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An Attractant Isolated from Female Jeffrey Pine Beetles,Dendroctonus jeffreyi


作者: J. A. A. Renwick,   G. B. Pitman,  


期刊: Environmental Entomology  (OUP Available online 1979)
卷期: Volume 8, issue 1  

页码: 40-41




年代: 1979




出版商: Oxford University Press


数据来源: OUP



The aggregation pheromone ofDendroctonus jeffreyiwas investigated by combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of volatiles from hindguts of attacking beetles. The major compounds in females were identified as 1-heptanol and 2-heptanol, which are produced by oxidation of heptane present in the host resin. In field tests, 1-heptanol in combination with heptane was attractive, but racemic 2-heptanol was not. The addition of 2-heptanol to 1-heptanol appeared to reduce the number of beetles responding.The results indicate a probable difference between the chemical communication systems ofD. jeffreyiandD. ponderosae, both of which have apparently adapted to utilize the metabolic products of potentially toxic hydrocarbons in their hosts.


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