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Cardiac Surgery in Infants Less than Six Weeks of Age


作者: L. Edmunds,   Noel Fishman,   George Gregory,   Michael Heymann,   Julien Hoffman,   Saul Robinson,   Benson Roe,   Abraham Rudolph,   Paul Stanger,  


期刊: Circulation  (OVID Available online 1972)
卷期: Volume 46, issue 2  

页码: 250-256




年代: 1972


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



Sixty-one critically ill infants with congenital heart disease had operative treatment within 6 weeks of birth. Anatomic and physiologic diagnoses were established preoperatively by cardiac catheterization and angiography in all. A variety of palliative or corrective operations was performed to relieve specific hemodynamic burdens. Thirty-seven (61%) survived hospitalization, but 18 had one or more postoperative complications. At the present time, 29 (48%) are alive 9-45 months after operation. Although operative mortality and morbidity rates are high, none of these patients was expected to survive early infancy without operation.


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