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Process dependent electrical characteristics and equivalent circuit model of sol-gel based PZT capacitors


作者: Takashi Mihara,   Hitoshi Watanabe,   Hiroyuki Yoshimori,   C. A.Paz De Araujo,   B. Melnick,   L.D. McMillan,  


期刊: Integrated Ferroelectrics  (Taylor Available online 1992)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 2-4  

页码: 269-291




年代: 1992




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



Studies of electrical properties and an equivalent circuit model is developed for ferroelectric PZT(Ti = 60%) thin film capacitors made by sol-gel spin coating with Pt electrodes. The equivalent circuit consists of two major parts: serial space charge capacitors demonstrating surface effects and parallel elements modeling the inner polycrystalline ferroelectric regions. This model is based on device physics which can demonstrate both the measured capacitance voltage characteristics and hysteresis curves. From the model fit to the data, an estimate of the space charge concentration at the surface and inner grain boundary region of 57times;1020cm−3and 1×1018cm−3respectively is made. Further electrical characterizations such as pulse switching and polarization degradation (fatigue) have also been studied. Using the equivalent circuit, other characteristics such as the switching time can be studied showing its dependence on applied voltage and capacitor area. The applied voltage dependence of fatigue is shown via an empirical equation where the degradation rate is electric field activated.


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