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The homogeneous conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons in the presence of ethylene in the temperature range 925–1023 K


作者: Alain R. Bossard,   Margaret H. Back,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 69, issue 1  

页码: 37-42




年代: 1991




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Mixtures of ethylene and methane have been pyrolyzed in the temperature range 925–1023 K for the purpose of converting methane to higher hydrocarbons. Addition of methane to thermally-reacting ethylene increases the rate of formation of propylene but decreases the rates of formation of the other major products, ethane, acetylene, and butadiene. Hydrogen abstraction from methane is a major propagation reaction and causes a shift in the radical distribution from ethyl and vinyl radicals, the main radicals in the pyrolysis reactions of ethylene alone, to methyl radicals, which lead to the formation of propylene. At 1023 K with a pressure of ethylene of 6.5 Torr and of methane of 356 Torr, 1.5 mol of methane is converted to higher molecular weight products for every mole of ethylene reacted. The rate of conversion of methane in the homogeneous system is lower than in catalytic reactions but the product is entirely hydrocarbon and no methane is lost to carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide.Keywords: methane, ethylene, kinetics, pyrolysis, fuels.


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