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Factors influencing the design of a rubber model


作者: G.B.Walker,  


期刊: Proceedings of the IEE - Part II: Power Engineering  (IET Available online 1949)
卷期: Volume 96, issue 50  

页码: 319-324


年代: 1949




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The principal causes of error in the rubber model are discussed and, in some simple cases, evaluated. It is shown that errors due to the configuration of the membrane and ball spin can be reduced without limit by decreasing the scale of deformation of the membrane. Energy loss due to friction is the limiting factor, and a method is described by which this may be measured (as a function of ball speed), results being given for balls of various sizes rolling over a pure rubber surface.In general, a reduction in the area of the membrane and an increase in the ball diameter are advantageous, subject to constructional limitations. For a path length of about one foot and a ball diameter of one inch, errors in ball energy can be maintained below 2%.


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