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Real-Time Numerical Control Of Multivariable Systems Using The Reference Model, Part 2: Controllers And Simulation Results


作者: BerradaM.,   TarasiewiczS.,   PomerleauA.,  


期刊: International Journal of Modelling and Simulation  (Taylor Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 2  

页码: 79-83




年代: 1995




出版商: Taylor&Francis


关键词: Real Time;Multivariables Systems;Control With Mathematical Model Of The Systems;Reference Model;Regulation Model;Perturbation Model


数据来源: Taylor



AbstractA method of numerical control Cor multivariables systems based on reference model with respect to real time is proposed. Application of the linear sliding horizon structure/permits advance evaluation of precision and computing efficiency.


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