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Heavy transition metal complexes of biologically important molecules. I. The crystal and molecular structure oftrans-dichloro(bis(isopropyl)-sulfoxide-S)(1-methylcytosine-N)platinum(II)


作者: Colin James Lyne Lock,   Robert Anthony Speranzini,   John Powell,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1976)
卷期: Volume 54, issue 1  

页码: 53-58




年代: 1976




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The crystal and molecular structure oftrans-dichloro(bis(isopropyl)sulfoxide-S)(1-methylcytosine-N)platinum(II) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystals are triclinic witha = 16.205(5),b = 8.078(2),c = 6.776(2) Å, α = 106.53(2), β = 96.35(2), γ = 98.54(2)°. The space group isand there are two molecules per unit cell. A total of 2294 independent reflections, of which 2023 were observed, were examined on a Syntexdiffractometer. The structure was refined by full matrix least squares analysis to anR2value of 0.0427. The ligands form a rough square around the platinum atom with Pt—Cl(1), 2.304(3), Pt—Cl(2), 2.287(4), Pt—S, 2.232(2), Pt—N, 2.058(7). Distances within the ligands are normal. The plane of the cytosine ring is at 84.4° to the plane formed by the ligands around platinum.


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