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Ion beam interaction with insulating crystals: Studies on KH2PO4and NH4H2PO4


作者: M.A.R. De Benyacar,   A. Carabelli,   H. Lanza,  


期刊: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids  (Taylor Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 128, issue 4  

页码: 357-362




年代: 1994




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ADP;KDP;ion irradiation damage;H bonding


数据来源: Taylor



Different damage effects are observed in KDP and ADP when irradiated with light and heavy ion beams. Color centres stable up to 240 K are observed in both compounds irradiated with beams of 22 MeV2H+and fluences below 1 × 1016ions/cm2; a tentative mechanism for their generation is given. For fluences between 1 × 1016and 2 × 1016ions/cm2no further damage is observed in KDP; but ADP crystals show a light color stable up to the melting point and for higher fluences they appear white and opaque: X-ray diffraction patterns show no amorphization; a broad band due to electronic excitations, besides the characteristic Raman spectra is observed. No spontaneous cleavage was ever observed.


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