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The economics of lamp choice


作者: D.J.Bolton,  


期刊: Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers  (IET Available online 1926)
卷期: Volume 64, issue 356  

页码: 844-848


年代: 1926




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



Lamps are first compared with other electrical apparatus as regards the possibility and the method of economic choice. Choice of type (carbon, metallic vacuum and gas-filled) is first considered, and then choice of rating for a given type, the latter being treated both graphically and algebraically. Simple formulæ are developed for the most economical rating, first with a fixed lamp and then with a fixed candle-power. These are applied to a number of different cases, and various courses of action are suggested for the manufacturer and the lamp user.


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