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Reviews. Industrial Chemistry




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1878)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 29  

页码: 309-310




年代: 1878




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. so0 REVIEWS. lNDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY.” OF all the critics with whom we are acquainted, the Editor of the PFYarmacezcticaZ Journal is, as a general rule, the most exacting. I n the criticisms published in that periodical the smallest slips are taken note of, and discoveries made since the work was in type are unhesitatingly pointed out as deficiencies. The mention of matters which in the hands of such a critic are simply beyond criticism,” become, when subsequently treated by a more humble authority, undesirable excresences.All this would lead us to suppose that when the editor of that journal did speak in his private capacity, he would be strictly original, grammatical, and above all, down to the latest date with everything. But we are sorry to admit, after a careful perusal of this work, that we are reluctantly placed in the position of the old Scotch woman mentioned, we think, in Dean Ramsay’s Reminiscences, wh 0, while listening to the periods of a youthful preacher, remarked occasionally ‘‘ that’s Chalmers,” or ‘( that’s Scott,” but when he came to the end and gave the benediction, exclaimed ‘ I that’s yoursel’ noo.” It is irritating to find that after reading pages evidencing the masterly hand of the original author, you suddenly meet with the (‘ that’s yoursel’ ’) of the English editor. A number of subjects have been added t o the original, some without any apparent reason, as they are things supposed to be known t o the most elementary student of chemistry.Anyone using such a book for information on the subject of chemistry as applied to manufactures, would be far beyond the necessity of requiring to be tutored in the mere rudiments of the science, such as are contained in the fourteen opening pages.Can it be possible that these were added to show what the editor really could do in chemical philosophy ? Why a few of the less interesting metals such as Titanium, Riobium, and an old explosive, Pyroxam, should be honoured with copious details, whilst such subjects as Dynamite, Gun Cotton, the Picrates, and the Fulminates are scarcely mentioned, is at first sight somewhat difficult to understand.We need not go far however, t o discover that the German edition has been somewhat blindly followed, and this will account for the work not being up to 80 recent a date as might have been expected. Had the careful wording of that work been followed and actually translated, such a ridiculous expression as that regarding paper making would not have occurred.On page 624 of Dr. Paul’s translation, the fibres specially prepared for paper manufacture are called *Industrial Chemistry. A Manual for uee in Technical Colleges and Schools, and for Manufacturers, &c.Based upon a translation, partly by Dr. T. D. Barry, of Stohmann and Engler’s German edition of Payen’s ‘‘ Precis de Chimie lndustrislle.” Edited throughout and supplemented with chapter8 on the Chemistry of the Metals, $G,, b Y. H. Paul, Ph. D. Illustrated with 608 engravings on wood. London: Longmane, Green B 80. 1858.310 THE ANALYST. “ surrogate,” while the original German of substitute for rags.Englishman the word surrogate is rather too suggestive of an unpleasant form of law. The composition and translation are often rather weak j thus on page 314 the writer has such an affection for the word glass that he repeats it more than forty times in sixty- seven lines. I n other parts of the book we are treated to such unmathematical expres- sions as the diameter of rectangular bodies, and we have such important pieces of information as (( crude borax admits of being purified,” and I ‘ kelp is the ash of land and marine plants.” Nor is the acquaintance with modern commercial processes par- ticularly extensive; the aniline dyes being honoured with scarcely more than a mere mention, and such subjects as anthracene and the other important derivatives of coal tar are dismissed with a few lines.In the preface the author speaks as if the book were addressed not only to manu- facturers, but also to the ( I general introduction of chemistry into Bchools.” I n our opinion the attempt to unite two such subjects is perfectly hopeless) and this may account for the manner in which many of the really useful portions of the work hare been revised, in contradistinction to the part occupied on matters of interest only to the purely scientific student.Nuch has doubtless been published since the last number of the German work in 1874, and it therefore behoves modern manufacturers to acquaint themselves with many processes which have no place in the present work. For instance no mention is made of the modern method of working nickel ores, or of ice-making by Carre’s machinc, or of kamptulicon, &c., and many other English manufacturing processes.The book is clearly printed, but burdened by much unnecessary verbiage respecting history and modes of discovery, which have no interest to manufacturers, and the arrange- ment of the whole would, we think, have been much better if in a dictionary form.We do not stoop to take advantage of the numerous misprints as subjects for criticism, but simply say that many of them are such as t o induce a real misunderstanding of the context. The articles which have passed unscathed from the original are admirable, and we should say will be found of the greatest use to the technical students of such specialities. It is to be hoped that the next edition will be edited with more care, and that much of the chemistry of the rarer substances will be expunged, and the commercial processes brought down closer t o date. If this be done and the revision of the proof sheets be entrusted to a person who will more satisfactorily perform that duty, the book will be more worthy of Ur. Paul’s reputation as an editor. surrogate fur die Xurn9en ’’ simply means To an It is surely a pity that the plain English was not adopted.


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