ; the intlnence of mass 1264. Chatterjee Nihar Zanjan. See Rasik La2 Datta. Clewer Hubert FVilliam Bedley. See John Augustus Goodson. Cofman Victor the active substance in the iodination of phenols 1040. Coward Hu.bcrt Frank Charles William Carpenter and William Payman the dilution limits of inflammability of gaseous mixtures.Part 111. The lower limits of some mixed inflam-inable gases with air. Part IV. The upper liinits of some gases singly and mixed in air 27. Coward Eubcrt Frank and Stanley Pierce Wilson the eqiiilibrium between carbon hydrogen and methane 1380. D. Das Ananda Xisore and Brojendra iVath Ghosh condensation of deoxy-benzoin and aldehydes 817. 3 1520 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Das a d h a Kishen. See (Sir) Prufulla Chandra RQy. Datta Rasik Lal and Nihar Banjan Chatterjee the temperature of explo-sion for endothermic substances 1006. De Bajendralal polar and non-polar valency 127. Dean George trustworthiness of the halance over long periods of time, 826. Denham EiEnry George the sub-acetate and sub-sulphate of lead 109.the preparation of cadmium suboxide, 556. Denham Henry George. See also Stewart Byron Watkins. Dey Biman Bihari and Mahendra Nath Goswami J/-l:8-isonaphthoxaz-ones 531. Dick Charles William obituary notice of 408. Dick James Scott. See James Colpuhoun Irvine. Donnan Frederick George and Williarn Edward Garner equilibria. across a copper ferrocyanide and an amyl alcohol membrane 1313. Durrant Reginald Graham the inter-action of stannous and arsenious chlorides 134. E. Early Regimald George and Thomas Martin Lowry the properties of ammonium nitrate. Part I. The freezing point and transition-tempera-tures 1387. Evans Frederick Page. See Gilbert Thontas Morgan. Evens Eric Uoddrell. See Gilbert Thomas Morgan. Everest Arthur E’mest [in part with Harold Bogerson] the preparation of diacetonamine 588.F. Fargher Robert George substituted phenylarsinic acids and their reduction products and the estimation of arsenic in mch compounds 982. Fargher Bobert George and Frank Lee Pyman nitro- arylazo- and arnino-glyoxalines 217. the abnormal behaviour of glyoxaline-carboxylic esters and anilides to-wards diazoniuni salts 1015. See also Bobert Fargher Robert George. Ileginald Baxter. Fawsitt Charles Edward the freezing point of solutions with special reference to solutions containing several solutes 790. bhe use of freezing-point detormina-tions in quantitative analysis 801. Forater Marlin Onsbow and Ram Spinner studies in the camphane series. Part XXXVII. Aryl deriva-tives of imino- and amino-camphor, 889.Foster George Carey obituaiy notice of, 412. Fox Francis William. See John Addynzun Gardner. Frankland Percy Faraday Frederick Challenger and Noel Albert Nicholls the preparation of mono-methylamine from chloropicrin, 159. the preparation of nionomethyl-aniline 198. Frankland Percy Faraday and Frederic Horace Qarner the rotation dispersion of butyl heptyl and octyl tartrates, 636. Freak Gilbert Arthur the effect of dilution in electro-titrimetric analyses, 55. Q. Gardner John Addyman and Francis William Fox chloropicrin. Part I., Garner Frederic Horace. See Percy Faraday Frankland. Garner Wzlliam Edward. See Prt derick George Donnan. Qhosh Brojendra Nuth. See Ananda Kisore Das. Ghosh Praphulla Chandra curcumin, dyes derived from quinolinio acid, Gooason John Augwtus and Ei2tbe.l.t William Bentley Clewer examina-tion of the balk of Croton gubmga; isolation of 4-hydroxyhygric acid, 923.Qoswami Mahendra Sath.. See Bintan Bihari Dey. Gough William Eenry and Jocolyn Field Thorpe asymmetric replacement in the meta-series. Guha PrRfulla Chandra. See (Sir) Prafulla C’handra RBy. 1188. 292. 1102. Part I. 1155. H. Harris Joscph Walter the optically active neomethylhydrindamines 61 INDEX OF AUTHORS. 1521 Harrison Edward Rruitk obituary notice of 562. Haworth Walter Norman. and (Miss) Grace Oumminy Leitch the constitu-tion of the disaccharides. Part 111. Maltose 809. Heberlein Christian. See Robert Lud-Hepworth Harry the absorption spectra of the nitric esters of glycerol 840.the action of Grigiiard reagents on the esters of certain dicarboxylic acids 1203. Kewftt John. Theodore and Williani Jacob Jonee the estimation of the methoxyl group 193. Hickinbottom Wivred John. See Joseph Beilly. Higaon Geofrey Isherwood. See Roland Edgar Slade. Hilditch Thomas Percy. See Edward Frankland Armstrong. Einshelwood Cyril Normu?t the oxi-dation of phenol derivatives 1180. Hughes William the reaction botmeen sodium chloride solution and metallic magnesium 272. wig Mona. I. Ingold Christophr Kelk and Jocelyn Field Thorpe experiments on the elimination of the carbethoxyl group from tnutomeric systems. Part I. Derivatives of indene 143. the formation and stability of spi~o-compounds.Part 11. Bridged-spiro-compounds derived from cyclohexsne 320. Colqukozm and Janies Scott Diak the constitution of maltose ; a new example of degradation in the sugar goup 593. Irvine - Jums J. James Thonias Canipbell. See Eric Walker. Jeana James Hopwood t$c quantum theory and new theories of atomic structure 865. Jenkinn TVillium Job. See David Leonard Chapman. Jephcott Harry the physical constants of nicotine. Part I. Spwific rotatory power of nicotine in aqueous solution, 104. Jones David Charles. See Kewnedy Joseph Previtt Orton. Jones David Trevor gLy cergL methyl ether diljitrate (a-methylin c h i trate), 76. Jones William Jacob. See John Theo-dore Hewitt. K. Kam James. See James William ElcBain.Eemp William Joel obituary notice of 427. King Albert Theodore the production of methyl ethyl ketone from n-butyl alcohol 1404. King Rarold the resolution of hyoscine and its components tropic acid and oscine 476. the stereochemistry of hyoscine 974. Enox Joseph and (Miss.) Marion Brock Richards the basic properties of oxygen in organic acids and phenols and the quadrivalency of oxygen 508. Enox Joseph and (Miss) Helen Beid Will the basic properties of phenanthraquinone 850. the solubility of silver acetate in acetic acid and of silver propionate in propionic acid 853. Eon George Armand Robert and Jocelp Field Thorps. I. The forma-tion and reactions of imino-corn-pounds. Part XIX. The chemistry of the cyanoacetamide and Guareschi condensations 686.Krizewsky Jacob and Eustace Ebenezer Turner formation of diphenyl by the action of cupric salts on organo-metallic compounds of magnesium, 559. L. Laing (Miss) Mary Evelyn. See Jam8 Lapworth Arthur and &ank AEBert Leitch (icliss) Grace Cum?niny. See Lewia Samuel Judd a new sector Lewis WiZliam Cudntore McCicElaqh, studies in catalysis. Part X. The applicability of the radiation hypo-thesis to heterogeneous reactions, 182. studies in catalysis. Part 31. The Le Chatelier-Braun principle from the point of view of the radiation h pothesis 710. stuAeu in catalysis. Part HI. Cat&-lytic criteria and the radiation hypo-thesis 1360. William MoBain. Royle capsaicin. Part I. 1109. Wa E ter Normun Eawor t h , spectrophotometer 312 1522 INDEX OF AUTHOR& Lowry Thomas Martin and Harold Helling Abram the rotatory dispersive power of organic compounds.Part IX. Simple rotatory dispersion in the terpene series 300. Lowry Thomas Martin. See also Reginald George Early, Lnmsden John Scott criteria of the degree of purity of commercial toluene, 1366. Laptan Sydney obituary notice of, 430. M. McArthar Donald Neil and AEfred Walter Stewart a new photographic phenomenon 973. XcBain Ja.mfx William and James Eam the effect of salts on the vapour pressure and degree of dissociation of acetic acid in aolution; an experi-mental refutation of the hypothesis that neutral salts increase the dissocia-tion constants of weak acids and bases, 1332. XcBain Ja.mcs William (Mhs) Mary Evelyn Lsing and Alan Francis Titley colloidal electrolytes soap solutions as a type 1279.McBain James William and (Miss) Millicent Taylor the degree of hydra-tion of the particles which form the structural basis of soax curd deter-mined in experiments on sorption and salting out 1300. McKenzie Alexander and John Kerfoot Wood the isomeric tropic acids 828. XcKenzie Alexander and Eenry Wren, catalytic racemisation of ethyl I-man-delate 602. Manning Rodger James and lllaximilian Nierenstein the tannin of the Cana-dian hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis, Carr.) 662. Xartineau George obituary notice of, 434. Mason Walter and Richard Vernon Wheeler the propagation of flame in mixtures of acetylene and air 578. Maxted Edward Bradford the syn-thesis of ammonia at high tempera-tures.Part III. 113. the influence of hydrogen sulphide on the occlusion of hydrogen by palla-dium 1050. Mazumder Jatindra Kumar. See Bawa Kartar Singh. litter Praficlla Chanclra and Atan-endra Nath Sen action of phenyl-hydraziiie on phthalaldehydic and phthalonic acids phenyl-hydrazo-and azo-phtlialide 1145. Xond Robert Ludwig and Christian Heberlein the chemietry of Burgundy mixtures 908. Morgan Gilbert Thomas and Frederick Page Evans 8-uaphthylme thylamine, 1140. Morgan Gilbert !T~O~IMGS and Eric Dod-drell Evens the constitution of in-ternal diazo-oxides (diazophcnols). Part II. 1126. Morgan John David the ignition of explosive gases by electric sparks 94. Mukherjee Jiiamndra Nath and Na-gendra Nath Sen coagulation of metal sulphide hydrosols.Part I. Influ-ence of distance between the particles of a sol on its stability; anomalous protective action of dissolved hydrogen sulphide 461. N. Nicholls Noel Albert. See Percy Para-clay FrankIand. Nicholson John William emission spectra and atomic structure 855. Nierenstein Maximiliccn the tannin of the colouring matter of the red pea Nierenstein Jfmimilian. See also Rodger James Manning. Norman George Marshall the formation of diazoamino-compounds from B-naphthylamine 673. the knopper gall 1174. gall 1328. 0. O’Connor EdmzLnd Arthur. See A lbert Cherb ury David Bive tt. Orton Kennedy Joseph Previtk and David Chmrles Jonem the critical solution temperatnre of a ternary mixture as a criterion of purity of toluene 1055.the temperature of critical solution of a ternary mixture as a criterion of purity 0-f n-butyl alcohol ; the pre-paration of pure n-butyl alcohol, 1194. P. Payman William the propagation of flame in complex gaseous mixtures. Part I. Limit mixtures and the uniform movement of flame in such mixtures 1436. the propagation of dame in complex gaseous mixtures. Part 11. The uniform movement of flame in mix-tures of air with paraffin hydro-carbons 1446 INDEX OF AUTEORS. 1523 Payman William the propagation of flarrie in complex gaseous mixtures. Part 111. The uniform movement of flame in mixtures of air with mixtures of methane hydrogen and carbon monoxide and with industrial inflam-mable gases 1454.Payman William and Bichard Vernon Wheeler the propzgation of flame through tubes of small diameter. Part II; 36. Payman William. See also Hubert Frank Coward. Pedler (Sir) Alcxaider obituary notice of 436. Perkin William. Henry iun. crypto-pine. Part II. 713. Perkin William ITenry jun. and flobert Robinson harniine and harnial-me. Polack Wilfrid Qustav. See Arthur John Allmand. Pope (Siy) William Jackson presi-dential address 397. Price Tudor WiEliams the vapour pressures and densities of mixtures of acetone and methyl ethyl ketone, 1116. the decomposition of carbamide in the presence of nitric acid 1354. Price Tudor WiEZiams. See also Albert Greville White. Prideaux Ed?nund Brydges €&ud?iaZl, the effect of sea-salt on the pressure of carbon dioxide and alkalinity of natural waters 1223.Pyman Fyank Lee the alkaloids of Ilolarrhena congolensis Stap f. 163. meta-substituted aromatic selenium compounds 166. Pyman Frank Lee. See also Robert Parts 111. and IV. 933 967. George Fargher. E. Rakshit Jitendra Nath. porphyroxine, RBy (Sir) Praftilla Chundra mercury mercaptide nitrites and their reaction with the alkyl iodides. Part TI. Chain compounds of sulphur 548. interaction of mercuric and cupric chlorides respectively and the mer-captans and potential mercaptans, 871. EBy (Sir) Prafulla Chaiulra and Prafdla Chandra Quha mercury mer-captide nitrites and their reaction with the alkyl iodides. Parts IV. V. and VII. Chain compounds of sulpliur, 261 541 1148.455. ails (Sir) Prafulla Chundra Prafulla Chandra Quha and Radha Kishen Dam reaction of the potassium salts of 2-thiol-5-thio-4-phenyl-4:5-dihgdro-1 :3 :4-thiodiazole and 2:5-dithiol-1:3:4-thiodiazole with halogenated organic compounds 1308. Ray (8ir) Prafulla C?iandra and Prafullcc Kzmar Sen niercuric sulph-oxychloride 552. Reilly Joseph and CVilfred John Hickinbottom the n-butylarylamines. Part 111. Constitution of the nitro-derivative8 of n-butyl-ptoluidine 175. Remington Joseph Price obituary notice of 438. Report of the Council 384. Report of the International Committee on Atomic Weights 879. Richards (Miss) Marioqz. Brock. See Joseph Knox. Xideal Eric Keiyhtley the selective conibustion of carbon monoxide in hydrogen 993.Rivett Albert Cher6urzJ David and Edmund Arthur O’Connor soiiie ter-nary systems containing alkali oxalates and water 1346. Robertson Philip Wilfred the melting points of the substituted amides of the nortrial fatty acids 1210. Robinson Robert. See William Henry Perkin jun. Rogerson Hctrold. See Arthicr Ernest Everest. Royle Frank Albert. See Arthur Lapworth. s. Schloesing Jean Jacques Thkophile, Sen Jnanendra Nath. See Prafulla Sen Nagendm Nath. See Jfinnendra Sen Prqfiilla Kwmar. See (Sir) Prufdln Senier AZfred obituary notice of 447. Sequeira James Hayry. See Bertram Singh Bawa Kartay and Jatindra Kumar Yazumder studies on the dependence of optical rotatory power on chemical constitution. Part I. Position-isomeribm and optical activity of naphthyliminocaniphors and derivatives of pheuylimino-camphor 566.condensation of deoxybenzoin with aromatic aldehydes 821. obituary notice of 440. Chandra Pitter. Nath Mukherjee. Chaidra RPy. El oun t 1524 INDEX OF 4UTHORS. Slade Roland Edgar and Geoffey Islmwood Higson equilibria in the reduction of oxides by carbon 205. the dissociation pressures of sons nitrides 215. Soddy Frederick tlie conception of the chemical element as enlarged by the study of radioactive change 1. Spinner Haw. See Martin Onslow Fore ter. Stewart Alfred Walter. See Donald Neil McArthnr. T. Taylor Charles Bomers the presence of aconitic acid in sugar-cane juice and a new reaction for the detection of the acid 886. Taylor (Miss) Millicent.See Jantes William PcBain. Taherniac Joscph thiocyanoacetono and its derivatives awl isornerides 1071. an automatic extraction apparatus, 1090. Thomas (Miu) Dmis Feltham. See David h?ultcimun Boyd. Thorpe Jocelyn Field the chemistry of the glutaconic acids. Part XI. The occurrence of 1:3-addition to the normal form 679. Thorp Jocelyn Field. See also Willium Henry Qoagh Christopher Kelk Ingold, and George Armad Robert Kon. Tiderwell Frederick Vincent and Richard Yernon Wheeler a chemical investi-gntion of hnnded bitnininous coal; studies in the composition of coal, 619. the oxidation of coal 895. Tingle John Bishop obituary notice of, 453. Titley Alan FranCiS. See Sgdney Barratt and James William McBain. Turner Eustacc Ebenezer.See George Joseph B ~ O W B and Jmob Krisewsky, U. Usher Francis Lawry and Ramaven-katasubbier Venkateewaran the po-tential of a nitrogen electrode 613. V. Venkateewaran Ramvenkatasvbbier. See Francis LawTy Usher. W. Walker Eric and Thomas Cmnpbell James molecular refractivity of cin-namic acid derivatives 1243. Watkins &wart Byron and Henry George Denham auto-complexes in solutions of cupric chloride and cuyric bromide 1269. Werner Emil AIphonse the preparation of butylnmiue and of it-dibutyl-amine ; the separation of aliphatic amines by partial neutralisation, 1013. the constitution of carbamides Part IX. Tho interaction of nitrous acid and mono-snbstituted urea8 ; the preparation of diazomethane diazo-ethane diazo-n-butane and diazo-isopentane from the respective nitrosoureas 1093.the constitution of carbamides. Part X. The behaviour of urea and of thiourea towards diazomethane and diazoethane respectively ; the oxi-dation of thiourea by potassiuni permanganate 1168. Wheeler Richard Vernon the inflani-mation of mixtures of ethane and air in a closed vessel the effects of turbulence 81. Wheeler Riclrard Vernon. See also Walter Maeon William Payman and Frederick Vincent Tideswell. Whiaton Jolm h'eyinald Harvey. See David Leonard Chapman. White Albert Gyeville and Tudor Tilliams Price the determination of ignition-temperatures by the soap-bubble method 1248. the ignition of ether-alcohol-air and acetone-air mixtures in contact with heated surfaces 1462. Will (Miss) Helen Reid. See Joseph Wilson Stanley Pierce. See Hubert Wood, John Kerfoot. See Alexander Wren Henry. See Alexander McKeuzie. Wright Robert the effect of some simple electrolytes ou the temperature of maximum density of water 119. niolecular-weight determination by direct measurement of the lowering of the vapour pressure of solutions, 1165. &ox. Frank Coward. YdcKenzie


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