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Regional Population Dynamics and Seasonal Spatial Patterns ofArgyrotaenia citrana(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as Measured by a Pheromone Trap Grid and Larva Sampling


作者: A. L. Knight,   B. A. Croft,  


期刊: Environmental Entomology  (OUP Available online 1987)
卷期: Volume 16, issue 1  

页码: 59-67




年代: 1987




出版商: Oxford University Press


关键词: Argyrotaenia citrana;pheromone trap;population dynamics


数据来源: OUP



Larva sampling and a pheromone trap grid with 103 traps spaced 200 m apart were used to assess overwintering and movement of the tortricid,Argyrotaenia citrana(Fernald), in a region of caneberry,Rubusspp.; filberts,Cordaylus aveliana(Walsingham); open fields; and woods in the northern Willamette Valley, Oreg.A. citranaoverwintered primarily in marionberry fields, within compact masses of dead leaves tied to canes on wire trellises.A. citranadid not overwinter on red raspberries, and survivorship on evergreen blackberries was low. Over 70% of the total catch in early season occurred in five traps located in marionberry fields. In 1984, cool temperatures had a direct effect on catch by reducing both numbers of traps catching moths and total moths trapped. Peak catch in spring occurred 3 wk after peak male emergence. Following peak male emergence, the number of traps catching moths increased dramatically, indicating that males were moving throughout the region. As emergence of summer adults began, however, moths were once again trapped primarily in marionberries. During the remainder of summer, the number of traps catching moths increased weekly. Peak emergence coincided with peak catch in August. Summer larva samples indicated that females dispersed into raspberry and blackberry fields adjacent to overwintering sites in marionberries. In 1985, catch in the spring was lower than in 1984, but was similarly restricted to moths on marionberries.


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