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1.3 &mgr;m InGaAsP/InP multiquantum well buried heterostructure lasers grown by chemical‐beam epitaxy


作者: W. T. Tsang,   F. S. Choa,   R. A. Logan,   T. Tanbun‐Ek,   M. C. Wu,   Y. K. Chen,   A. M. Sergent,   K. W. Wecht,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 59, issue 24  

页码: 3084-3086




年代: 1991




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



High performance InGaAsP/InP multiquantum well (MQW) buried heterostructure lasers emitting around 1.3 &mgr;m were prepared for the first time by chemical‐beam epitaxy. At 20 °C, continuous‐wave (cw) threshold currents were 5–8 mA and quantum efficiencies were 0.35–0.45 mW/mA for 250 &mgr;m long lasers having one facet ∼85% reflective coated. At 80 °C, the cw threshold currents remained low, 23 mA, quantum efficiency stayed high, 0.22 mW/mA, and output power of ∼10 mW was achieved. cw power output as high as 125 mW was achieved with 750 &mgr;m long lasers having AR–HR (∼5%–85%) coatings. Lasers with bulk active were also studied for comparison. Though they also have excellent device performance, in general, they are somewhat inferior to MQW lasers.


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