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Ag Ion Migration in &agr; Quartz


作者: E. L. Milne,   P. Gibbs,  


期刊: Journal of Applied Physics  (AIP Available online 1964)
卷期: Volume 35, issue 8  

页码: 2364-2367




年代: 1964




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Ag ion conduction currents in &agr; quartz were measured at temperatures between 300° and 550°C with 2.5 V dc applied between Ag electrodes on the inner and outer surfaces of a natural quartz tube. The activation energyHfor this conduction process depends upon the average electric field intensity according to the equationH=H0‐&bgr;E½, whereH0=38 kcal/mole and &bgr;=0.32 kcal/[mole (V/cm)½]. A theory which appears to explain this field dependence postulates the formation of a lattice‐bound negative space charge near the Ag anode. This space charge is formed by the migration of mobile impurity cations away from the anode, leaving behind a net charge due to the presence of substitutional ions such as Al+3. This negative space charge creates electrical field intensities of the order of 105to 107V/cm at the anode surface. This field lowers the height of the 38‐kcal/mole barrier near the anode. Graphs of the available data for Li+and Na+migration indicate that the rate‐limiting step for these processes might also be the surmounting of a potential barrier near the anode‐quartz interface.


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