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Negative thermal expansion of fulleriteC60at liquid helium temperatures


作者: A. N. Aleksandrovskii,   V. B. Esel’son,   V. G. Manzhelii,   B. G. Udovidchenko,   A. V. Soldatov,   B. Sundqvist,  


期刊: Low Temperature Physics  (AIP Available online 1997)
卷期: Volume 23, issue 11  

页码: 943-946




年代: 1997




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



The thermal expansion of fulleriteC60has been measured in the temperature range 2–9 K. A compacted fullerite sample with a diameter of about 6 mm and height of 2.4 mm was used. It was found that at temperatures below∼3.4 Kthe linear thermal expansion coefficient becomes negative. At temperatures above 5 K our results are in good agreement with the available literature data. A qualitative explanation of the results is proposed. ©1997 American Institute of Physics.


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