Index of subjects




期刊: Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry  (RSC Available online 1937)
卷期: Volume 34, issue 1  

页码: 517-533




年代: 1937




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OE’ SUBJECTS.ACENAPHTHENE, crystal structure of,Acetaldehyde, oxidation of, to gly-photo-decomposition of, 55, 57,photo-oxidation of, 71.thermal decomposition of, 277.Acetanilide, N-chloro-, rearrange-nitroso-, decomposition of, 284.Acetic acid, and chloro-, dissociationconstants of, 102.and its potassium salt, electrolysisof, in deuterium oxide, 114.lead tetra-salt, as oxidising agent,auto-oxidation with, of, 59, 274.Acetic anhydride, oxidation of, toglyoxylic acid, 241.Acetone, formation of, by fer-mentation, 441.oxidation of, to methylglyoxal, of, 56, 275,276, 283.189.oxal, 239.274, 277.ment df, 54.231.Acetonylacetone, oxidation of, 239.Acetophenone, preparation of, 255.Acetopyruvic acid, formation andmetabolism of, in tissues, 418.Acetoxyl, 285.10- Ace toxyphre oporphyrin a5, 3 8 1.10- Ace toxy-2 -vinylphaeoporphyrin u5,Acetyl, 270.Acetylene, carbon-hydrogen bondin, 204.silver salt, 381.oxidation of, to glyoxal, of, 66.polymerisation of, ,induced byacetone, 281.2 - Acetylc yclohexane, 1 -chloro - , 256.2-Acetyl-l-methylcycZopentane, 256.Acetyl peroxide, photo-decompositionof, 69.N-Acetyl trime thy1 P-me thylglucos -aminide, 294.Achromobacter cystinovorum, form-ation of sulphur from E-cystineby, 435.Acids, a-fatty, crystal structure of,183.methyl esters, preparation of,263.Acids, transition of, to higher homo.weak, dissociation constants of,Acraldehyde, photo -decomposition of,Activity coefficients, 105.Adamine, crystal structure of, 166.Adipic acid, calcium salt, azuleneformed in distillation of, 397.Agranulocytosis from sulphanilamidetreatment, 423.Akerliif’s equation, 100.Albumin, egg, amino-acids from, 315.Alcohols, formation of, by oxidation,logues, 263.101.58, 278.structure of, 319.241.hydrogenolysis in, 225.structure of, 213.Aldehydes, aromatic, synthesis of,auto-oxidation of, 234.catalytic hydrogenation of, 223.photochemistry of, 277.2 -Aldehyde - 1 : 3 : 5 : 8 - tetramethyl-4 -vinylporphin - 6 : 7 - dipropionicacid, iron derivative, 370.Aldobionic acids, 299.Aldotrionic acid, 299.Algze, biochemistry of, 451.constituents of, 453.nutrition and metabolism of, 451.Aliphatic compounds, crystal struc-ture of, 180.Alkali halides, colour centres in, 157.effect of high pressures on, 142.osmotic coefficients of, 99.metals, determination and separ-ation of, in minerals, compounds, 243.pentabromodiplumbates, crystalAlkaloids, 357.Alkyl halides, photo-dissociation of,tautomerism of, 268.Alkylation, 259.Allene, carbon-carbon double bondin, 199.Allylglucoside, alkaline degradationof, 288.Alpinone, 349.zpoAlpinone, 349.258.liquid, structure of, 173.structure of, 168.279.resonance energy in, 218.61518 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Aluminium, detection of.micro- htimonv alkali halides, crvstalchemically, 487.als, 470.hydrogenation with, 228.chloride, preparation of, 262.use of, in syntheses, 251.metuphosphate, crystal structure of,166.isopropoxide, catalytic hydrogen-ation with, 229.determination of, in silicate miner-Aluminium alkoxides, catalyticAlunite, 167.Amides, hydrogenolysis of, 227.Amino-acids from protein hydrolysis,a-Amino-acids, preparation of, 323.Amino - compounds, infra-red spectraof, 91.Ammonia, photo-decomposition of,67.Ammonium salts, quaternary, form-ation and decomposition of, 54.Ammoresinol, 344.Amphibole, 165.trans-a-Amylcinnamaldehyde, auto-Amyrin, 339.dehydrogenation of, 330./3-Amyrin from wheat germ oil, 411.Amyrones, 339.Analysis, electro-drop, 482.inorganic, 480.microchemical, capillary tubes, 483.qualitative, 481.books on, separations in, 483.mineralogical,, chromatographic adsorp -spectrographic, 454.volumetric, standards for, 480.311.mixed, analysis of, 312.oxidation of, 234.microchemical, 465.tion, 220.Anatabine, structure of, 358.dl- and Z-Anatabines, 358.Andalusite, 166.Andrade's equation, 81.Aneurin, 362.structure of, 363.synthesis of, 356, 401.Angelicin, 345.Anisole, Friedel-Crafts reaction with254.Anisotropy, diamagnetic, of aromaticcompounds, 184.Anthocyanins, 349.Anthracene, oxidation of, to anthraring size of, 202.Antimony, detection of, 486,490,491magnetic, of crystals, 186.quinone, 240.- " structure of, 168.ture of, 168.ture of, 168.Bromoantimoniates, crystal struc-Chloroant hnoniat es, crys t a1 st rue -qpatites, crystal structure of, 167.Qrginine, preparation of peptides of,krgon, disintegration of, 10.hromatic compounds, acylation of,325.isotopes, 43.separation of, 8.crystal structure of, 184.hydrogenation of, 225.position of, 69.iodine, 54.251.Arsenic trihydride, photo-decom-trioxide, crystal structure of, 180.Arsenic acid, reaction of, withArsenopyrits, crystal structure of, 161.Arundo donax, donaxine from, 357.Ascorbic acid, determination of, 404.synthetic, treatment of scurvyAsh bark, trihydroxycoumarins from,Aspergillus, acid production by, 445.fermentation of pentoses by, 448.Aspergillus Jischerei, sterol formationby, 449.Aspergillus Jclavus, xylose ferment -ation by, 448.Aspergillua niger, mineral nutrition of,443.Aspergillus oryzm, sugar fermentationby, 448.Aspergillus sydowi, phospholipins ofmycelium of, 449.Aspergillus terreus, metabolic pro-ducts of, 449.Aurofusarin, 450.Auto -oxidation, 2 33.Ayapin, 344.Azacoproporphyrin, 3 73.Aza-tetioporphyrin, 3 73.bicyclorl : 2 : 21Aza-l-heptane, 350.bicyclo[3 : 2 : 2]Aza-l-nonane, 351.Azaporphyrins, 3 72.Azomethane, photo-decompositionof, 73, 278.p-Azotoluene, crystal structure of,189.w-Azotoluene, decomposition of, 46.Azulene, preparation of, 396.Azulenes, 393.oxidation and reduction of, 395.with, 408.344.thermal decomposition of, 278.Bacteria, acetone-butenol, 441.biochemistry of, 432INDEX OF SUBJECTS.519Bacteria, gluconic, 441.lactic, 439.marine, acids formed by, 438.propionic, 438.sulphur, 432.purple, pigments of, 435.purple and red, 432.Bacterium acetobutylicum, acetone-butanol formation by, 442.Bacterium gluconicum, gluconic acidformation by, 441.Bacterium granulobacter pectinouorurn ,acetone-butanol formation by,443.Bacterium xylinum, acid formationby, 441.Barium, detection of, 490.determination of, in rocks, 479.Barium chloride solutions, heat capac-ity of, 97.suboxide, 149.Barysilite, 165.Basalt, analysis of, 466.Bases, dissociation constants of,, introduction of alkalimetals into, 248.Basseol, and its acetate, 340.Bayer 205, determination of, inblood-plasma, 425.trypanocidal action of, 425.Behrens tests, 489.Benzaldehyde, preparation of, fromBenzazaporphyrins, 374.Benzene, bromo-derivat’ives, carbon-benzene, 258.bromine bond in, 211.carbon-carbon bond in, 199.chloro-derivatives, structure of,210.iodo-derivatives, carbon-iodinebond in, 211.planarity of, 212.Benzenes, substituted, structure of,202.Benzenediazonium chloride, dry, de-composition of, 283.Benzoic acid, lead tetra-salt, as oxidis-ing agent, 231.Benzophenone, photo-dissociation of,269.Benzoylbenzoic acid, formation of,from phthalic anhydride, 255.Benzyl, 269.Benzyl alcohol, oxidation of, 239.Benzyl glycuronide, p-nitro-, methylester, 298.Benzylideneazine, decomposition of,46.Benzyl-lithium, 245.2-BenzylpyridineY action of copperon, 350.Bergamottin, 345.Bergapten, 345.isoBergapten, 345.Bergaptol, 345.Bsryllium, detection of,, 480.detection and determination of, indeuteron bombardment of, 14.proton bombardment of, 12.Betanidin chloride from beet, 349.Betulin, 340.dehydrogenation of, 330.alZoBetulin, 341.Biochemistry, animal, 399.plant, 426.Biological material, analysis of, byflame method, 457.Bismuth, detection of, 490, 491.effect of high pressures on, 141.liquid, structure of, 173.Bis - (7 : 8 : 3’ : 4’- tetrahydr0xy)flav-pinacol, 350.Black-tongue, factors preventing,403.Blood, determination in, of vitamin-B,, 401.Bond angles, 21 1.Bond lengths, 196.Bond radii, 213.Bonds, double, detection of, 328.Borax. See Sodium borate.Boric acids.See under Boron.Borine carbonyl, 151.Bornyl d-glycuronide, structure of,Boron, determination of, in rocks,Boron trifluoride in alkylation, 261.297.479.proton bombardment of, 12.hydrides, 150.oxides, 134.Boric acid, detection of, micro-dissociation constant of, 103.Boric acids, lower, 132.from, 349.chemically, 488.BougainvilZma glabra, anthocyaninBraggite, crystal structure of, 162.Brain, oxidation in, relation to vitamin-B,, 402.Bread, brown versus white, 414.nutritive value of, 413.Bromelin, protein hydrolysis by, 326.Bromine, crystal structure of, 178.neutron bombardment of, 19.Bromine oxides, 138.Bromides, detection of, micro-chemically, 488.3romoantimoniates. See underAntimony.Brucine, degradation of, 365.Brushite, crystal structure of, 167.Butaldehyde, photo-decompositionof, 55, 277520 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Butane, 1 : 4-diiodo-, oxidation of,tert.-Butyl, 269.Butyl alcohol, formation of, byte.rt.-Butyl chloride, photo-chlorin-4-tert.-Butyl-2-furoic acid, 5-bromo-,Butyric acid, dissociation constant231.fermentation, 441.ation of, 66.ethyl ester, 260.of, 103.halides, decomposition of, 46.Cadmium, detection of, micro-chemically, 485.minerals, 473.409.deuteron bombardment of, 15.Casium, determination of, in silicateCalciferol, specification values for,Calcite, crystal structure of, 163.effect of high pressures and stressCalcium, deuteron bombardment of,Camazulene, 394.Camomile oil, azulenes from, 393.Camphor, oxidation of, 239.Carbobenzyloxy-group, introductionof, in syntheses, 323.Carbohydrates, 286.complexes of, with proteins, 295.containing nitrogen, 289.oxidation of, in animal tissues, 416.on, 144.15.disintegration of, 10.Carbohydrazidomethylp yridiniumchloride, 262.Carbohydrazidomethyltrimethyl-ammonium chloride, 262.Carbon, amorphous, structure of, 173.determination of, in minerals androcks, 474.deuteron bombardment of, 14.isotopes, 43.isotopic mass of, 7.Carbon tetraiodide, crystal structureof, 180.suhoxide, bond lengths in, of, 74.monoxide, oxidation of, in presencereactions with, 258.oxides, 149.Carbonic acid, dissociation con-stants of, 103.Carbon-carbon bond, 196.Carbonyl chloride, photochemicalformation of, 72.compounds, catalytic hydrogen-ation of, with aluminium alk-oxides,, reagents for, 262.of nitric oxide, 47.Carica papaya, carpaine from, 357.Carnosine, 6-aminopropionio acida-Carotene, crystal structure of,Carotenoids from purple bacteria,Carpaine, structure of, 357.Cartilage, chondroitinsulphuric acidCatalysts for auto-oxidation, 233.Catalytic hydrogenation, 22 1.Cathepsin, protein hydrolysis by,Cedrene, oxidation of, 236.Cells, concentration, thermal datafrom measurements on, 93.electrochemical, with transport,, formation of proteins in, 325.papain from, 326.synthesis of, 324.from, 311.184.435.from, 296.for hydrogenation, 221.326.Cellobiose, lactic acid from, 288.Cellulose, structure of, 189.P-Centres, 158.Cerebrospinal fluid, trypanocidalpower of, in arsenical treatment,426.Cerium, ceric, detection of, micro-chemically, 487.magnetic properties of, 126.separation of, 130.Cerium nitride and phosphide, crystalstructure of, 159.Cerie salts, photo-reduction of, 73.sulphate, standardisation of solu-tions of, 481.Chalcocite, effect of high pressures andstress on, 144.Chemotherapy , 42 0.Chlorella ellipsoidea, respiration in,452.Chlorella lutes&ridis and vulgaris,growth and metabolism of 451.Chlorins, 376.Chlorin e, 377.Chlorin f, 380.Chlorin p s , 382.$-Chlorin ps, 382.Chlorine, disintegration of, 10.gen, 62.Chlorine oxides, 136.67.137.mony.66.absorption spectra of, of, with hydro-dioxide, photo-decomposition of,Dichlorine he@- and hex-oxides,Chloroantimoniates. See under Anti-Chloroform, photo-bromination ofINDEX 01Chlorophyll, 37 5.388.derivatives, absorption spectra of,leuco-compounds of, 384.oxidation of, 378.Chlorophyll-a, 375.Chlorophyll - b, 3 8 6.derivatives, oxidation and reduc-tion of, 387.isoChloroporphyrin e4, and its de-rivatives, 377.Cholestenone, separation of, 262.Cholesterol, antirachitic activation of,and its derivatives, 409.catalytic hydrogenation of, 230.Chondrosamine from chondroitin-sulphuric acid, 295.Chromanochromanones, 346.Chromium, determination of, in rocks,477.Chromic salts, anodic oxidation of,112.Cinchona alkaloids, 364./I-isoCinchonine, 364.Citric acid, formation of, by Asper-oxidation and synthesis of, inCitromyces, fat format ion by speciesCladophora Wrightiana, photosyn-Clausius-Mosotti formula, 85.Clostridiurn acetobutylicum, ferment-Clostridiurn butyricus, acetone form-Co-carboxvlase. relation of, t o aneu-gillus, 445.tissues, 418.of, 449.thesis in, 452.ation by, 442.ation by, 442.lactic acid formation by, 440.rin, 4th.Cocoa-bush.ervthrodiol from fruit of, - I 338.Codium laturn, photosynthesis in, 452.Colour centres, 157, 158.Combustion, gaseous, 48.Compounds, co-ordination, crystalstructure of, 167.Cooperite, crystal structure of, 162.Copper, detection in, of impurities,458.microchemically, 484.detection of, 490.determination of, in rocks, 479.neutron bombardment of, 17.“ Copper chromite,” catalytic, 224.Copper salts, effect of, on tobaccoCosmic rays.See under Rays.Coumarins, natural, 343.Cows, diet of, 413./3 -Crist obalite, cry st a1 structure of,101.Crotonaldehyde, photolysis of, 278..mosaic virus, 430.SUBJECTS. 521Cryolite, analysis of, 476.Crystals, chemistry of, 159.effect of high pressures and stressmolecular, 176.polar, electrolytic conductivity in,on, 144.154,lattice defects in, 154.Cubanite, crystal structure of, 162.Cucumber mosaic virus, 431.Culmorin, 450.Cyanogen :-Hydrocyanic acid, carbon-hydro-Cyanosis from treatment with sul-Cybotaxis, 172.Cyclotron, 11.Cysteine derivatives, removal of carb-oxybenzyloxy-groups from, 323.gen bond in, 204.reactions with, 258.phanilamide, 423.Daphne g e n h a , genkwanin from, 349.Deafness, vitamin-A deficiency in re-lation to, 400.7-Dehydrocholesterol as provitaminin skin, 409.Dehydrorubrene, 3 9 1.3-Demethylphylloerythrin, 388.3 - Demethylpyrrophsophorbide a,Denaturation, 303.Descloisite, 106.Deuterates, 37.Deuterium, deuteron bombardmentof, of, with hydrogen, reactions of, 40.mercury-sensitised, of, 35.separation of, 32.Deuterium compounds, physical pro-hydroxido, exchange of, with ethyloxide, ionic activityproduct of, 104.Deuterons, nuclear disintegration by,Diabetes, treatment of, with mccinicPS-Diaza-aetioporpliyrin-11, 373.Diazacoproporphyrin, 373.Diazomethane, thermal decom-position of, 271.Dibenzyl, crystal structure of, 187.Dibenzyl ketone, decomposition of,269.Diborane, 152.388.perties of, 39, 41.alcohol, of, 36.solubility of salts in, 38.14.acid, 417.oxidation of, to bend, 240.structure of, 203522 INDEX OF XJBJECTS.Di- tert.-but yl ketone, pho tolysis of,Dielectric constant, dispersion of, 87.Dielectric constants of polar liquids,Diet, 412.Diethyl ketone, photolysis of, 267,276.Diethylmonobromogold, dimeric,crystal structure of, 168.Dihydrobetulin, 341.Diketopiperazines in hydrolysis pro-ducts of proteins, 309.Dimethylbutadiene, action of lithiumalkyls on,, dimeris-ation of, 53.Dimethyldihydroresorcinol, seleniumcompound with, 242.2 : 5-D$nethylpyrimidine, 5 : 6-di-amino-, from aneurin, 355.Dioxan, thermal decomposition of,282.Diphenyl, structure of, 203.o-Diphenylbenzene, crystal structureof, 188.p-Diphenylbenzene, structure of, 203.Diphenyldichloronaphthalene, struc-ture of, 392.4 : 4’-Diphenyldiphenyl, structure of,203.Diphenylmethane, oxidation of, t obenzophenone, 240.Diphenyl disulphide, 4 : 4’-dinitro-,therapeutic action of, 421.Diphenylsulphone, 4 : 4’-diamino-,and its diacetyl derivative, and4 : 4’-dinitro-, therapeutic actionof, 421.Diisopropyl ether, explosive proper-ties of, 237.Di-m-propyl ketone, irradiation of, of, 55, 57,276.Diisopropyl ketone, photo-decom-position of, 57.Dipyrroles, 350.Disaccharides, action of alkalis on,286.Diseptals, 422.Dispersion effect, 76.Dissociation constants, relation to temperature, 104.Distillation, molecular, 221.p-Dithiocarboxymethoxyphenol, 254.Dithioformic acid, chloro-, methylDolomite, analysis of, 465.Domesticine, structure of, 360.Donaxine, structure of, 357.Drop reactions, 484.Drugs, identification of, 483.269.84.ester, 254.Duboisia, alkaloids from species of,358.Durene, carbon-carbon bond in, 202.Dypnone, 255.Dysprosium, magnetic properties of,127.valency of, 123.Earths, rare, anomalous valency in,atomic volumes of, 124.determination of, in silicaterocks, 479.isolation of, 145.magnetic properties of, 126.polyselenides of, 124.separation of, and preparationof pure compounds, 128.table of iso-electronic arrange-ment of ions of, 123.Ectothiorhodospira mobile, effect ofsulphur on growth of, 434.Electric arc in spectrographic ana-lysis, 457.spark in spectrographic analysis,458.122.Electrochemistry, 92.Electrolytes, mixed, 99.theory of concentrated solutions of,97.Electrolytic conductivity in polarcrystals, 154.Elemazulene, 394.Elements, and their compounds,polymorphism of, a t high pres-sures, 140.isotopic constitution of, 7.Elemi resin, amyrin from, 339.Elemol, azulene from, 394.Enamels, determination in, of fluor-Enzyme, yellow, protein bearer in,Epidote, determipation in, of water,Equations of state, 78.Erbium, magnetic properties of, 127.Erdin, 450.Erythrodiol, 338.Esters, hydrogenolysis of, 225.Ethane, nitro-, photo-decompositionof, 282.Ethers, auto-oxidation of, 237.Ethyl, 267.Ethyl alcohol, exchange of, withdeuterium hydroxide, 51.infra-red spectrum of, 91.oxidation of, t o glyoxal, 240.nitrite, decomposition of, 46.Ethylene, benzoylation of, 256.carbon-carbon double bond in, 199.ine, 476.315.474.hydrogenolysis of, 225INDEX OF SUBJECTS.523Ethylene, carbon-hydrogen bond in,chloro-derivatives, bond angles in,tetrachloro -? photo -bromination ofdiiodide, photo-decomposition of ,oxidation of, t o glyoxal, -chlorination of , 6 6.polymerisation of, induced byacetone, 281.Euglena, constituents of, 453.Euglenarhodone, 453.Eupatorium ayapana, ayapin from,Europium, absorption spectrum of,magnetic properties of, 127,purification and separation of, 129.Excelsin, effect of X-rays on crystals204.212.structure of,, 311.“ Fehlordnungserscheinungen,” 157.Ferric oxide and salts.See underFerrocyanides, crystal structure of,Fibroin, silk, 303.Flames in spectrographic analysis,457.Flavones, 349.Flavonols, 349.Flavoprotein, amino-acids from, 316.analysis of, 312.Flavpinacols, 349.Flax-seed mucilage, aldobionic acidfrom, 299.Fluorenes, 9 -chloroamino -, Stieglitzrearrangement of, 35 1.Fluorine, determination of, inminerals and rocks, 476.proton bombardment of, 12.Fluorine oxides, 136.Formaldehyde, photolysis of, of, 71.Formic acid, dissociation constant of,photo-chlorination of, 66.photolysis of, 274.Iron.168.103.Formyl, 274.Fraxetin, 344.n- and iso-Fraxidins, 344.Fraxinol, 344.FriedelLCrafts synthesis, 25 1.Fries rearrangement, 254.Fruits, acid-producing bacteria of,441.Fucoidin, 453.Fumaric acid, effect of, on respirationin tissues, 419.Furan derivatives, alkylation of, 261.Pusariurn culmorum, pigments from,450.Gadolinium, absorption spectrum of,Galactose, action of alkalis on, 286.Galacturonic acid and its derivatives,Gallium, detection of, 491.preparation and properties of, 147.Gallium halides, photo-dissociation of,nitride, crystal structure of, 159.Garnets, analysis of, 466.Gas reactions, 46.Gases, combustion of, 48.Gattermann-Koch reaction , 2 5 8.Gehlenite, crystal structure of, 164.Gelatin, amino-acid content of, 315.Genkwanin, 349.Gentiobiose, lactic acid from, 288.Geodin, 449.Germanin.Xee Bayer 205.Germanium, detection of, micro-Glass, determination in, of fluorine,quartz, effact of high pressures andstructure of, 174.Gluconic acid, formation of, by bac-teria, 441.Gluconoacetobacter cerinus var. am-moniaczcs, acid production by,441.132.magnetic properties of, 127.298.74.analysis of, 312.chemically, 485.476.stress on, 144.Glucoproteins, 295.Glucosamic acid, reduction of, 292.Glucosamine, deamination of, 290.determination of, 292.from heparin, 295.isolation of, 292.reduction of, 292.mutarotation of, 50.Glucose, action of alkalis on, 286.Glucosidodihydroxyacetone, alkaline2-Glucosidoerythrose, 289.Glutaminylcysteine, preparation of,Glutathione, synthesis of, 323.Glycerides, crystal structure of, 183.Glycine, crystal structure of, 180.Glycollic acid, dissociation constantGlycollic acid, O-amino-, 263.Glycols, oxidation of, 231.Glycuronic acid, 296.bacterial formation of, 441.degradation of, 288.324.determination of, 314.of, 103524 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Glycyl-d-glucosamic acid, action ofdipeptidase on, 290.Glycyl-d-epiglucosamic acid, action ofdipeptidase on, 290.Glycyrrhetic acid, 339.dehydrogenation of, 330.Glycyrrhizin, hydrolysis of, 300.Gold, detection of, 487, 490.neutron bombardment of, 16.Graham's salt, 116.Gramine, identity of, with donaxino,357.Graphite, effect of high pressures andstress on, 144.Grignard reagents, 246.Growth substances for bacteria, 439,440.8- Guaiacazulene, 3 94.Se-Guaiacazulene, 394.Guanidines, trypanocidal action of,Z-Guluronic acid, 441.Gum benzoin, sumaresinolic acidGypsogenin, 338.399, 424.from, 339.dehydrogenation of, 330.Hsemin, Spirographis, structure of,Hamocyanin, mol.wt. of, 306.Hzemoglobin, cattle, amino -acidsfrom, and its structure, 318.Hemoglobins, constituents of, 314.Hulicystis, cell-wall constituents of,453.Halides, electrolysis of, in solution,111.Halogens, light absorption by, 59.oxides of, 136.photochemical reactions with, 62.Hamlinite, 167.Hardystonite, crystal structure of,164.Heat of hydrogenation of unsatur-ated hydrocarbons, 214, 216.Hederagenin, dehydrogenation of,330.370.'oxidation of, 331.structure of, 335.Helium, liquid, structure of I and I1forms of, 176.solid, stability of, 78.Helix pomutia, hzemocyanin from, 306.Helminthosporium species, metabolicproducts of, 450.Hemimorphite, 165, 166.Hens, vitamin-A in, and in eggs,400.Heparin, 294.anti-coagulating action of, 295.n-Heptane, reaction of, with alumin.ium chloride, 261.Ieterocyclic compounds, 342.leteropoly-acids, crystal structureof, 169.lexamminocobaltic chloride as re-agent in qualitative analysis, 491.a-Hexane, reaction of, with alumin-ium chloride, 261.ycZoHexane, photo-decomposition of,55.ycZoHexanone, oxidation of, 239.:ycZoHexene, acetylation of, 256.oxidation of, in presence of os-y-dl-cycloHexenylbutyry1 chloride,Hsxonic acids, classification of, 290.Higginsite, 166.Uigika fwiformia,constituents of, 453.Histidine, preparation of peptides of,Kofer-Moest reaction, 113.Huckel equation, 95.Hydrazobenzene, crystal structure of,Kydrides, photochemical reactionsHydrindene, resonance energy in, 219.Hydrocarbons, addition of organo-acylation of, 255.hydrogenation of, 225.mium, 235.cyclisation of, 257.325.189.of, 67.alkali compounds to, lengths in, 196.combustion of, 49.cyclic saturated, auto-oxidation of,free-radical theory of dissociationhalogen derivatives, structure of,introduction of alkali metals into,unsatura t ed , heat of hydrogenation237.of, 280.206.248.of, 214.resonance energy of, associated liquids, of, with deuterium, reactidns of, mercury-sensitised, 70.ions, equilibria involving, 51.isotopes, exchange reactions of, 39.separation and analysis of, 34.overvoltage, of, with chlor-ine, 62.Hydrogen cyanide.See Hydrocyanioacid under Cyanogen.peroxide, formation of, in anodicoxidation, 112.sulphide, solid, crystal structure of,179.Hydrogen bonds, 177, 213.Hydrogen-t ransport ases, 4 1 6.Hydrogenation, 221INDEX OF SUBJECTS.525Hydrogenolysis, 225.Hydroxy -compounds, hydrogen bondsin, 213.infra-red spectra of, 91.Hydroxyl, 272.bonds, 177.Hypophosphites. See under Phos-in associated liquids, 89.phorus.Ice, jl-form, crystal structure of, 178.n- and iso-Imperatorins, 345.Indium, deuteron bombardment of,Indole alkaloids, 357.~-3-IndolylethylamineY formation of,Induction effect, 76.Inorganic analysis, 480.Insulin, electrometric titration of,Integral theorem, Fourier’s, 171.Intermolecular forces , 7 5.Iodine vapour, extinction coefficientof, 59.Iodine oxides, 139.Iodides, detection of, microchemic-ally, 488.Periodic acid as oxidising agent,230.Periodates, crystal structure of,163.Iodof orm, photo-decomposition of ,66.Ions, complex, crystal structure of,167.Iridecea, flavin in species of, 453.Iridium, detection of, 490.neutron bombardment of, 16.Iron, detection of, microchemically,15.from strychnine, foods and in the body, nutrition of moulds, 444.Ferric oxide, determination of, inrocks and minerals, 471, 472.Ferrihexafluorides, crystal struc-salts, photo-reduction of, 73.ture of, 168.ium, 249.IsQmerism, nuclear, 2 1.Isoprene, polymerisation of, by sod-Isotopes, 7.non-radioactive, 32.Kadsura japonica, aldobionic acidKamala, Indian, rottlerin from, 348.Keratin, 303.p-Keratin of wool, 320.Ketones, aromatic, formation of, 255.catalytic hydrogenation of, 223.from, 299.Ketones, from higher paraffins, 257.Kinetics, chemical, 43.Kirchhoff equation, 95.Knorre’s salt, 116.Kojic acid, bacterial production of,formation of, from xylose ferment-ajl-unsaturated, auto-oxidation of,237.441.ation, 448.Kolbe reaction, 113.Kolbeckite, analysis of, 465.’Krypton, isotopes, 8.‘‘ Kurrol ” salts, 117.Lactarazulene, 394.Lactarius deliciosus, azulene from,Lactic acid, dissociation constant of,formation of, by bacteria, 439.Lactobacillus, lactic acid formation byspecies of, 440.Lactobacillus caucasica, growth factorfor, 441.Lactobacillw delbriickii, growth fac-tors for, 440.Lactoflavin, 403.Lactose, lactic acid from, 288.Laminaria digitata, fucoidin from,453.Lanthanum, magnetic properties of,126.Lanthanum nitride and phosphide,crystal structure of, 159.Lead, detection of, 490.determination of, in blood, rocks, 479.liquid, structure of, 173.Lead halides, photo-dissociation of,oxide, new, 150.oxides, action of light on, 74.tetra -e th y 1 , thermal decompositiontitanate, crystal structure of, 161.Lemna, dutrition and metabolism of,dl-Leucine, enzymic resolution of, 326.Libethenite, 166.Light, ultra-violet, sources of, 75.Liquids, associated, hydrogen andhydroxyl bonds in, 89.partition functions of, 78.polar, dielectric properties of, 84.scattering of X-rays by, 170.structure of, 169.surface tension of, 84.viscosity of, 81.384.103.74.of, 263.451.Liquorice, saponin from, 339.Lithium, determination of, in rocks,473526 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Lithium, deuteron bombardment of,14.isotopes, 43.separation of, 8.nuclear spin of, 8.proton bombardment of, 11.Lithium alkyls and aryls, 244.chloride, liquid, structure of, 173.Liver, human, vitamin-A content of,ox, extraction of heparin from, 294.pig’s, cathepsin from, 326.Logarithmic sector, 460.Lupaiiine, structure of, 358.Lupeol, dehydrogenation of, 337.Lupin alkaloids, 358.dl-n- and -480-Lupinines, synthesis of,Lutecium, magnetic properties of,Lycoramine, 363.Lycorine, structure of, 362.Lycoris, alkaloids from, 362.Lysine, preparation of peptides of,400.359.127.324.Macleod’s equation, 84.Maddrell’s salt, 116.Magnesium, detection of, micro-chemically, 488.determination of, in silicateminerals, nutrition of moulds, 443.hydrogenation with, 230.ture of, 168.structure of, 168.166.elements, 126.439.oxide on, 287.degradation 01, 289.Magnesium alkoxides, catalyticchlorite hexahydrate, crystal struc-nitrate, urea compound, crystalpyrophosphate, crystal structure of,Magnetic susceptibility of rare-earthMaize, bacterial growth factor in,Maltose, action of potassium hydr-Mandelic acid, photo-oxidation of, 72.Mandelic acid, ethyl ester, oxidationManganese, detection of, micro-determination of, in minerals andManganese dioxide, and its salts, inMarcasite, crystal structure of, 161.Melibiose, lactic acid from, 288.Melilite, crystal structure of, 166.Melting, 83.Menschutkin reaction, 45.of, 239.chemically,, 472,, 234.dl-p-Menthene, oxidation of, 240.d3-p-Menthene, oxidation of, 240.Mercury, effect of high pressures on,vapour, photo-oxidation of, 72.Mercury salts, effect of, on tobaccomosaic virus, 430.Mesityl oxide, synthesis of, fromisobutylene, 256.Mesochlorin p6, 382.Meso-#-chlorin p6, 382.MesophEophorbide a, 382.Metabolism, carbohydrate inter -Metals, detection of corrosion of, bydissolution of, in acids, 52.of the ammonium sulphide group,analysis of, 484.of the chromium group, analysis of,484.Metallic chlorides, anhydrous, assubstitutes for aluminium chlor-ide in syntheses, 253.Metaphosphates.See under Phos-phorus.Methane, carbon-hydrogen bond in,204.141.mediary, in embryos, 420.sea-water, 483.combustion of, of, 67.thermal decomposition of, 271.Me thane, fluoro -derivat ives, s true -ture and properties of, 207.halogeno-derivatives, bond anglesstructure of, 205, 206.nitro-, photo-decomposition of, 282.streaming through quartz tube,products from, 275.nitrate, structure of,, 212.Methyl, 267.Methyl ether, decomposition of, 47.Met hylace t y lene , carb on-carb on bondZ-N-Methylanabesine, 358.Z-N-Methylanatabine, 358.O-Methylbebeerhe, structure of, 360.Methyl rt-butyl ketone, photo-Methylene, 270.Methyleneformamidine, chloro-, 259.1-Methyl-dl-cyclohexene, oxidationMethylcyclohexenes, auto-oxidation1 -Methyl-d -cycZopentene, oxidationMethylphzophorbide a, synthesis of,Mica, analysis of, 474.Microphotometer,, 197.decomposition of, 56, 57.esters, decomposition of, 46.iodide, photo-oxidation of, 71.of, 241.of, 236.of, 241.386INDEX OF SUBJECTS.521Milk, cow’s, vitamin-D content of,supply and value of, 413.Minerals, analysis of, 464.atomic structure of, 159.classification of, 164.detection of elements in, 490.radioactive, analysis of, micro-silicate, sampling of, 468.410.chemically, 466.Mirrors, tellurium, standard, 266.Molecular weights of proteins, 304.Moloxides, 233.Molybdenum, detection of, micro-determination of, in rocks, 477.Moulds, biochemistry of, 443.fat and sterol formation by, 449.metabolism of, 449.Monazite sand, determination in, ofMonosaccharides, action of alkalis on,Mucin, gastric, of pigs, polysac-Mucoproteins, 295.Mud, marine, bacteria in, 436.Muscle, contraction of, 420.Muscovite, 165.Mussel shells, porphyrin in, 371.chemically, 486.thoria, 479.286.charides from, 296.of Black Sea, bacteria in, 438.Naphthacene, purification and prop-Naphthalene, carbon-carbon bondsNaphthalocyanines, 3 72.Narcotics, effect of, on brain oxid-Neodymium, isotopes of, €4-Neon, disintegration of, 10.Neutrons, action of, with protons,magnetic moment of, 23.nuclear disintegration by, 16.determination of, in rocks, 477.Raney, as catalyst, 222.Nickel carbonyl, detection of, micro-phthalocyanine, crystal structureNicotinic acid, relation of, t o vitamin-Nicotyrine, 358.Nitriles, reaction of, with organo-Nitroamide, decomposition of, 50.Nitrogen, fixation of, by algae, 452.erties of,, 201.ation, 420.magnetic properties of, 126.22.Nickel, detection of, 490.chemically, 483.of, 187.B, complex, 403.alkali compounds, 248.isotopes, 43.ring compounds, 350.Nitrogen monoxide, photo-decom-position of, 74.Nitrates, detection of, microchemic-ally, 488.Nitrites, detection of, microchemic-triple, crystal structure of,, 488.Nitrosyl chloride, formation of, 47.Nornicotines, 358.Norrubrofusarin, 450.Nostoc muscorum, nitrogen fixationby, 452.Nuclei, disintegration of, by deu-terons, neutrons, a-particles, protons, 11.isomerism of, 21.moments and spins of, of, 20.theory of, 9.Nutrition, 412.Oat husks, aldotrionic acid fromhemicellulose of, 299.Octalin, ozonolysis of, 396.cis-[0 : 3 : 3]-bicycZoOctane, reaction of,with aluminium chloride, 261.Octaphenyltetra-azaporphin, 374.Oils, essential, azulenes from, 393.Oleanolic acid, dehydrogenation of,330.oxidation of, 331.structure of, 335.Olefins, acylation of, 251, of, 233, 237.catalytic hydrogenation of, 223,oxidation of, 235.Oleic acid, butyl ester, catalyticOligosaccharides, alkaline degrad-Olivenite, 166.Olivine, 165.Oreoselone, 344.Organic compounds, structure andOrthoclase, 165.Orysterols, 411.Osmium, detection of, 490.isotopes, 8.Osteomyelitis, vitamin-C in, 407.Osthenol, 344.Osthol, 344.Ostruthin, 344.Ostruthol, 345.Overfeeding, effect of, on proteinOvsrvoltage, 107.Dvomucoid, 295.224.hydrogenation of, 227.ation of, 288.stereochemistry of, 196.microchernically, 485.metabolism, 415528 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Oxalic acid, formation of, by Asper-dihydrate, structure of, 198, 202,214.Oxa,lic acid, chromium potassiumsalt, as reagent for glycine, 314.Oxaloacetic acid in tissue oxidation,417.Oxal yl chloride, photo - dec omp osi tionof, 67.Oxidation, 230.anodic, 110.Oxides, preparation of, 242.Oxorhodoporphyrin, synthesis of, 379.Oxygen isotopes, 42.Oxypeucedanin, 345.Ozone, action of, on bromine, 139.gillzls, 445.photosynthesis of, 75.ring compounds, 342.Palitantin, 450.Palladium, detection of, 490.deuteron bombardment of, 15.Palladous sulphide, crystal struc-Palladium-carbon, dehydrogenationPapain, protein hydrolysis by, 326.Paraffis, acylation of, 256.cycZoPara%hs, acylation of, 256.reactions of, with aluminium chlor-Paraldehyde, depolymerisation of, 50.a-Particles, nuclear disintegration by,Partition functions of liquids, 78.Pectic acid, 301.Pectin, 300.Pellagra, vitamin factors preventing,Pelvestrol, 453.Penicillic acid, 450.Penicillium palitans, metabolic pro-Penicil lium terrestre, terres tric acidday-Pentadiene, dimerisation of, 53.cycloPentadiene, dimerisation of, 53.Pentaerythritol, crystal structure of,Pentane, liquid, photo-chlorinationcycZoPentane ring, strain in, 219.cyclopentene, oxidation of, 241.Pentoses, fermentation of, by Asper-Pepsin, inactivation of, 53.Perbenzoic acid, oxidation with, 242.Percamphoric acid, oxidation with,ture of,, 329.reactions of, with aluminium chlor-ide, 261.ide, 261.10.403.ducts of, 450.from, 450.178, 181.of, 66.g i l l u s , 448.242.Perhydroxyl, 273.Periodates and Periodic acid.Seeunder Iodine.Perphthalic acid, oxidation with, 242.Per-rhenates. See under Rhenium.Peucedanin, 344.PhEophorbide b, catalytic reductionof, 387.Phaeophorbides, ring fission of, 378.PhEoporphyrin a, esterification of,386.Phsoporphyrins, 376.Phsoporphyrinogen a5, colourless,Phaeopurpurin, degradation productsPhaecpurpurin-7, 381.structure of, 385.Phsopurpurin- 18, 382.Pharmacolite, crystal structure of , 167.Phenacite, 165.Phenanthrene, catalytic hydrogon-Phenanthridine derivatives, 351.Phenol, infra-red spectrum of, 91.Phenols, and their ethers, acylationof, 254.Phenols, dihydroxy-, cyclic ethers of,342.Phenyl, solution, 285.Phenylacet ylene, o- hydroxy -, form-ation of, 343.1-Phenylalanyl-d-glucosamic acid,action'of dipeptidase on, 290.Phenylazotriphenylmethane, decom-position of, in solution, 285.1-Phenylbutadiene, polymerisationof, 249.Phenylhydrazine, 2 : 4-dinitro-, asreagent for carbonyl group, 263.Phenylhydrazine-p-carboxylic acid,262.Phenylisopropylpo tassium, 243.Phenylsodium, 245.Phlobatannins, 349.Phorbides, 376.absorption spectra of, 388.Phorbins, 376.Phosphorus, structure of, 174.Phosphorus acids, 148.384.of, 379.ation of, 227.hydrides, of, 69.peToxide, 148.pentoxide, determination of, inrocks, 475.oxides, crystal structure of, 180.Phosphoric acid, dissociation con-Hypophosphites, hexahydrated,Metaphosphates, 115.Polyphosphates, 121.stants of, 103.crystal structure of, 168INDEX OF SWJECTS.529Photochemistry, 54.Photo-oxidation, 70.Phthalocyanine, structure of, 37 1.Phthalocyanines, metallic, 37 1.Phylloerythrin, 376.Phytyl allophanate, 412.Pigments, macrocyclic, 369.white, action of light on, 75.Pineapple, bromelin from, 326.Pinene, auto-oxidation of, 236.oxidation of, 240.Piperitone, oxidation of, 239.Plants, detection in, of heavy metals,photosynthesis of acids in, 75.Plant viruses, 426.serological properties of proteins of,Platinum, detection of, 490.neutron bombardment of, 16.Platinum oxide, catalytic, 221.Polonium, crystal structure of, 159.Polymerisation, alkali metals, 249.Polymorphism a t high pressures,of compounds a t high pressures,Polyphosphates. See wnder Phos-Polyuronides, 297.hydrolysis products of, 299.Porphin, and its derivatives, 370.Porphin - 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 -tetra - acetic -2 : 4 : 6 : 8-tetra-p-propionic acid,371.Porphyrins, 369.conversion of, into chlorins, 386.nomenclature for, 370.Potassium, determination of, in rocks,in nutrition of moulds, 443.magnetic moment of, 8.Potassium metaborate, crystal struc-chloride, liquid, structure of, 173.permangana te , s t andardisa tion ofsolutions of, 481.Pot-curare, alkaloids from, 361.Potential, thermal data for measure-ments of, 92.Praseodymium, magnetic propertiesof, 126.Praseodymium nitride and phos-phide, crystal structure of, 159.Pressure, high, effect of, on elementsand compounds, 140.Proline, determination of, 313.Promotors in catalysis, 223, 224.Prontosil, 420.Prontosil S, 420.Propaldehyde, photo-decompositionof, 57.483.431.140.table of, 143.phorus.473.ture of, 162.Propionibacteriurn I I , effect of sulphurPropionibacteriurn pemtoaceticzcm,Propionic acid, dissociation constantn-Propyl, 268.n-Propyl nitrite, decomposition of,46.Propylene, oxidation of, to methyl-glyoxal, 240.Proteins, analysis of, 311.chemistry of, 302.classification of, 303.complexes of, with carbohydrates,denaturation of, 303.mol.wt. of, 304.effect of denaturation on, 308.table of, 305.synthesis of, 323.Protheca zap$, growth and meta-bolism of, 451.Protocuridine, 361.neoProtocuridine, 361.Protons, action of, with neutrons,compounds on activity of, 438.growth factors for, 439.of, 102.formation of, by bacteria, 438.295.22.magnetic moment of, 8.nuclear disintegration by, 11.Protoseptasine, 421.Psoralene, 345.Puerperal fever, treatment of, withPurpurins, 376.Pyridine alkaloids, 358.Pyridocolines, 350.Pyrolusite, crystal structure of, 161.Pyrrochlorin, 380.Pyrrocolines, 350.Pyrrole alkaloids, 357.P yrroporph yrin , 3 8 0.sulphanilamide, 423.absorption spectra of, 388.hydrogenation of, 386.Quartz, determination of, in silicatea-Quartz, crystal structure of, 161.Quinhydrones, crystal structure of,Quinidine, action of acids on, 364.isoQuinidines, 364..Quinine, action of acids on, 364.a- and ,&iso&uinines, 364.apo- and.isoapo-Quinines, 364.Quinizarinqunone, dichloro-, con-densation of, with hydrocarbons,236.Quinoline, 8-hydroxy-, in minera-logical analysis, 470, 472.~80Quinoline alkaloids, 359.Quinuclidine, 351.minerals, 469.189530 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Radicals, free, 264.gaseous, isolation of, 265.half-value period of, 266.liquid, 283.metallic alkyl and aryl comRadioactive elements, table of, 11.Radioactivity, artificial, produce(produced by neutron bombardproduced by protons, 13.Rana esculenta, carbohydrate fromalbuminous gland of, 296.Resonance, 9.Ravenelin, 450.Rays, cosmic, 26.resonance, sources of, 75.P-Rays, disintegration by, 23.passage of, through matter, 25.y-Rays, emission of, on protonneutron extraction from nuclei by.passage of, through matter, 25.X-Rays, scattering of, by liquids, 170.Reactions, chemical, kinetics of,, heterogeneous,, homogeneous, solution, 50.selective and specific, 489.Reagents, selective and specific, 489.Reinecke’s salt, 313.R,esonance energy, 218.Rhenium, detection of, 485, 491.pounds from, a-particles, 11.ment, 16.bombardment, 11.20.Per-rhenates, crystal structure of,Rheumatoid arthritis, vitamin4 in,Rhizopenin, 450.Rhixopus juponicus, fat formation by2phosphoprotein from, 450.Rhodanilic acid, ammonium salt, asreagent for proline, 313.Rhodin g, derivatives of, 386.Rhodium, detection of, 490.Rhodobacillw palustris, 433.Rhodochlorin, 380.Rhodopin, 435.Rhodoporphyrins, 380.Rhodopurpurene, 435.Rhodospirillum gigunteum, ntilisationof sulphur compounds by, 434..Rhodovibrin, 436.Rhodovibris, pigments of, 435.Rhodoviolascene, 435.Rice germ oil, products from, 411.Rocks, analysis of, 464.silicate, sampling of, 468.Rock salt, electrolytic conductivityRottlerin, structure of, 348.163.408.449.of, 154.Rubidium, determination of, inRubrene, photo-oxidation of, 71.IL-Rubrene, structure of, 390.Rubrenes, 389.Rubrofusarin, 450.Ruthenium, detection of, 490.silicate minerals, 473.structure of, 389.Salts, solubility of, in deuteriumSamarium, absorption spectrum of,magnetic properties of, 126.Samarous chloride, preparation of,Sanguinaria canadensis, alkaloidSanguinarine, hydroxy-.36Sapogenins, 327.Sapotaline, 328.Scandium, deuteron bombardment of,preparation and properties of, 146.Scurvy, cure of, 406, 408.Sea water, bacteria in, 436.Selenium, dehydrogenation by, 328.detection of, microchemically, 486.Selenium dioxide as oxidising agent,Selenones, cyclic, 242.Serum mucoid, 295.Shea nut oil, basseol from, 340.Shearing stress, effect of, on crystalsSiaresinolic acid, dehydrogenation of,Wane, photo-decomposition of, of, 70.3ilicon dioxide, determination of, insilicate minerals, 468.pyrophosphate, crystal structureof, 164.silver, detection of, 484, 490.Silver bromide, density and latticeconstant of, 157.salts, effect of, on tobacco mosaicvirus,, provitamin in, 409.Sleeping sickness, treatment of, 399,Soapwort, saponin of, 338.;odium, determination of, in rocks,oxide, 38.131.129.from, 364.15.238.crystal structure of, 160.and glasses, 144.330.425.473.liquid, structure of, 173.polymerisation by, 250.proton bombardment of, 13.use of, in liquid ammonia in syn-!odium borate (borax) as volumetrictheses, 325.standard, 480INDEX OF SUBJECTS.531Sodium metaborate, crystal structureof, 163.chloride crystals, structure of,, thermal properties of,97.symptoms of deprivation of,415.nitrate, crystal structure of, 163.metaphosphates, 11 5.polyphosphates,lZl.thiosulphate, preservation of solu-Solids, amorphous, structure of, 169.Soluseptasine, 42 1.Soyasapogenol B, dehydrogenationof, 330.Specific ionic interaction, 97.Spectra, absorption, of non-tervalentrare-earth ions, 131.emission, determination of inten-sity of lines in, 460.homologous line pairs in, 456.Spectrographic analysis, collectingdevices for radiation in, 459.production of radiation for, 456.Spectrum analysis, bibliography andtables of, emission spectra, 454.Spirilloxanthin, 436.Spirillum rubrum, pigment from, 436.Stearanilide, photo-decomposition of,Stereochemistry and structure ofSterols, 327.Stilbene, addition of phenylisopropyl-tions of, molecules, 196.potassium to, 249.crystal structure of, 186.oxidation of, to bend, 240.structure of, 203.Streptococczcs lactis bulgaris, lacticStreptococcus varians, assimilation by,Strontium, determination of, in rocks,acid formation by, 440.433.478.deuteron bombardment of, 15.isotopes, 8.Strychnine, structure of, 365.Strychnos alkaloids, 365.Styrene, auto-oxidation of, 235.Styrene, 8-cyano-, isomerisation of, 46.Succinic acid in tissue oxidation, 416.Succinic acid, ethyl ester, oxidationof, 238.Sulphamoglobin in blood of patientstreated with sulphanilamide, 423.polymerisation of, 249.Sulphanilamide, chemotherapy with,determination of, in blood and398, 420.urine, 422.toxic effects of, 423.Sulphomonas th?iodzidans, formationof sulphuric acid by, 435.Sulphones, preparation of, 242.Sulphoxides, preparation of, 242.Sulphur, detection of, microchemic-in nutrition of moulds, 444.monoclinic, crystal structure of, 178.ring compounds, 342.Sulphur monoxide, 148.dioxide, photo-decomposition of,trioxide, crystal structure of, 179.Sulphuric acid, dissociation constantSulphites, electrolysis of, 110.Thiosulphates, electrolysis of, 110.Sumaresinolic acid, 339.dehydrogenation of, 330.Sumatrol, constitution of, 348.Surface tension of liquids, 84.Synthalin, trypanocidal action of,Syphilis, arsenicals for treatment of,ally, 488.74.of, 103.424.426.Tangerines, tangeritin from peel of,Tangerit in, 3 49.&Tartaric acid, ethyl ester, oxidationof, 239.Tellurium, detection of, 491.Tellurium &oxide, crystal structureof, 160.Terrein, 450.Terrestric acid, 450.Test papers for analysis, 482.Tetra -aza - ae t ioporph yr in, 3 74.Tetra-azaporphyrins, 373.Tetrabenzmonoazaporphin, 374.Tetradeuteroammonium chloride,structure of, a t low temperatures,39.Tetradeuteromethane, melting andtransition points of, 39.5 : 6 : 7 : 8-Tetrahydrophenanthr-idines, dehydrogenation of, 351.Tetrahydropyran-4-acetic acid, ethylester, 350.Tetralin, auto-oxidation of, 238.@-Tetralone, 236.Tetramethyl-lead, photolysis of, 73.Te t rame t h ylsilic on , decompositionTetraphenylethane, disodio - deriv-Tetraphenyl-lead, photolysis of, 73.5 : 6 : 11 : 12 - Tetraphenylnaphtha -Thermal properties and concentra-349.oxidation of, 236.of, 46.ative, oxidation of, 231.cene, synthesis of, 391.tion of solutions, 96532 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Thianthren, crystal structure of, 189.Thiobacillzcs novellus and thioparus,utilisationof nitrogen and sulphurby, 434.Thiochrome, 352.Thiocyanic acid, potassium salt,stability of solutions of, 481.Thiocystis, nutrition and metabolismof, 432.Thiophen, tetraiodo-, reduction of,with aluminium amalgam, 343.Thiophosphoryl bromide, crystalstructure of, 180.Thiosulphates.Bee under Sulphur.Thorium dioxide, determination of,in monazite sand, 479.Threonine, isolation of, from proteins,311.Thulium, magnetic properties of, 126.Tigloidine, 358.Tilasite, crystal structure of, 166.Tin, detection of, 490.Tin tetrabenzyl, decomposition of,269.Titanite, 165.Titanium, determination of, in rocks,475.Titanium Tonoxide, 150.Tobacco alkaloids, 358.structure of, 353.synthesis of, 356.deuteron bombardment of, 15.crystal structure of, 161.mosaic virus, aucuba-like, 43 1.inactivation of, 428.isolation and nature of, 426.ring spot virus, 431.a- and ,&Tocopherols, 410.Tolan, crystal structure of, 187.oxidation of, to benzil, 241.structure of, 203.Toluene, benzoylation of, with cata-lysts, 253.Tomato mosaic virus, 431.Toxicarol, constitution of, 346.apoToxicarol, 347.Trentepohbia, constituents of, 453.Trideuteroacetic acid, deuterium andsodium salts, electrolysis of, inwater, 114.Trideuteroammonia, photo-decom-position of, 68.Trideuterophosphine, photo-decom-position of, 69.Triethylamine, reactions of, withesters, 52.Trimethyl B-methylglycuronide,structure of, 297.Trioxymethylene, crystal structureof, 183.Tripep tides, synthetic , enzymichydrolysis of, 310.refractive index of, 39.Triphenylme thy 1, 2 82.Triterpenes, 327.Tri thio f ormaldehyde, crys t a1 s truc -turs of, 183.a- and P-Tritisterols, 411.Tritium, 42.Tropane bases, 358.Trouton's rule, 81.Trypanosomiasis, 423.Tuberculosis, pulmonary, vitamin4deficiency in, 407.Tudaramine, structure of, 360.Tungsten, detection of, microchemic-ally, 484.dehydrogenation of, 329.Umbilical cord, polysaccharide from,n-Undecanediamidine, trypanocidalUnsaturation, determination of, 221,Uranium, neutron bombardment of,Urea, denaturation of proteins by,Urine, determination in, of vitamin-nature of reducing substance in,acetylation of, 298.296.action of, 424.242.16.308.B,, 401.405.Uronic acids, 296.Valency, anomalous, in rare-earthelements, 122.Valentinite, crystal structure of, 160,180.isovaleraldehyde, photo-decomposi-tion of, 55.Valeroidine, 358.VaZonia uentricosa, cell-wall celluloseof, 453.Vanadium, determination of, inrocks, 477.Vapour pressure of solutions, deter-mination of, 99.Verbenaloside, fission of, by Asper-g i l l u s niger, 448.$-Verdoporphyrin, 380.Vesuvianite, 165.Vetivazulene, 394.Virus, plant.See Plant viruses,Viscosity of liquids, 81.Vitamins, 399.Vitamin-A, content of, in humanliver, 400.crystalline, from fish-liver oils, 399.deficiency of, in relation to deaf-ness, 400.synthesis of, 399.Vitamin-& 400INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 533Vi t amin-B 3 5 2.determination of, bread, 414.See also Aneurin.Vitamin-B,, 403.Vitamin-B,, 403.Vitamin-C, 404.determination of, 405.requirement of, for man, 406.See also Ascorbic acid.mode of action of, 410.See also Calciferol.Vitamin-D, 409.Vitamin-D,, 409.Vitamin-D,, 409.Vitamin-D,, 409.Vitamin-E, 410.Vitellomucoid, 295.Vitreous humour, polysaccharidefrom, 296.Volume, atomic, of rare earths,124.effects of deficiency of,, of liquids, 79.Vomicidine, 367.Vomicine, structure of, 367.Water, determination of, in minerals,474.dissociation constant of, 103.heavy. See Deuterium oxide.isotopic forms of, 42.isotopic composition of, and over-voltage, 109.Water, Raman spectrum and struc-Wheat germ oil, tocopherols from,\Vollastoriite, 165.Wool, composition and structure of,ture of, 90.410.structure of, 173.321.Xanthotoxin, 345.Xanthotoxol, 345.n- and aZZo-Xanthoxyletins, 345.Xanthoxylum americanurn, bark of,Xant hylet in, 345.Xenon, isotopes, 8.345.Ytterbium, magnetic properties of.Ytterbous sulphate, eIectrolytic127.preparation of, 130.Zinc, determination of, in rocks, nutrition of moulds, 443.neutron bombardment of, 17.Zinc bromate hemhydrate, crystalores, determination in, of fluorine,sulphide, action of light on, 74.structure of, 167.476.Zirconium, determination of, in rocks,476


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