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Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund




期刊: Analytical Proceedings  (RSC Available online 1982)
卷期: Volume 19, issue 1  

页码: 50-50




年代: 1982




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



50 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY TRUST FUND Anal. PYOC. Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund SAC Fellowships The Trustees invite proposals for research projects likely to make major contributions to the advancement of analytical chemistry in the UK. Projects with original ideas for research are particularly requested. Proposals will be considered from applicants with a first-class research background in non-academic establish- ments, such as industrial organisations, govern- ment laboratories and Research Associations, as well as from those in academic institutions. Applications must be made by prospective Fellows only. The value of a Fellowship is related to the Lecturer scale for non-clinical academic staff. SAC Studentships The Trustees invite proposals from super- visors for research projects likely to make important contributions to the advancement of analytical chemistry in the UK and which are suitable for well qualified postgraduate students.Projects will be assessed particularly on the originality of the research proposed. Applications may be submitted by research supervisors, who must be members of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society 'of Chemistry of at least 2 years' standing. Proposals for projects to start in the Autumn term of 1982 will be considered early in that year when a tentative award may be made, subject to the Trustees being satisfied by the Summer of 1982 that a student acceptable to them is available. The value of a Studentship is between kl640 and i2770 per annum mini- mum, according to circumstances, plus fees up to UK rates. Application Regulations for the Fellowships and the Studentships can be obtained from the Secre- tary, Analytical Division, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London, W1V OBN. The closing date for applications is January 29th, 1982.


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