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The prospects of retinoids in the treatment of prostate cancer


作者: Lisette Hammond,   Geoffrey Brown,   Richard Keedwell,   Jennifer Durham,   Roshantha Chandraratna,  


期刊: Anti-Cancer Drugs  (OVID Available online 2002)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 8  

页码: 781-790




年代: 2002


出版商: OVID


关键词: Apoptosis;differentiation therapy;prostate cancer;retinoids


数据来源: OVID



Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst males and accounts for 13% of cancer deaths in this population in the US. Aggressive, androgen-independent, metastatic prostate cancer is incurable, and the search for new therapies has been directed towards identifying agents that block proliferation and induce differentiation and/or apoptosis of prostate cancer cells. Retinoid receptor agonists, such as all-transretinoic acid, can induce apoptosis of prostate cancer cells, but clinical studies have demonstrated only mild to moderate efficacy. Retinoic acid receptor antagonists are a new class of retinoids, and pre-clinical studies have shown that they potently inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells and induce apoptosis. Here, we review whether retinoids have a role in the fight against prostate cancer.


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