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Mass Transfer of Oxygen in Diffused Aeration Systems


作者: Donald S. Mavinic,   Jatinder K. Bewtra,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering  (NRC Available online 1974)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 1  

页码: 71-84




年代: 1974




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Starting from the fundamental concepts of mass transfer of gases into liquid, a comprehensive mathematical equation, relating the mass oxygen-transfer rate to the various parameters in diffused aeration systems, is developed.The important variables involved are the liquid film coefficient, temperature, waste water characteristics, bubble size, diffuser submergence, airflow rate, and the contact time. The contact time between the air bubbles and the oxygen absorbing liquid can be varied by changing the operating conditions of the aeration system in terms of the direction of air and liquid movement. Investigations on four such combinations are presented.The influence of the above-mentioned variables, individually or in combination, on the mass oxygen-transfer rate and overall oxygen transfer coefficient are discussed. The presentation is supported with laboratory data collected from aeration studies over a period of 3 years. With proper understanding of the influence of operating parameters on mass transfer coefficients, it should be possible to modify the design and operation of aeration basins in order to obtain increased oxygen transfer.


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