Aids to chemistry


作者: C. E. Armand Temple,  


期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1878)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 29  

页码: 310-311




年代: 1878




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



310 THE ANALYST. AIDS TO CHEM1STRY.S By C. E. ARMAND TXNPLE, M.B., &c. THIS is one of the little (‘ aid” series of books at present being issued by Messrs. Baillithe & Co., specially designed for medical students preparing for examination. i t is scarcely possible to review it as it belongs to the class of ‘‘ cram ” books which every journal which would be called respectable is in duty bound to decry.Candidly, ho\-vever, we do not hold with Ruch wonderful assumptions of anti-priggishnesa, and must admit * London: Baillikre, Tindall & Cox,THE ANALYST. 31 1 that given the dictum that there is a use for everything, even L L cram” books are not without their benefits in often helping the lame duck over the stile. If there were no such persons in the medical profession the great ones would not be able to shine with such refulgence. Indeed, the stereotyped denunciations of ‘ I cram ” too often mean that the endowed lecturer is too busy to take any interest in his students, and in consequence men who really try to impart instruction and succeed are dubbed (‘ crammers.” Admitting the poesibility, then, of touching a “ cram ” book now and then without soiling ones moral principles, we must say that for cheapness, good print, and perspicuity, Messrs.Bailliiree’ ‘‘ Aid ’’ series are all that can be desired by a medical student desirous of brushing up his rusty knowledge before examination.


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