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On the estimation problem in the analysis of the time-dependent poisson process


作者: Shinichiro Yokoyama,   Norihiko Miyawaki,   Heihachi Sakamoto,  


期刊: Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation  (Taylor Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 22, issue 2  

页码: 591-614




年代: 1993




出版商: Marcel Dekker, Inc.


关键词: Cramer-Rao lower bound;hypothesis testing;maximum likelihood estimator;normal approximation;time-dependent;Poisson process;truncated exponential distribution


数据来源: Taylor



The time-dependent Poisson process with the intensity function A (t) = eα+βtwas considered by Cox and Lewis (1966) systematically,where they discussed the statistical test of the hypothesis β= 0. In this paper, the estimation and the hypothesis testing problems of the population parameters are considered. Especially we focus on the exact-hite properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of β.


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