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Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Efficacy of DMP 728, a Novel Platelet GPIIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonist


作者: Shaker Mousa,   Jeffery Bozarth,   Mark Forsythe,   Sharon Jackson,   Andrew Leamy,   Mark Diemer,   Ram Kapil,   Robert Knabb,   Michael Mayo,   Sandra Pierce,   William De Grado,   Martin Thoolen,   Thomas Reilly,  


期刊: Circulation  (OVID Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 89, issue 1  

页码: 3-12




年代: 1994


出版商: OVID


关键词: antiplatelet agents;antithrombotic agents;glycoproteins;thrombosis;DMP 728


数据来源: OVID



BackgroundCurrently used antiplatelet drugs, including aspirin, ticlopidine, and others, are effective against certain but not all of the many endogenous platelet activators. Because of their limited efficacy, a significant number of serious thromboembolic complications still occur, highlighting the need for a more effective therapy. Thus, we have identified a systemically active peptide analogue (DMP 728) of the arginine- glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) recognition sequence that mediates the binding of ligands such as fibrinogen to the platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb/I11a receptors. The goals of the present study were to determine the antiplatelet and antithrombotic efficacies of DMP 728 in various arterial thrombosis models.Methods and ResultsDMP 728 demonstrated antiplatelet efficacy in vitro in inhibiting ADP-induced human platelet aggregation (IC50, 46±2 nmol/L) and fibrinogen binding to human platelets (IC50, 2.3±0.8 nmol/L) or purified human GPIIb/IIIa receptors (IC50, 0.6±0.1 nmol/L). DMP 728 demonstrated high affinity and specificity for human platelet GPIb/IIIa over other adhesion molecules. In anesthetized mongrel dogs, DMP 728 at 0.001 to 1.0 mg/kg IV produced dose-dependent antiplatelet effects in inhibiting ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by ADP and in prolonging template bleeding time. DMP 728 effects on bleeding time prolongation were more rapidly reversible than those on platelet aggregation inhibition. A maximal antiplatelet effect for DMP 728 was demonstrated at 0.01 mg/kg IV bolus. The antithrombotic efficacy of DMP 728 was examined in vitro and in vivo after IV administration at different doses in various models of arterial thrombosis. In the coronary artery Folts model in dogs, DMP 728 demonstrated maximal antithrombotic efficacy at 0.01 mg/kg IV bolus with an ED50of 0.005 mg/kg IV bolus in inhibiting cyclic flow reductions. Additionally, DMP 728 demonstrated 100% prevention of primary thrombosis and rethrombosis (P< .01) after treatment with different thrombolytics, including tissue plasminogen activator and streptokinase, in an electrolytically induced femoral artery thrombosis model in dogs.ConclhsionsAcute intravenous DMP 728 administration (0.001 to 1.0 mg/kg) has dose-dependent antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects in different arterial thrombosis models. These data suggest that DMP 728, a low-molecular-weight GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, may have therapeutic potential as an effective antithrombotic agent in coronary and peripheral artery thromboembolic disorders.


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