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Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis in Patients With BurnsCase Report and Review of the Literature


作者: Lawrence,   Stern Richard,  


期刊: Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation  (OVID Available online 1999)
卷期: Volume 20, issue 4  

页码: 303-306




年代: 1999


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



Mucormycosis is an opportunistic infection most commonly occurring in patients with impaired host defenses or diabetes mellitus. In patients with burns the rhinocerebral form is rare, and mucormycotic infections more commonly involve the cutaneous burn wound. Both forms are associated with a high mortality rate that increases with delays in treatment. The initial management of these types of infections includes vigorous glucose control, correction of acidosis, and the administration of systemic antifungal agents such as amphotericin B. The rhinocerebral form of mucormycosis is extremely virulent and may warrant the use of interstitial and intraventricular antifungal therapy. Despite these measures, the mainstay of treatment for both forms of mucormycosis is the extensive surgical débridement of all infected and necrotic tissue.


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