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Index of subjects, 1914




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1914)
卷期: Volume 105, issue 1  

页码: 2927-2935




年代: 1914




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF SUBJECTS.TRANSACTIONS A N D PROCEEDINGS. 1914.(Marked T. and P. respectively.)Single organic compounds of known empirical formula mill be found in theFormula Index, p. 2937.A.Acetylacetones, C,H&&.Acids, relation between ahsorptionspectra of, and their salts (WRIGHT),T., 669 ; P., 39.catalytic activity of (DAWSON andPowrs), T., 1093 ; P., 60.ionisation and catalytic activity of( DAWSON), P. , 112.aliphatic, electrical conductivity of thepotassium salts of ( BUNBURY andMARTIN), T., 417 ; P., 8.rotation of esters of optically activecarbinols and (PICKARD and KEN:YON), T., 830.dibasic, action of benzoin with thechlorides of (MCCOMBIE andPARKES), T., 1687 ; P., 185.weak, iiiflnence of neutral salts on thedissociation of (MCBAIN and COLE-MAN), T., 1517; P., 135.Acylation, influence of steric hindranceon (MELDOLA and HOLLELY), T., 410 ;Address, presidential (PERKIN), T.,1176 ; P., 101.AfBnity, residual, and co-ordination(MORGAN and Moss), T., 189.Alcoholometry (BARENDRECHT), P.,160.Alcohols, viscosities of mixtures of form-amide with ( ENGLISH and TURNER),T., 1656 ; P., 187.Aldehydes,action of, on Grignard reagents(MARSHALL), T., 527 ; P., 13.action of hydrocyanic acid on (JONES),T., 1560 ; P., 118.aliphatic, dynamics of the action ofhalogens on (DAWSON, *B~RTON,and ARK), T., 1275; P., 117.action of iodine on (DAWSONand MARSHALL), T., 386 ; P.,24.Alkali alkyl sulphates, interaction ofalkali nitrites arid (NEQGI), 7‘. ,2371 ; Y., 220.P., 25.cv,Alkali hydrogen carbonates, dissocia-tion pressures of (CAVEN and SAND),T., 2752 ; P., 268.metals, molecular weights of salts of,and their compounds with alcohols(TURNER and BISSETT), T., 1777 ;P..110.polysnlphides of (RULE andTHOMAS), T., 177,2819 ; P. 270.nitiites, interaction of, and alkali alkylsulphates (NEOGI), T., 2371 ; P.,220.selenosnlphates and thiosulphates,action of nitro-substituted arylhaloids on (TWISS), T., 1672 ; P.,187.Alkalis, fused, mechanism of thc actionof (LE SUEUR and WITHERS), T.,2800 ; P., 257.Alkaloids from ipecacuanha. See Ipeca-cum ha.of quebracho bark. See Quebrachohark.Alkyl haloids, reactions of, with phen-oxides and ethoxides (SHRODER andACREE), T., 2582 ; P., 228.iodides, ielative activities of, withsodium phenoxide (SEGALLER), T.,106, 112.nitrites, colour reactions of (HARPERand MACBETH), P., 15.sodiuin thiosnlphates, action ofhydrogen peroxide on (Twxss),T., 36.Allanturic acid, nature of (TITHEKLEYant1 COWIN), P., 115.Aluminium alloys with SiliCon(ROBERTs),‘I’., 1383 ; P., 143.isoAmarine, C,,H,,N,.Amides, acid, action of Grignard re-agents on (MCKENZIE, MARTIN, andRULE), T., 1583 ; P., 182.Amines, action of sulphur on (HODGSONand DIX), T., 952 ; P., 82.mixed secondary, hydrolys’s of, byalkalis (TITHEKLEY and STUBBS),T., 299; P., 12.9 2928 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Amines, preparation of nitrites of(NEOGI), T., 12iO; P., 35.interaction of nieT hyl sulpliate and(WERNER), T., 2762 ; P., 260.aromatic, mt rcurxtiam of' (MORGANaiid ELLIOTI'), P., 186.Amino-acids, influence of acids andalkalis on the optical activity of(WOOI)), T., 1988 ; Y , 220.resolution of metallic salts of(BARKER), P., 295.a-Amino-B-hydroxy-compounds, re-actions of, as cyclic strut tores ( IKVINEand FYFF,), T., 1642 ; P., 179.Ammonium bases, de iqiirwence of saltsorganic, influence of solvviits on themolecular weights of salts of('J?lJRNEIt and POLLARD), T., 1751 ;Ammonium salts, studies of solutioiis of(SLADI.:), T., 1351 , P., 150Ammonium hydrox de, relative strengthsof, aiid substituted aiiirnonium hydr-oxides, nieasuied by their action o na pseudo-base (TINKLEH), T., 995 ; P .,70Annual General Meeting, T., 11 62 ;P., 89.Adhemis nobilis, constituents of theflowers of (POWER and BI~OWKXXG),T..1829 ; P., 210.Antimony compouiids, absorption spectraof ( C'RYMBLE), P., 179.haloids, conipouiid5 of, with aromaticconipounds ( VANSTONE), T., 1491 ;P., 140.Argon, liquid, capillary constants of(CXOMMELIN), P., 248.Aromatic compounds, preparation of,frorii the hydrt laroriiatic aeries (CROSS-LEY aiid RENOUF), T., 165.Arsenic compounds, absorption spectraof (C'EYMKLE), P., 1i9.Aryl h lnilis, uitro-substituted actionof, on alkali thiosulpliates and seleiio-sulpliates (TWISS), T., 1672 ; P.,187.Arylidenedimethylpyrones, constitutionof, arld their salts (}SOON, WILSON,and HEILBRON), T., 2176 ; P.,209.Atmospheric air, velocity of ignition ofmethane and (PARKER and RHEAL;),T., 2150; P., 220 ; (BURGESS andWHEELER), T., 2591 ; P., 245;(WHEELEN), T , 2606; P., 246.of (PED~~LE), 'r., 1025 ; P., 81.P., 79.Aspidosine, ( leH260N2.Aspidospermine, C,, H3oOZNz.Atomic weight ot lead from Ceylonthorite (Y(JDDY and HYMAN), T.,1402; P., 134.Atomic weight of mercury (BAKERand WATSON), T., 2530 ; P.,243.of tin (BRISCOE), P., 290.of vanadium (BRISCOE arid LITTLE),T., 1310 ; P., 64.Atomic weights, reports of the Interna-tional Gomulittee on, T., 2577 ; P.,216.table of, T., 2581 ; P., 219.Azo-compounds, ccilour and constitutionof ( ~ ~ K w I ~ I ' T , MANN, and POPE), T.,2193; P., 202.Azonium compounds, substituted qua-ternary, coiltaitiing an asymmetricnitrogen atom (SrXGH), T., 1972 ;P., 136.B.Balance Sheets of the Chcmical Societyaiiti of the Research Fund.SeeRunual General Meeting, T., 1162 ;P., 89.Barium nitrate, solubility of, and of itsmixtures w i t h potassium nitrate(FINDLAY, MOKGAN, and MORRIS),T., 779; P., 73.Barosmn wenusta, oil from the leaves of(GOULDING and ROBERN), T., 2613 ;P., 244.Bases, weak, influence of neiitral salts onthr dissociatioii of (MCBAIN and COLE-MAN), T., 1517 ; P., 135.$-Bases, researches on ( G . M. andTi. Ronrr;soN), T., 1456 ; P.,161.Benzoterpenes, synthesis of (KAY andMOKWN), T., 1565 ; P., 162.Bismuth conipoiiitds, absorption spectraBismuth organic compounds (CHAL-LENGER), T., 2210 ; P., 229 ;(CHALLENGER and ALLPRESS), P.,292.Bismuthines, tertiary aromatic (CHAL-LEKGEH), T., 2210 ; P., 229.Biuret, C,f1,0,N3.Boiling point aptlaratus for determina-tiou of' (FIRTH and MYERS), T., 2887 ;P., 293.Borneol, C,oHl,O.Boron :--01 (CltYMBLE), P., 179.Boric acid, properties of solutions of,iii alcoliol (FIRTH and MYERS), T.,2887 ; P., 293.Bromine, solutions of, in water, nitro-beiizene and carbon tetrachloride(JOSEPH), P., 244.Brucine, C,,H,,O,N,INDEX OF SUBJECTS.2929C.Caesium bydrogen carlmnate, dissocia-tion pressure of (CAVEN and SAND),T., 2752 ; P., 268.Calcium hydroxide, equilibrium of cal-cium nitrate, water, and ( BASSETTand TAYLOR), T., 1926 ; P., 204.nitrate, equilibrium of cdciuin Iydr-oxide, water and (BASSETr andTAYLOR), T., 1926 ; P., 204.Calorimeter, adiabatic (GRAY), T., 1010.Camphane series, btiidies iu the (FOB-STER and KUNZ), T., 1718 ; P., 198 ;(FORSI-ER and SCHLAEPFER), T., 2770 ;P., 268.Camphene, C,,H,,.Caoutchouc, osmotic properties andphysical constitution of solutioiis of(CASPARI), T., 2139 ; P., 226.Carajuretin, C~($H~ZO.Carajurin, Clelil@5.Carbamides, con s t 1 tu tion of (WE RN E R) ,T., 926 ; P., 26.&oCarbamides, preparation of ( WEBNISR),T., 923 ; P., 26.Carbinole, preparation and rotation ofesters of (KENYON), T., 2226 ; P.,231.optically active, rotation of esters ofaliphatic acids and (PICKARD andKENYON), T., 830.Carbohydrates, oxitlation of, with potas-sium persulphate(WooDand WALKER),T., 1131 ; l'., 115.Carbon monoxide, liqnid, capillary con-stants of (CROMMELIN), P., 248.inflammability of mixtures of airand (COWARD and BHINSLET),T., 1859 ; P., 176.estimation of (GRAHAM and WIN-MILL), T., 1996 ; P., 160.dioxide, evolution of, fi om solutionsof gelatin and starch (FINDLAY andKING), T., 1297 ; P., 114.Carbon, estimation of, in organic com-ponnds (GREY), T., 2204 ; P., 231.isoCarbostyri1, C, H,ON.Catalysis (LAMBLE and LEWIS), T.,2330 ; P., 222 ; (SHRODER and ACXEE),T., 2582 ; P., 228.Catalytic activity of acids (DAWSON andPOWIY), T., 1093 ; P., 60.Caulosapogenin, CaZ H,,O,.Celluloid, absorption of gases by (LEFE-Cellulose, methylation of (DESHAJI andCephaeline, Cz,H.~~O+Nz.Chemical combinatloti aid molecularBURE), T., 328.WOOI)HOUSE), T., 2357 ; P., 238.association (TURNER and EXGLISH),T., 1786; P., 132.Chemical constitution and rotatorypower (PICKARD and KENYON),T., 830,1115 ; P., 83 ; (KENYON),T., 2226 ; P., 231 ; (KENYON aiidP., 232, 243, 262, 273, 307.relatioil hetween viscosity and (DUN-sTAh', THOLE, and BENSON), 'l'.,782.Chlorine, rate of combination of nitricoxidc and (C'OATE~ and FINNEY),T., 2444 ; P., 211.Hydrochloric acid, dilute, action of,on gelatin (PROCTEK), T., 313.PIC'KARD), T., 2262, 2644, 2677 ;Cholesterol, CZ,H4,O.Chromium : --Chromic chloride, action of, on Grignard reagents ( H E N N E ~ and TUK-NER), T., 1057 ; P., 79.Cinchonicine, CI,Hz20Nz.CZenaatis vitalba, constituents of (TUTINand CLEWER), T., 1845; P., 210.Coal, composition of (JONES andWHEELER), T., 140, 3562; P., 243.distillation of, in a vacuum (BURGESSand WHEELER), T., 131.Colloids, inlinence of, on the solubilityof gases in water (FINDLAY andHOWELL), T., 291 ; P., 13.Colour and tautomerism (MELDOLA andHOLLBLY), T., 977 ; P., 85.Colouring matters, relation betweenchemical constitution and depth ofcolour of (WATSOX), T., 759.from lndiitll plants (PERKIN andSHULMAS), Y., 200.derived froin quercetin (WATSON andSEN), T., 389.Co-ordination sod residual affinity(MORGAN and Moss), T., 189.Copper, finely divided, absorption ofgases anti ptoduct.ion of high vacwI y (MERTON), T., 645 ; P., 55.action of sulphnric acid on (CUNDALCand FAIRGRIEVE), T., 60.compounds, colour intensity of(PICKERING), T., 464.Cupric salts, reduction of, by sugars(CRAMER), P., 293.chloromcrcaptitles (RAY), P., 304.isocoumarin, C,H,OB.Cyanidion catalyses, mechanism of(JOSES), T., 1547 ; P., 118.Cyanogen : -Hydrocyanic acid, action of, on alde-Irycles aiid ketones (JONES), T.,1560; P., 118.Cyanohydrins, constittitioil of (CROW-THEK, bfCCIOMBIE, and READE), l'.,Cymbupogou eoloyatus, volatile oil of933; P., 57.(GOULDING and EARL), P., 102930 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.D.Daphnandra micmntha, alkaloids ofDaphnandrine, C3&3,06Nz.Daphnoline, C,,H,,O,N,.Dnviesia.latifolia, coristituents of theleaves and stems of (POWER and SAL-WAY), T., 767 ; P., 66.Deliquescence (PEDDLE), T., 1025 ; P.,81.Denitrification, mecliauism of (HULME),T., 623.Desmotropy (LOWRY), P., 105.Diastase, action of, 011 starch granules(RAKER and HULTON), T., 1529 ; P.,133.o - Diaz oimines, con st i tu t io n of ( M 0 11 G A Nand SCHARFF), T., 117.Diazonium salts, non-aromatic ( MOI:GAI\’and REILLP), ‘l’., 435.Dibenzoylglucoxylose, C25H28012.Dilution law (PAILTINGTON), l’., 251 ;(BOUSFIELD), T., 1809 ; P., 156.Dioximines, chemical constitn tion of(TSCHUGAEV), T., 2187 ; P., 224.Diphenyl series, studies in the (CAI;\’and MICKLETIIWAIT), T., 1437, 1442 ;P., 146, 147.Dispersion, rotatory, of orgaiiic com-pounds (LOWRY), T., 81 ; (LOWI:Y,PICKARD, and KENYON), T., 94.Distillation, apparatus for (13 ~ I ~ N D -RECHT), P., 160.(PYMAN), T., 1679 ; P., 181.E.Electrode, dropping, in alcoholic sola-tion (NEWREHY), T., 2553 ; 1’.,241.hydrogen, potentials of the, in niix-tures of acetic acid and sodiumacetate (WALPOLE), T., 2501, 2521;P., 237, 238.Electrodes, combiiiation of the hydrogel!aiid calomel (F[JRNESS, HAKI)IMAN,aiid NIWBERY), T., 2302 ; 1’. , 233.Electrolytic diasocia tioa (A R RH EN I us),T., 1414 ; P., 165.Electromotive forces, measurclnellt of,in alcohol (FURXESS, HARDMAN,and NEWBERY), T., 2302; Y., 233 ;(NEWREKY), T., 2553 ; P., 241.Emetine, C2,H400,N2.Epicamphor, C,,H,,O.Equilibria, ionic. See Ionic equilibria.Ethoxides, reactions of alkyl haloidswith (SHRO~ER and ACREE), T.,2582 ; P., 228.Ethylenic &bromides, conversion of,into the corresponding glycols (BAIN-BRIDGE), T., 2291 ; P., 232.F.Faraday lecture ( ARR HENIUS), T.,1414 ; P., 165.Flames, water-gas equilibrium in hydro-carbori (ANDREW), T., 444 ; P., 22.Fluorone derivatives (POPE), T., 251.G.Gases, refractivity of (JONES and PART-INGTON), P., 201.ignition of mixtures of (COWARD andBRINSLEY), T., 1859 ; P., 176.by adiabatic compression ( DIXON,I ~ R A U ~ H A W , and CAMPBELL), T.,2027; P..222; (DIXON andCROFTS), T., 2036 ; P., 223.by the e1ect:ic discharge (COWARD,COOPER, and JACOBS), T., 1069 ;velocity of evolution of, from snper-saturated solutions (FLNDLAY andKING), T., 1297 ; P., 114.irifluence of colloids and fine sus-pen5ions on the solubility of, inwater (FINDLAY and HOWELL), T.,291 ; P., 13.absorption of, by celluloid (LEFE-absorption of, by copper (MERTON),T., 645 ; P., 55.Gas-pressure regulator (JOSEPH), P.,254.Gelatin, action of dilute acids on(PROCTER), T., 1313.German silver, inetallography of(THOMPSON), T., 2342 ; P., 233.Glucoses, inethylated ( IRVIXE andHOGG), T., 1386 ; P., 145.Glucosides.See Sarsasaponin.Glucoxylose, C1lH,oOlo.Glycol nryl ethers ( I ~ O Y U and MA~LLE),‘l‘., 2133.Glycols, preparation of, from the corre-spondii~g ditiromicles ( BAINBKIDGE),T., 2291 ; P., 232.Glyoxals, preparation of, and theiracetals (DAKIN and DUDLEY), T.,2453 ; P., 108.Grignard reagvnts, action of, on acidarnitlrs (MCKENZIE, MATLI-IN, aridRULE), T., 1583 ; P. 182.action of alilehydes on (MARSHALL),T., 527 ; P., 13.action of clirorriic chloride on (BENNE’I-Tand TURNER), T., 1057 ; P., 79.r., 78.BUHE), T., 328.Thujin.H.Halogens, dynamics of the action of, onaliphatic aldehydes (DAWSON, BUR-TON, and ARK), T., 1275 ; P., 117INDEX OF SUBJECTS.2931Heat of vaporisation, latent ( AWLEBEYHops, nitrogenous constituents of (CHAP-2-Rydrindamine) C,HIIN.Hydrocarbons, water-gas eqnjlibriuin inflames of (ANDREW), T., 444; P.,22.aromatic, compounds of antimonyhaloids and (VANSTONE), T., 1491 ;P., 140.synthetic, allied to terprnes ( HAWORTHand FYPE), T., 1659 ; Y., 182.Hydrochloric acid. See unrl er Chlorine.Hydrocyanic acid. See under Cyanogen.Hydrogen, inflaniiriability of mixtures ofair and (COWARD and BRINSLEY),T., 1859; P., 176.electr de. See Electrode.peroxide, action of, on sodium dkylthiosulphates (TWW), T., 36.Hydroxy-compounds, influence of con-figuration on the condensations of(IRVINE and PATERSON), T., 898 ;P., 68.aromatic, substitution in (HARDING),T., 2790 ; P., 299.Hydrox ymethylene ketones, c ond en s-ation of cyaiioacetamide mith (SEN-GUPTA), T., 148.and CHAPMAN), T., 734 ; P., 27.MAN), T., 1895 ; P., 196.I.Ignition of gases (COWARD and BRIXB-LEY), T., 1859 ; P., 176.by the electric discharge (COWAED,CoomR, and JACOBS), T., 1069 ;l’., 78.by adiabatic compression (DIXON,BRADSIIAW, and CAMPBELL), T.,2027 ; P., 222 ; (DIXON andCROFTS), T., 2036 ; P., 223.Iodine, action of, on aliphatic aldehydes(DAWSON and MARSHALL), T., 386 ;P., 24.reaction of, with sodium benzylthio-snlplinte (PRICE and JAQUES), T.,1140; P., 117.conipounds of, with organic substances(BARGER and STARLING), P., 2, 303.Iodo-compounds, organic, relative activi-ties of, with sodium phenoxide (SEG-ALLER), T., 106, 112.Ionic equilibria between semipermeablemembranes (DONNAN and ALLMAND),T., 1941 ; P., 180.Ionisation and the law of mass action(BOUSF~ELD), T., 600, 1809 ; P., 156.lpecacnanha alkaloids (CARR and PY-MAX), T., 1591 ; P., 157.Ipecacuanha alkaloids, relation betweenthe ahsorption spectra and constitutionof (DOBBIE and Pox), T., 1639 ; P.,184.Isomerism, dynamic (LOWRY), P., 105.position-, and optical activity (COHEK),T., 1893 ; P., 221.Iron, corrosion of, and its application indetermining the relative strengths ofacids (FRIEND and MARSHALL), T.,2776 ; P., 263.porosity of (PERKINS), T., 102.compounds, colour intensity of( PICKERING), l’., 466.K.Ketones, action of hydrocyanic acid oncondensation of phenols and (SEN-hydroaromatic (CROSSLEY and PaAw),(JONES), T., 1560 ; P., 118.GUPTA), T., 399.P., 65.L.Lead froin Cejlon thorite, atomic weightof (SODDY and HYMAN), T., 1402;P., 134.corrosion of (LAMBERT and CULLIS),erosion of (LIVERSEEGE and KNAYP),P., 25.Liquids, optically active, rotatory disper-sion of (LOWRY, PICKARD, andKENYON), T., 94.relation between the solvent power of,and their dielectric constairts (TvR-KER and BISSETT), T., 947 ; P., 59.molecular complexity of (TURNEI~),P., 29.adiabatic and isothermal, compressi-biiities of (TYRER), T., 2534 ; P.,236,viscosity of binary mixtures of, con-taining formamide (MERRY andmixed, thermal properties of (PART-surface tension of (WORLEY), T.,organic, magnetic rotation and disper-P., 198.TURNER), r r . , 748 ; P., 60.INGTON), P., 61.260, 273.sion of (LOWRY), T., 81.M.Magnesium borides (RAY): T., 2162 ;P., 242.Manganese, velocity of precipitation of,in presence of zinc (WALKER andFARMER), P., 1392932 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Xannitol, C6H&Mass action, law of, and ionisatioii(BOUSFIELD), T., 600, 1809; P., 156.Natricaria chaino,tjiilla, constituents ofthe flowers of (POWER aud BROWNING),T., 2280 ; P., 237.Membranes, semipermeable, ionic equili-bria between (DUNNAN and ALLMAND),T., 1941 ; P., 180.Menthyl derivatives, rotation of (KEN-YON and PICKARD), P., 273.Mercury, atomic weight of (BAKER andWATSON), T., 2530 ; P., 243.alloys with sodium, specific volumesand conductivities of (VANSTOKE),T., 2617 ; P., 241.compounds, absorption spectra of(CRYMBLE), T., 658; P., 16.Mercuric iodide, equilibrium i n thesystem, potassium iodide, ethylether and water (DUNKINGHAM),T., 368, 724, 2623 ; P., 8, 58,107.nitrite, compouiids of, w i d organicthio-derivatives (MAY), P., 140.Mercurous chloride (calomel) electrode.See Electrode:Mesitylenee, amino-, diazotisation of(MORGAN and RICILLY), P., 74.Metallic salts, trituratioii of mixtui es of(PARKER), T., 1504 ; P., 137.compounds of yheriaiithraquiiionewith (KNOX and INNES), T.,1451 ; P., 159.Metals, wet oxidation of (LAMBENT andMethyl pentoses, constitution of (GIL-Zldicranthine, C,,H,,O,N,.Molecular associatioit and chemicalcoinbination (TWNEIL and ENG-LISH), T., 1786 ; P., 132.forinulz, consistent (TUICNER), P.,110.CULLIS), P., 198.MOUR), T., 73.N.Nitrification, mechanism of (MUMFORD),P., 36.experiments on the rate of ( EEESLEY),T., 1014 ; P., 67.Nitro-compounds, colour reactions of(HARPER and MACBETH), P., 263.aliphatic, theories of formation of(NEOGI), T., 2371 ; P., 220.Nitrogen, i~iflanimability of methanewith mixtures of oxygeii and(PARKER), T., 1002; P., 75 ;( RURGESS and WHEELER), T.,2596 ; P., 245.oxides, constitution and molecularvolumes of (LE BAS), P., 87.Nitrogen inonoxide (nitrous oxide), solu-bility of, a t low pressures (FINDLAYand HOWELL), T., 291 ; I>., 13.dioxide (nilric oxide), rate of comhina-tion of chloriire and (COATES andFINNEY), T., 2444 ; P., 211.peroxide or tekroxide, vapoiir pressureof (EGERTOX), T., 647 ; I>., 5.trioxide, dissociation of gaseousNitric acid, actioti of, on brncinein presence of metallic nitrates(RENNIE and DAWKIKS), T., 1487 ;Nitratea, detection and estimstion of,colorilt~etrically (LETTS and REA),T., 1157 ; P., 72.Nitrous acid, action of, on ainiiiesNitrites, detection and estimation of,coloriinetrically (LETTS and PLEA),T., 1157 ; P., 72.Nitrogen atom, asymmetric tervnleiit,compounds of (MOORE), P., 182.asymmetric quinqnevalent,attemptsto prepare t lerivatives con taiiiing(MELDOLA arid HOLLELY), T.,1469; P., 159.doubly-linked, configuration of(MILLS and BAIN), T., 64.(JONES), T., 2310; P., 230.P., 71.rr., 1270 ; P., 35.0.Obituary notices :-Matthew Algernon Adams, T., 1189.Joseph Carter Bell, T., 1193.William Popplewell Bloxam, T., 1195.Harry Burrows, T., 1200.James Tudor Cundall, T., 1201.Robert Kennedy Duncan, T., 1203.John Gibson, T., 1204.Sir Walter Noel Hartley, T., 1207.John Heron, T., 1216.Julius Lawkowitsch, T., 1217.Hugh Marshall, T., 1219.George blatthey, T., 1222.Ole5ne oxides, velocity of combinationof sodium derivatives of phenols with(BOYD and MARLE), T , 2117 ; P.,199.Optical activity and position-isomerism(GOHEN), T., 1892 ; P., 221.without an asymiiietric carbon atom(KING), P., 249.of compounds of simple molecularcoirstitutiori (Poi>E and READ),T., 811 ; P., 75.influence of acids and alkalis on the,of amino-acids (WOOD), T., 1988 ;P., 220INDEX OF SUBJECTS.2933Optically active compounds, influence ofsolvents on the rotation of ( PATTERSOXand POLLOCK), T., 2322 ; P., 234.Organic compounds, rotatory disllersionof (LOWRY), T., 81; (LOWKY, PICK-ARD, and KENYON), T., 94.blue compounds of, with iodinealiphatic, estimation of‘ carboii in(GHEY), T., 2204 ; P., 231.aromatic, absorption spectra of(PURVIS), T., 1372 ; P., 141.compoiinds of antimony haloids and(VANSTONE), T., 1491 ; P., 140.Overvoltage (NEWBERY), T., 2419 ; P.,235.Oximes, isomerism of (BRADY and DUNN),T., 821, 2409, 2872 ; P., 65, 240, 291 ;(BRADY), T., 2104 ; P ., 198.Oxygen, iiiflamniability of niistures ofmetliane, nitrogwn, and (PAIU~ER),T., 1002; P., 7 5 ; (BURGESS andWHEELER), T., 2596 ; P., 245.(BARGER and STARLING), P., 2, 303.P.Petroleum, fractional distillation of(SANDERS), T., 1697 ; P., 185.Phenol derivatives containing a mobilenitro-group, syntheses with (MetiioLAand HOLLELY), T., 977 ; P , 85.Phenole, alkj lation of, by nieans ofsulphntyl chloride (SMYTH), P., 14.condenhation of krtones with (SEN-GUprA), T., 399.inigretion of p-hitlopen atoms in (GIBBsand KOBEKTSON), T., 1885 ; P., 221.velocity of drcorntiusitioii of acyl de-rivatives 0 1 (JONES and LAPWOIL r ~ ) ,P., 141.velocity of saponification of the scylderivatives of (hlCCoMBIs and SCAR-BOROUGH), T., 1304 ; P., 107.velocity of combixl’dtion r f sodiumderivatives of, with olefine oxides(BOYD and MAILLE), T., 2117 ; P.,199.consleiis:rt.im of ethyl a-chloroaceto-acetate with (DEY), P., 38.Phenoxides, reactions of a1 kyl haloidswith (SHRODER and ACREE), T., 2552 ;P., 228.9-Phenylfluorene. 3-hydroxy-.See Re-sorcinol- be11 win.Phenylglyoxalines, subs ti tutcd, prepma-tion of (STEPHEN and WEIZXAKN),T., 1046 ; P . , 71.Phenylhydrazones. nitrated, absorptionspvctra ot (HEWITT, JOHNSON, andPOPE), T., 354 ; P., 4.Phenylsiliconic acid and its sodiiinl salt(MEADS and KIPPING), T., 685.Phosphorus compounds, absorption spec-tra of (CRYMULE), P., 179.pentac.hloride, action of, on estersof glyceric: acid (FKANKLAND audTURNBULL), T., 456 ; P., 29.oxides, constitution and molecularvolumes of (LE BAS), P ., 87.Phototropy, studies in (SENIER andCLARKE), T., 1917 ; P., 203 ; (SENIERand FORSTER). T., 2462 ; P., 227.Phytic acid. C6Hl0O~,P2.Phytin, C12H,,0,,P,,Ca, Mg.Pinacones, synthesis of (PARHY), P.,Plants, Indian, colourinq matters fromPlatinic chloromercaptides (RAY), P.,Potassium hydrogen carbonate, disaocia-tioil pressure of (CAVEN and SAND),T., 2752 ; P., 268.ioditle, equilibrium in the system :ethyl ether, mercuric iodide andwater (DUNNIRGHAM), T., 36S, 724,2623 ; P., 8, 58, 107.nitrate, solnhility of, and of its mix-tures with strootium, and bariumnitrates ( FINDLAY, Mo KGAN, andMORRIS), T., 779 ; P., 73.pcrsril phate, oxidation of carho-hydrates bj* iileans of (WOOD andWALKEI:), T., 1131 ; P., 115.polysullihides (RULE aud TIIOMAS),T., 2819 ; P., 270.Psychotrine, C,,H,60,N,.2- aild 4-Pyrones, cowpounds of iodinewith (BARGER and STARLING), P.,303.298.(PERKIN and SHULMAN), P., 200304.Q.Quebracho bark, alkaloids of ( E ~ I N s ) , ‘r., 2738 ; P., 258.Quercetin, CI5Hl0( ),.Quercitrin, C,, H,,Oll.is1 Quinoline alkaloids (HOPE and ROB-INSON).T., 2OS35 ; P., 228.relatioii between the ahsorjltion spectraand consritutiou of (DOBBIE andFox), T., 1639 ; P., 184.Quinone-ammonium derivatives (MEL-n0I.A anGI HOLLELY), T., 1469, 2073 ;P., 159, 229.R.Racemic compounds, existcnce of, in theliquid state (SMITH), T., 1703 .P.,22.Refractivity and rotatory power (PEA-COCK), T., 2782 ; P., 2642934 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Resorcinol-benzein, Cl9Hl2O3.Rhawmus catharticws, colo u ring mattersof (OESCH and PEKPIN), 'l'., 2350;P., 236.Ring-formation, effect of, on viscosity(THOLE), T., 2004 ; P., 181.Rotation of optically active compounds,influence of solvents on the (PATTEE-SON and POLLOCK), T., 2322; P., 234.Rotatory dispersion. See Dispersion.power and chemical constitution(PICKARD and KENYON), '1'. , 830,1115; P., 8 3 ; (KEXYON), T.,2226; P., 231 ; (KEPU'YON andPICKARD), T., 2262, 2644, 2677 ;P., 232, 243, 262, 273, 307.and refractivity (PEACOCK), T.,2782 ; P., 264.Rubidium hydrogen carbonate, dihsocia-tion pressure of (CAVEX and SANr)),T., 2752; P., 268.S.Salts containing two solvents of crystal-lisation (MARSH), T., 2368 ; P., 83.neutral, induence of, on the dis-sociation of weak acids and bases(MCBAIN and COLEMAN), T., 1517 ;P., 135.Santalin, C3oH2,Olo.Sarsaparilla root, constituents ofSarsapic acid, C,H406.Sarsasapogenin, C2,H4,0,.Sarsasaponin, C44H,2020.SchiPs bases, addition of negativeradicles to (JAMES and JUDD), T.,1427.Selenium organic compounds, aromatic(PYMAN), P., 302.Semicarbazonee, investigations on ( WIL-T., 2892 ; P., 295.Silicon alloys with aluminium(.ROBERTS), T., 1383 ; P., 143.Silicon compounds, researches on (MAR-TIN), T., 2836, 2860; P., 271, 272.Silicon chlorides, preparation of (MAR-TIN), T., 2836 ; P., 271.Disilicon hemchloride, action of ethylalcohol on (MARTIN), T., 2860 ;P., 272.Silicon organic compounds (ROBISONand KIPPING), T., 40 ; (KIPPING andROBISON), T., 484 ; (MEADS andKIPPING), T., 679 ; P., 6.Siliconic acids, so-called (hlEADs andKIPPING), T., 679 ; P., 6.Silver, equilibrium of, with silversulyhide (BISSETT), T., 1223 ; P., 82.(POWER and SALWAY), T., 201.SON, HEILBRON, and SUTHERLAND),Silver, spitting of (BAKER), P., 56.Silver alloys with tin, ageing of(KNIGKL'), T., 639; P., 28.Silver sullbhide, equilibrium of, withsilver (BISSETT), T., 12'23 ; P., 82.removal of sulphur from (BISSETT),T., 2829 ; P., 269.Soap solutions, constitution of (BUN-BURY and MARTIN), T., 417 ; P., 8 ;(MUBAIN and MARTIN), T., 957 ; P.,68.Sodium alloys with mercury, specificvolumes and conductivities of (VAN-STONE), T., 2617 ; P., 241.Sodium chloride, action of steam on(ENGLISH and T~'RNEB\, P., 162.hypochloi,ite, photokinetics of solu-tions of (SPENCER), T., 2565; P.,240.polysnlphides (RULE and THOMAS),T., 177.alkyl thiosulphates, action of hydro-gen peroxide 011 ( TWISS), T., 36.Soils, destructive distillation of (HOLM-YARD), P., 109.action of acid solvents on the phos-phates of (PKESCOTT), P., 137.Solanguetidine, 02,H4,02N.Solangustine, C33H5307N.Solanum angustifdlium, constituents of(TITTIN and CLEWEB), T., 559 ; P., 7.Solutions, aqueous, magnetic propertiesof (GRAY and BIRSE), T., 2707 ; P.,211.Solvents, influence of, on rotation ofoptically active compounds (PATTER-SON and POLLOCK), T., 2322 ; P., 234.Spectra, absorl)tion, of acids and theirsalts, relation between (WRIGHT),T., 669 ; P., 39.of mercury coinpounds (CRYMBLE),T., 658 ; P., 16.of nitrated phenylhydrazones( HEWITT, JOHNSON, and POPE),T., 364 ; P., 4.of aromatic organic coniponnds(PURVIS), T., 1372 ; P., 141.of substances containing two benz-etie nuclei (PURVIS), T., 590 ; P.,23.Starch, action of hydrochloric acid on(DAIRH), T., 2053, 2065; P., 225,226.granules, action of diastase on (BAKERand HULTON), T., 1529 ; P., 133.Steric hindrance, influence of, OH acyla-tion (MELDOLA and HOLLELY), T.,410 ; P., 25.Stigmasterol, C30H5,O.Strontium uitrate, solubility of, and ofits mixtures with potassium nitrate(FINDLAY, MORGAN, and MORRIS),T., 779 ; P., 73INDEX OF SUBJECTS.2835Succinic add aeries, studies in the(MORKELL), T., 1733, 2698 ; P., 175,257.Sugars, viscosity of solutions of(POWELL), T., 1 ; (GREEN), P.,158.alkylation of (HAWORTH), P., 293.reduction of cupric salts by (CBAMEK),P., 293.Sulphur, action of, on amines (HODGSONand Drx), T., 952 ; P., 82.Sulphuric acid, viscosity of (DUN-actioii of, on copper (CUNDALL andSulphurous acid, absorption spectraof, and its stilts (WRIGHT), T.,2907 ; P., 264.Sulphuryl chloride, alkylation ofphenols by means of (SMYTH), P.,14.Thionyl chloride, action of, on lacticacid and ethyl lactate (FRANKLANDand GAKKER), T., 1101 ; P., 84:with mercuric nitrite (RAY), P., 140.with cupric, mercuric, and platinicoxidation of benzgl compounds ofSulphur, removal of, from silver (BIs-SEW), T., 2829 ; P., 269.Sulphuric and Sulphurous acids.Seeunder Sulphur.Surface tension of mixtures (WORLEY),T., 260, 273.STAN), P., 104.FAIRGKIEVE), T., 60.Sulphur organic compounds :-chlorides (RAY), P., 304.(SMYTHE), T., 546 ; P., 24.T.Tautomerism (PERKIN), T., 1176 ; P.,and colour (MELDOLA and HOLLELY),Terpene6, chemistry of the (HENDERSON,HEILBRON, and HOWIE), T., 1367 ;P., 136; (HENDERSON and SUTHER-LAND), T., 1710 ; P., 203.Thermotropy, studies in (SENIER andCLARKE), T., 191 7; 1’. , 203; (SENIERand FORSTER), T., 2462 ; P., 227.Thionyl chloride.See under Sulphur.Thorium, relation of uranous salts to(FLECK), T., 247Thujin, constitution of (PERKIN), T.,1408 ; P., 150.Tin, atomic weight of (BRISCOE), €’.,290.Tin alloys with silver, ageing of(KNIGHT), T., 639 ; P., 28.Toluenes, substituted, brorniuation aiidchloriijation of (COHEN and SMITH-ELLS), T., 1907 ; P., 224.101 ; (LOWRY), P., 105.T., 977 ; P., 85.Trituration, reactions by (PARKER), T.,Tungsten organic compounds, prepara-U.Uranous salts, relation of, to thoriumchloride, absorption of light by1504 ; l’., 137.tiun of (TURNER), P., 4.(FLECK), T., 247.(MERTON), T., 23.V.Vacua, high, production of, by means offinely divided copper (MEHTON), T.,645; P., 55.Vanadium, atomic weight of (BRISCOEaiid LITTLE), T., 1310; P., 64.Vanillin, C,H,O,.Vaponrs, lateiit heat of (APPLEBEY andCHAPMAN), T., 734 ; P., 27.Velocity of evolution of gases from super-saturated solutions (FINDLAY andKING), T., 1297 ; P., 114.Velocity of ignition of mixtures of airand methane (PARKER and RHEAD),T., 2150 ; P., 220.Velocity of saponification of the acylderivatives of phenols (MCCOMBIEand SCARBOROUGH), T., 1304 ; P., 107.Viscosity, relation between chemicalconstitution and (DUNSTAN, THOLE,and BENSON), T., 782.effect of ring-formation on (THOLE),T., 2004; P., 181.of binary niixtures of liquids contaiuingformainide (MERRY and TURNER),T., 748 ; P., 60.Volumes, molecular, a t the boiling point,W.Water, magnetic properties of, in com-bination and in solutions (GRAY andBIRSE), T., 2707 ; P., 211.estimation of, in alcohol (JOKES andLAPWORTH), T., 1804 ; P., 202.Wax seals, medieval, composition of (DOBBIE and Fox), T., 795 ; P., 67.Weights, molecular, influence of solveiitson (TURNER arid POLLAHD), T.,1751 ; P., 79.of salts of the alkali metals (TURNERand BISYETT), T., 1777 ; P., 110.calculation of (LE BAS), P., 86.. X.Xylenols, bromo- ( CROSSLEY andREKOUF), T., 165.z .Zinc, electro-deposition of (PRING andTAINTON), T., 710 ; P., 27


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