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Atom‐molecule and molecule‐molecule potentials and transport collision integrals for high‐temperature air species


作者: S. J. Cubley,   E. A. Mason,  


期刊: Physics of Fluids(00319171)  (AIP Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 18, issue 9  

页码: 1109-1111




年代: 1975




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Molecular‐beam scattering results are analyzed to obtain a consistent and reliable set of potentials for the atom‐molecule interactions N‐N2, N‐O2, O‐N2, O‐O2, N‐NO, and O‐NO, and the molecule‐molecule interactions N2‐N2, N2‐O2, O2‐O2, N2‐NO, O2‐NO, and NO‐NO. These are used to generate a set of transport collision integrals over the range 300–15 000 °K with an estimated uncertainty of about 5%.


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