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The New ZealandZoophycosrevisited: Morphology, ethology, and paleoecology


作者: A. A. Ekdale,   D. W. Lewis,  


期刊: Ichnos  (Taylor Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 3  

页码: 183-194




年代: 1991




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: fodinichnion;New Zealand;spreite;trace fossil;Zoophycos


数据来源: Taylor



Large, well‐preservedZoophycosspecimens are abundant and widespread in the Amuri Limestone Group (Upper Cretaceous‐lower Oligocene) on the South Island of New Zealand. Although several previous workers have offered detailed descriptions ofZoophycosin the group, their hypotheses concerning its mode of production have flaws. We propose a new ethologic explanation ofZoophycosthat avoids pitfalls of previously published explanations.


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