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Sexual and reproductive issues for women with Hodgkin's disease II. Application of PLISSIT model


作者: Mary Cooley,   Anita Yeomans,   Susan Cobb,  


期刊: Cancer Nursing  (OVID Available online 1986)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 5  

页码: 248-255




年代: 1986


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



The nursing management of women with Hodgkin's disease presents a unique challenge. As a result of successful treatment and potential cure of Hodgkin's disease, issues regarding long-term quality of life are beginning to emerge. Of particular concern to these women are issues regarding sexual and reproductive health. Since nurses are in a key position to address these concerns, we must prepare ourselves to meet this challenge. Knowledge regarding the effects of treatment on sexuality and reproduction as well as a framework to assess concerns and implement interventions are essential.This is the second part of a two-part series which discusses the sexual and reproductive issues of concern for women with Hodgkin's disease. Part I of this article discussed the impact of treatment upon the sexual health, quality of relationships, fertility, and potential parenting for these women. Part II presents the PLISSIT model of sexual counseling as a framework for nurses to begin the assessment process and implement interventions. A case study is included to illustrate the application of the PLISSIT model in identification of sexual and reproductive issues for concern. A data base and nursing care plans are formulated based on this model. Clinical applications for the nurse and suggestions for research are included.


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