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Absorption and Reflectivity Measurements on Some Rare Earth Iron Garnets and&agr;-Fe2O3


作者: P. C. Bailey,  


期刊: Journal of Applied Physics  (AIP Available online 1960)
卷期: Volume 31, issue 5  

页码: 39-40




年代: 1960




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Measurements of the absorption coefficient of (111) crystal sections of&agr;-Fe2O3were made in the visibleand near infrared. Absorption peaks were observed centered at energies of about12000 cm−1and16000cm1.Reflectivity measurements on the&agr;-Fe2O3crystals were carried out in the30000 cm−1to400 cm−1range. Broad reflectivity peaks are found in the near ultraviolet at24500 cm−1and26000 cm−1, respectively.Very strong reflection peaks resulting from the lattice vibrations are present at energies smaller than700 cm−1.Several quite sharp peaks are found in the absorption spectra of the rare-earth iron garnets of Dy, Ho,Er and Yb in the10000 cm−1–13000 cm−1energy range. The circular dichroism of ytterbium iron garnet isdisplayed by means of absorption curves for the two senses of circularly polarized light.


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