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Preparation and characteristics of CuGaSe2/CdS solar cells


作者: N. Romeo,   G. Sberveglieri,   L. Tarricone,   C. Paorici,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1977)
卷期: Volume 30, issue 2  

页码: 108-110




年代: 1977




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



p‐CuGaSe2/n‐CdS heterojunctions have been prepared by depositing CdS films onp‐type CuGaSe2single crystals whose initial resistivity was 10−2&OHgr; cm and changed to 1 &OHgr; cm after the CdS film deposition. The CdS films, which were grown by a multisources method, exhibit a room‐temperature resistivity of 0.1 &OHgr; cm. The absolute quantum efficiency of these devices as photovoltaic detectors reaches the value of 80% at a wavelength of 5800 A˚. As solar cells, these heterojunctions at 25 °C display a solar power conversion efficiency of 5% when they are exposed to the solar light whose intensity is 71 mW/cm2. When the heterojunctions are directly polarized, they emit light in a broad band which is centered at ∼7700 A˚. An external electroluminescent emission efficiency of about 0.05% has been measured at liquid‐nitrogen temperature.


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