T H E A N A L Y S T THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 99 1 9 7 4 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London W1X lAF, EnglandT H E A N A L Y S T THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 99 1 9 7 4 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London W1X lAF, EnglandTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman : H. J. CLULEY ( Wembley) *L. S. BARK (Salford) R. BELCHER (Birmingham) L. J. BELLAMY, C.B.E. (Waltham Abbey) L. S . BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. M. DAGNALL, (Huntingdon) E. A. M. F. DAHMEN (The Netherlands) * J .B. DAWSON (Leeds) A. C. DOCHERTY (Billingham) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) *W. T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A .) * J. A. HUNTER (Edinburgh) W. KEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) G. W. C . MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) * J. M. OTTAWAY (Glasgow) *G. E. PENKETH (Billingham) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (London) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A .) *R. SAWYER (London) A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. (Harwell) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Austria) T. S. WEST (London) P. ZUMAN (t7.S.A .) *A. TOWNSHEND (Birmingham) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: II. J . CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society President of the Society G.W. C. MILNER, D.Sc., F.R.I.C., M.1nst.P. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J. K. FOREMAN, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society D. I. COOMBER, O.B.E., B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Managing Editor SAC Publications F. D. GRIMMER Assistant Editor P. C. WESTON, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., M.I.Inf.Sc. Regional Advisory Editors Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. A. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. WAYNE MEINKE ( U S A .) Professor J. MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr.A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)THE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman : H. J. CLULEY ( Wembley) *L. S. BARK (Salford) R. BELCHER (Birmingham) L. J. BELLAMY, C.B.E. (Waltham Abbey) L. S . BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. M. DAGNALL, (Huntingdon) E. A. M. F. DAHMEN (The Netherlands) * J . B. DAWSON (Leeds) A. C. DOCHERTY (Billingham) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) *W. T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A .) * J. A. HUNTER (Edinburgh) W. KEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) G. W. C . MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) * J. M. OTTAWAY (Glasgow) *G. E. PENKETH (Billingham) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (London) E.B. SANDELL (U.S.A .) *R. SAWYER (London) A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. (Harwell) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Austria) T. S. WEST (London) P. ZUMAN (t7.S.A .) *A. TOWNSHEND (Birmingham) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: II. J . CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society President of the Society G. W. C. MILNER, D.Sc., F.R.I.C., M.1nst.P. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J. K. FOREMAN, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society D. I. COOMBER, O.B.E., B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Managing Editor SAC Publications F. D. GRIMMER Assistant Editor P.C. WESTON, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., M.I.Inf.Sc. Regional Advisory Editors Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. A. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. WAYNE MEINKE ( U S A .) Professor J. MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)INDEX TO VOLUME 99 INDEX TO AUTHORS A Adam, S. J. See French, W. J. Addison, E., Davisop, E.,. and Wadsworth, P. F. Determination of isomeric impurity in samples of morantel tartrate by gas - liquid chromatographic analysis of products of controlled degradation procedure, 114. Allen, J. D. Absolute galvanic detector for nitrogen dioxide, 765. Alpert, M. L., Keiser, W.E., and Szymanski, H. A. IR - Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectro- scopy. (Review), 533. Amer, M. M., Tawakkol, M. S., and Ismaiel, S. A. Colorimetric determination of antazoline in some pharmaceutical preparations with sodium nitrite, 487. - See also El Kheir, A. A. Amos, R. See Perry, S. G. Anderson,, D. M. W. Review of Siggia’s Instrumental Methods of Organic Functzonal Group Analysis, 76. - Review of Alpert, Keiser and Szymanski’s I R - Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectroscopy, 533. - Review of Mathieu’s Advances in Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 1, 534. Anderson, W., and Bowtle, W. Determination of iota-carrageenan with 2-thiobarbituric acid, 178. Archer, E. E., and Hilton, J. Determination of small amounts of water in gases using Karl Fischer reagent, 547.Ashton, A., Fogg, A. G., and Thorburn Burns, D. Highly selective direct colorimetric procedure for determination of zirconium in steel with arsenazo 111 by using pressure-digestion technique for sample dissolution, 108. Determination of Sulphur- containing Groups. Vol. 1. Analysis of Sulph- oxides, Sulphonyl Halides, Thiocyanates, Iso- thiocyanates and Isocyanates. (Review), 190. Ashy, M. A., and Headridge, J. B. Determination of iridium and ruthenium in rhodium sponge by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 285. Assenheim, H. M. Translator of Blumenfeld, Voevodski and Semenov’s Electron Spin Resonance in Chemistry. (Review), 696. Atuma, S. S., Lmdquist, J., and Lundstrom, K. Electrochemical determination of vitamin A. Pt 1. Voltammetric determination of vitamin A in pharmaceutical preparations, 683.Ashworth, M. R. F. Ayad, M. See El Kheir, A. A. B Bagness, J. E., and Sharples, W. G. Determination of substituted pyrimidine pesticides ethirimol, dimethirimol, pirimiphos-methyl, pirimiphos- ethyl and pirimicarb in technical and formulated materials by gas chromatography, 225. Bahamonde, J. L., PBrez Bendito, D., and Pino,.F. Application of spectrophotometric determination of nickel and cobalt in mixtures with bipyridyl- glyoxal dithiosemicarbazone to analysis of catalysts, 355. Bakker, J. M. B. Review of Price’s Dynamic Mass Bakker, P. See McLeod, S. Bark, L. S. Review of Touchstone’s Quantitative Thin Layer Chromatogvaphy, 613. - Review of Gawargious’s Determination of Nitro and Related Functions, 693.- Review of Perry, Amos and Brewer’s Practical Liquid Chromatography, 693. - and Grime, J. K. Thermometric assay of ascorbic acid, 38. Barker, S.A. Review of Hayat’s Electron Microscopy of Enzymes. Principles and Methods. Vol. 1, 311. Bassett, J., and Matthews, P. J. Spectrophotometric method for determination of boron in water by use of ferroin, 1. Basson, W. D., Pille, P. P., and Du Preez, A. L. Automated in situ preparation of azomethine H and subsequent determination of boron in aqueous solution, 168. Bastings, L. See Gijsbers, K. Belcher, R. Review of Hartig’s Analytikum. Methoden der Analytischen Chemie und Theore- tischen Grundlagen, 454. - Review of Ehrenberger and Gorbach’s Methoden der Organischen Elementar- und Spurenanalyse, 535. - Analytical Chemistry and Education.Plenary lecture, 802. Bell, J. G., and Christie, A. A. Gas - liquid chroina- tographic determination of vitamin D, in fortified full-cream dried milk, 385. Berger, X, G. Review of Standard Methods for Analysis of Oils, Fats and Soaps. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 239. Bethge, P. O., and Lindstrom, K. Determination of organic acids of low relative molecular mass (C, to C,) in dilute aqueous solution, 137. Review of Spiteller and Spiteller’s Massenspektrensamrnlung von Losungsmitteln, Verunreinigungen, Saulenbeleg~~aterialien und Einfachen Aliphatischen Verbindungem, 191. - Electron spectroscopy and the analyst, 994. Bishop, E. Review of Strobel’s Chemical Instru- mentatcon : Systematic Approach, 310. Blacow, N.W. Extra Pharinacopoeia (Martindale). (Keview), 75. Blumenfeld, L. A., Voevodski, V. V., and Semenov, A. G. Electron Spin Resonance in Chemistry. (Review), 696. Bogovski, P., Preussmann, R., and Walker, E.. A. N-Nitroso Compounds, Analysis and Formation. Proceedings of Working Conference Held at Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October 1971. (Review), 144. Boon, B., and Dewart, R. Methods for identification and assay of virginiamycin in animal feeds, 19. Boswell, C. R. See Pierce, T. B. Bowen, H. J. M. Review of Faires and Parks’s Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques. 3rd Edn., 143. - Review of Nargolwalla and Przybylowicz’s Activatioia Analysis with Neutron Generators, 695. Spectrometry. Vol. 3, 191. Betteridge, D.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 99 - Determination of mercury(I1) by radiochemical Bowtle, W.See Anderson, W. Boyne, A. W. See Davidson, J. Bradfleld, E. G. Braun, T. See Tolgyessy, J. Brewer, P. I. See Perry, S. G. Brooks King, G., Caldwell, W. E., and Wqiams, M. B. College Chemistry. 6th Edn. (Review), 312. Laboratory Experiments in College Chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Review), 312. Browner, R. F. Atomic-fluorescence spectrometry as analytical technique : critical review, 617. Brunfelt, A. O., Roelandts, I., and Steinnes, E. Determination of rubidium, caesium, barium and eight rare earth elements in ultramafic rocks by neutron-activation analysis, 2 7 7, Organic Reagents in Metal Analysis. (Review), 19 1. replacement with silver-1 10m, 771. Chemical interferences in deter- mination of manganese in plant material by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 403.Burger, K. Burke, K. E. See Thornton, K. C Caddy, B., Fish, F., and Tranter, J. Oxidation procedures in assay of some drugs containing diphenylmethylene ether or diphenylmethylene- amino group, 555. Caldwell, W. E. See Brooks King, G. Cammann, K. Das Arbeiten mit Ionenselektiven Elektroden. Eine Einfiihrung. (Review), 534. Campbell, A. D., Hubbard, D. P., and Tioh, N. H. Titrimetric method for determination of sulphate in fertilisers, 519. Calzolari, C., Favretto, L., and Tunis, F. Deter- mination of polyoxyethylene ?-t-nonylphenyl ethers in pomades, 171. Castegnaro, M., Pignatelli, B., and Walker, E. .A. Rapid method for semi-quantitative determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in alcoholic beverages, 156.Christie, A. A. See Bell, J. G. Christie, W. W. Lipid Analysis. Isolation, Separa- tion, Identification and Structural Analysis of Lipids. (Review), 782. Ciardelli, F., and Salvadori, P. Fundamental Aspects and Recent Developments in Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism. (Review), 382. Claeys, A. See Slegers, G. Clarke, J. S. Review of Brooks King, Caldwell and Williams’s College Chemistry. 6th Edn., 312. Review of Brooks King, Caldwell and Williams’s Laboratory Experiments in College Chemistry. 3rd Edn., 312. - Review of Hatch’s Experimental Chemistry, 3 12. Clevett, K. J. Handbook of Process Stream Analysis, (Review), 784. Clifford,. J. M., and Franklyn Smyth, W. Deter- mination of some 1,4-benzodiazepines and their metabolites in body fluids, 241.Cluley, H. J. Editorial : hazardous chemicals as reagents, 81. - Editorial: future of The Analyst, 697. Collins, D. A. Simple modification to flame- ionisation detector linear amplifier for logarithmic display of gas chromatograms and its use, 709. Compton, J. P., and Ward, S. D. Determination of impurities in oxygen by mass spectrometry, 214. Cooke, J. R. Refractometric method for approximate measurement of alcoholic strength of wines at room temperature, 306. Cooksey, B. G. See Metters, B. Coomber, D. I. Review of Crook, Johnson and Scales’s Liquid Scintillation Counting. Vol. 2, 381. Crompton, T. R. Chemical Analysis of Organo- metallic Compounds, Vol. 1. Elements of Groups 1-111. (Review), 614. Crook, M. A., Johnson, P., and Scales, B.Liquid Scintillation Counting. Vol. 2. (Review), 381. Cooper, B. S. See Westwood, W. D Daniels, T. Thermal Analysis. (Review), 613. Davidson, A. G., and Stenlake, J. B. Spectra- photometric determination of ampicillin and cloxacillin in combined injections, 476. Davidson, J., Boyne, A. W., Hepburn, W. R., and Mackie, N. L. Simultaneous collection of data from two automated amino-acid analysers and processing of data by computer, 670. Davis, D. R., Fogg, A. G., Thorburn Burns, D., and Wragg, J. S. Colorimetric method for deter- mination of phenacetin and paracetamol. 111. Studies of indophenol reaction : alternative manual procedure for determination of phenacetin and paracetamol and its application to deter- mination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulphonamides, procaine and related compounds, 12.Davison, E. See Addison, E. Dawson, J. B., Ellis, D. J., Hartley, T. F., Evans, M. E. A., and Metcalf, K. W. Electrolytic extraction combined with flame atomic absorption for determination of metal ions in aqueous solution, 602. Review of Blacow’s Extra Pharma- copoeia (Martindale). 26th Edn., 75. Deavin, J. C. de Lima, C. G. See Lima, C. G. de. Denman, R. F. See Diamond, P. S. Denney, R. C., and Smith, P. A. Comparison of two procedures for determination of organobromine by Schoniger oxygen-flask method, 166. Dennis, P. 0. Review of Analytical Methods for the Soup Industry. 2nd Edn., 694. de Silva, M. E. M. S. See Silva, M. E. M. S. de, Dessouky, Y. M., and Ismaiel, S. A. Colorimetric determination of piperazine in pharmaceutical formulations, 482.Dewart, R. See Boon B. Deyl, Z., Rosmus, J., JuficovS, M., and Kopeck$, J. Bibliography of Column Chromatography 1967- 1970 and Survey of Applications. (Review), 453. Diamond, P. S.? and Denman, R. F. Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 76. Ditmarsch, W. C. van. See Reith, J. F. Docherty, A. C. Industrial sampling and analysis, Dodson, A. See Jennings, V. J. Dollimore, D. Review of Liptay’s Atlas of Thermo- analytical Curves. Vol. 2. (TG-, DTG-, DTA- Curves Measured Simultaneously), 190. Dougan, W. K., and Wilson, A. L. Absorptiometric determination of aluminium in water. Comparison of some chromogenic reagents and development of improved method, 413. 853. Du Preez, A. L. See Basson, W. D.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 vii E Earl, N.J. See Hillman, D. E. Ehrenberger, F., and Gorbach, S. Methoden der Organischen Elementar- und Spurenanalyse. (Review), 535. El Kheir, A. A., Ayad, M., and Amer, M. M.. Deter- mination of copper(1) with N-bromosuccmimide, 528. Ellis, D. J. See Dawson, J. B. El-Shahat, M. F. See Tobia, S. K. Elwell, W. T. Review of Burger’s Organic Reagents in Metal Analysis, 191. - Review of Crompton’s Chemical ‘Analysis of Organometallic Compounds. Vol. 1. Elements of Groups 1-111, 614. - Review of Clevett’s Handbook of Process Stream Analysis, 784. Erdey, L., and Svehla, G. Ascorbinometric Titra- tions. (Review), 783. Evans, M. E. A. See Dawson, J. B. Evans, W. H., and Partridge, B. F. Determination of ammonia levels in water and wastewater with ammonia probe, 367.F Fadrus, H. See Mal$, J. Fahmy, E., Yassa, D. A. and Wahba, N. Studies on specific colour reaction for determination of testosterone, 759. Fakes, R. A,, and Parks, B. H. Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques. 3rd Edn. (Review), 143. Favretto, L. See Calzolari, C. Fehbr, Zs., Nagy, G., Tbth, K., and Pungor, E. Use of precipitate based silicone rubber ion- selective electrodes and silicone rubber based graphite voltammetric electrodes in continuous analysis : review, 699. Fish, F. See Caddy, B. Fogg, A. G. See Ashton, A.; Davis, D. R. Foniokovfr, E. See Sedlh?, J. Franklyn Smyth, W. See Clifford, J. M. Franks, M. C., and Pullen,. D. L. Technique for determination of trace anions by combination of potentiometric sensor and liquid chromatography, with particular reference to determination of halides, 503.French, W. J., and Adams, S. J. Use of tiron in microchemical analysis of minerals, 551. Fry, J. C. See Kapel, M. Fuller, C. W. Kinetic theory of atomisation for non-flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace. Kinetics and mechanism of atomisation for copper, 739. G Gardner, J. W., and Thompson, G. E. Method for determination of volatile fatty acids in blood plasma of ruminant animals, 326. Gawargious, Y. A. Determination of Nitro and Related Functions. (Review), 693. - See also Tobia, S. K. Gegiou, D. Determination of soap in refined vegetable oils by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry, 745. Gharbo, S. A., and Gosser, L. A. Stable and sensitive colorimetric method for determination of ergo- calciferol (vitamin Da) by using trifluoroacetic acid, 222.Ghose Dastidar, N. See Sen, A. R. Gijsbers, K., Bastings, L., and Leest, R. van de. Coulometric determination of trace levels of sulphur in gallium phosphide, 376. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 21. (Review), 615. Gorbach, S. See Ehrenberger, F. Giirog, S. See Szepesi, G. Gosser, L. A. See Gharbo, S. A. Goswami, A. K. Determination of tryptophan and indole substances by colorimetric diazotisation method, 657. Gough, T. A. Review of McFadden’s Techniques of Combined Gas ChromatographylMass Spectro- metry : Applications in Organic Analysis, 693. Goulden, R. Management studies and techniques for application in analytical research, develop- ment and services, 929. Gouw, T. H. Guide to Modern Methods of Instru- mental Analysis.(Review), 615. Greenhow, E. J. Review of Vaughan’s Thermometric and Enthalpimetric Titrimetry, 456. - and Loo, L. H. Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermo- metric titrimetry. IV. Determination of thiols, 360. -and Spencer, L. E. Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry. V. Iodimetric deter- mination of organic bases, hydrazine derivatives and water, 82. Greenwood, N. D., and Guppy, I. W. Direct gas- chromatographic method for determination of basic nitrogenous drugs in pharmaceutical preparations, 3 13. Grime, J. K. See Bark, L. S. Groves, M. J. Particle size analysis: past, present and future, 959. Gunstone, F. D. Review of Christie’s Lipid Analysis.Isolation, Separation, Identi3cation and Structural Analysis of Lipids, 782, Guppy, I. W. See Greenwood, N. D. H Hachenberg, H: Industrial Gas Chromatographic Trace Analysis. (Review), 454. Hallam, H. E. Review of Sherwood’s Vibrational Spectroscopy of Solids, 143. Haremaker, H. M. See Raaphorst, J. G. van. Hargreaves, M. K. Review of Ciardelli and Salva- dori’s Fundamental Aspects and Recent Develop- ments in Optical Rotary Dispersion and Circular Dichroism, 382. Harrison, A. See Jennings, V. J. Harrison, S., Hinchcliffe, H., and Woodroffe, G. L. Colorimetric determination of small amounts of C, to C,, alcohols in their phthalate esters, 491. Hartig, R. Analytikum. Methoden der Analytischen Chemie und Theoretischen Grundlagen. (Review), 454. Hartley, T.F. See Dawson, J. B. Hatch, R. C. Experimental Chemistry. (Review), Hayat, M. A. Electron Microscopy of Enzymes. Headridge, J. B. See Ashy, M. A. Henry, P. B. See Rickett, F. E. Hepburn, W. R. See Davidson, J. Hill-Cottingham, D. G. See LloydJones, C. P. 312. Principles and Methods. Vol. 1. (Review), 3 11.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 99 Hillman, D. E., and Earl, N. J. Indexers of Gas and Liquid Chromatography Abstracts 1972. (Review) , 144. Hilton, J. See Archer, E, E. Hinchcliffe, H. See Harrison, S. Hobson, J. D., and Leigh, H. Problems in deter- mination of carbon in steel by precision coulo- metric method, 93. Horvath, C. See Karger, B. L. Hoste, J. See Op de Beeck, J. Hubbard, D. P. See Campbell, A. D. Hudd, G. A. See Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Hurst, R. E. Method of collecting and concentrating headspace volatiles for gas-chromatographic analysis, 302. I Irving, H.M. N. H. One hundred years of develop- ment in analytical chemistry. Centenary lecture 787. Ismaiel, S. A. See Amer, M. M.; Dessouky, Y. M. J Jackson, E. B. See Lees, R. Jackson, P. F. S., and Strasheim, A. Mass-spectro- graphic analysis of geological samples using low- voltage discharge source, 26. Jayman, T. C. Z., and Sivasubramaniam, S. Use of ascorbic acid to eliminate interference from iron in aluminon method for determining aluminium in plant and soil extracts, 296. Jennings, V. Q., . Dodson,. A., and Harrison, A. Coulometric microtitration of arsenic(II1) and isoniazid using vitreous carbon generating electrode, 145. Johnson, P. See Crook, M. A. Juniper, 1.R. Solid-state potentiostat for controlled Jnficovib, 1. See Deyl, Z. cathode-potential electrolysis, 58. IC Kaduji, I. I., and Rees, J. H. Enthalpimetric determination of hydroxyl values of glycerol - alkylene oxide polyethers and butane-1,Cdiol- adipic acid polyesters, 435. =pel, M., and Fry, J. C. Potentiometric titration method for rapid determination of salt in meat products, 608. - and Karunanithy, R. Determination of tannins with cerium(1V) sulphate, 661. Kaplan, E. R., Sapeika, N., and Moodie, I. 116. Determination of tyramine content of South African cheeses by gas - liquid chromatography, 565. Karger, B. L., Snyder, L. R., and Horvath, C. Introduction to Scparation Science. (Review), 536. Karunanithy, R. See Kapel, 1. a s l e r , F. Quantitative Analysis by NMR Spectro- scopy. (Review), 310.IIeiser, W. E. See Alpert, N. L. Keleti, G., and Lederer, W. H. Handbook of Micromethods for Biological Sciences. (Review) , 783. Kipping, P. J. Review of Deyl, Rosmus, JuEcovb and Kopecky’s Bibliography of Column Chroma- tography 1967-1970 and Survey of Applications, 453. Kirkbright, G. F. Review of Moenke and Moenke- Blankenburg’s Lasev Micro-spectrochemical Analysis, 782. - and Lima, C. G. de. Detection and determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by lumi- nescence spectrometry utilising Shpol’skii effect a t 77 K, 338. Kirkland, J. J. Preferred experimental conditions for trace analysis bv modern liquid chromato- graphy, 859. Gas. and Liquid Chromatography Abstracts 1972. (Review), 144. Knapman, C. E.H., and Maggs, R. J. Konishi, K. See Tsuji, K. Kopeck$, J. See Deyl, Z. Kragten, J. Improved procedure for complexometric titration of aluminium, 43. Kumar, A. See Rao, A. L. J. Kumar, S. See Verma! B. C. Kvalvhg, J. Detection and determination of residues of herbicide nitrofen in vegetables, 666. KyrB, M. See Tolgyessy, J. L Labib, R. 8. See Wahba, N: Laitinen, H. A. Analytical chemistry in inter- Lambie, D. A. Review of Tolgyessy, Braun and Landsman, S. Review of MacLeod’s Instrumental Libng, L. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Lederer, W. H. See Keleti, G. Lees, R., and Jackson, E. B. Sugar Confectionery Leest, R. van de. See Gijsbers, K. Leigh, H. See Hobson, J. D. Leighton, D., Moody, Gc. J., and Thomas, J. .D. R. Gel supports for electrophoresis with pyridine - acetic acid media, 149.- Zone electrophoresis of lubricating oil additives, 442. Leithe, W. Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water and Waste Water. (Review), 455. Leonard, 1. A., and Murray, G. T. Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue : improved reagent for positive absorptiometric determination of fluoride ion, 645. Lidmy, R. G., and Stockwell, P. B. Automatic analyses of trace amounts of 2-furfuraldehyde in gas oil, 749. Lima, C. GI. de. See Kirkbright, G. F. Lindquist, J. See Atuma, S. 5. Lindstrom, K. See Bethge, P. 0. Liptay, G. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves. Vol. 2. (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simul- taneously). (Review), 190. Lloyd, J. B. F. Partly quenched, synchronously excited fluorescence emission spectra in charac- terisation of complex mixtures, 729.Lloyd-Jones, C. P., Hudd, G. A., and Hill-Cottingham, D. G. Determination of nitrogen-15 in plant material with emission spectrometer, 580. Longman, G. F. Review of Vocabulaire des Agents de Suvface, Terms et Definitions (Vokabularium yon Tensiden, Begrifle und Dejinitionen; Vocabulary of Surface Active Agents, Terms and Definitions). 2nd Edn., 190. disciplinary environmental science, 101 1. KyrS’s Isotope Dilution Analysis, 533. Methods of Food Analysis, 383 Visible Region. Vol. XVIII. (Review), 782. and Chocolate Manufacture. (Review), 383. Loo, L. H. See Greenhow, E. J. Lundstrom, K. See Atuma, S. S.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 ix 0 M McFadden, W. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Applica- tions in Organic Analysis. (Review), 693.Mackenzie, R. C. Review of Daniels’s Thermal Analysis, 613. - Highways and byways in thermal analysis, 900. Pllackie, N. L. See Davidson, J. McLean, W. R. Review of Purnell’s New Develop- ments in Gas Chromatography, 614. MacLeod, A. J. Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis. (Review). 383. McLeod, S., Stace, H. C. T., Tucker, B. M., and Bakker, P. Simultaneous measurement of pH, chloride and electrolytic conductivity in soil suspensions, 193. Maggs, R. J. See Knapman, C. E. H. Malfr, J., and Fadrus, H. Photometric determination of manganese in water by using o-tolidine, 128. Mann, B. E. Review of Mooney’s Annual Reports on N M R Spectroscopy. Vol. 5B, 695. Markland, J. Analytical chemistry in public service. Plenary lecture, 810. Matheson, N. A. Modified methylene blue method for micro-determination of hydrogen sulphide, 577.Mathieu, J. P. Advances in Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 1. (Review), 534. Matthews, P. J. See Bassett, J. Metcalf, K. W. See Dawson, J. B. Metters B., and Cooksey., B. G. Determination of trace amounts of lead in steel by anodic stripping voltammetry, 457. Miles, D. T. Antioxidant analysis incorporating thin-layer chromatographic separation procedure, 724. Milner, G. W. C. Editorial: Centenary celebrations of Society for Analytical Chemistry, 785. Moenke, H., and Moenke-Blankenburg, L. Laser Micro-spectrochemical Analysis. (Review), 782. Moenke-Blankenburg, L. See Moenke,. H. Montgomery, H. A. C. Review of Leithe’s Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water and Waste Water, 455. Moodie, I. M. See Kaplan, E.R. Moody, G. J. See Leighton, D. Mooney, E. F. Annual Reports on NMR Spectro- scopy. Vol. 5B (Review), 695. Morton, R. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Bzochemacal Analysis, Vol. 21, 615. - Review of LQng’s Absorption Spectra in Ultra- violet and Visible Region. Vol. XVIII, 782. Method for direct titrimetric determination of iron(II1) in silicate rocks, 273. - and Sergeant, G. A. Method for determination of total sulphur in silicate rocks, 515. Murray, G. T. See Leonard, M. A. Murphy, J. M., Read, J.. I., and Sergeant, G. A. N Nags, G. See FehBr, Zs. Nargolwalla, S. S., and Przybylowicz, E. P. Acti- vation Analysis with Neutron Generators. (Review), 695. Norin, K. H. Convenient method for collecting gas-chromatographic effluents for micro-scale infrared spectrophotometric analysis in gas Dhase.717. 6 Danachair, D. See 6 hAlmhain, L. 6 hAlmhain, L., and 6 Danachair, D. Filter-papers as source of error in ammonia determinations, 211. Op de Beeck, J., and Hoste, J. Some modern applications of activation analysis, 973. Ottawas, J. M. Review of Erdey and Svehla’s Ascorbinometric Titrations, 783. - See also Shaw, F. P Phc, J. See Seal@, J. Pantony, D. A. Parks, B. H. See Faires, R. A. Partridge, B. F. See Evans, W. H. Pearson, D. Laboratory Techniques in Food Analysis. (Review), 453. - Use of filter-papers in determination of nitrogen in foods, 612. Peck, P. F. See Pierce, T. B. Penketh, G. E. Review of Hachenberg’s Industrial Gas Chromatographic Trace Analysis, 454. PBrez Bendito, D. See Bahamonde, J. L. Perry, S.G., Amos, R., and Brewer, P. I. Practical Liquid Chromatography. (Review), 693. Pierce, T. B., Boswell, C. R., and Peck, P. F. Control analysis of boron by measurement of transmission of radioisotope source neutrons, 774. Pignatelli, B. See Castegnaro, M. Pille, P. P. See Basson, W. D. Pino, F. See Bahamonde, J. L. Preussmann, R. See Bogovski, P. Price, D. Dynamic Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 3. (Review), 191. Przybylowicz, E. P. Ses Nargolwalla, 5. S. Pugh, H: Review of Westwood and Cooper’s Analytzcal Methods in Use in Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgy : Selective Review, 455. Pullen, D. L. See Franks, M. C. Pungor, E. See FehBr, 2;s. Purnell, H. New Developments in Gas Chromato- graphy. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 11. (Review), 614. Turning surface chemical pheno- mena to advantage in quantitative trace analysis, 948.R Rasphorst, 3. G. van, Weers, A. W. van, and Haremaker, H. 1. Loss of zinc and cobalt during dry ashing of biological material, 523. Rajman, A. Determination of thiabendazole in citrus fruits by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, 120. Rao, A. L. J., and Kumar, A. Polarographic deter- mination of thallium, palladium, nickel, zinc and indium with diethylenetriamine, 439. Read, J. I. See Murphy, J. M. Rees, J. H. See Kaduji, I. I. Reilley, C. N. See Woodward, W. 5. Reith, J. F.,Ditmarsch, W. C. vant and Ruiter, Th. de. Improved procedure for application of Fujiwara reaction in determination of organic halides, 652. Reuben, J. Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift Rea- gents in NMR Spectroscopy : Principles, Metho- dology and Applications.(Review), 192. Rickett, F. E., and Henry, P. B. Quantitative determination of enantiomeric purity of synthetic pyrethroids. 11. S-Bioallethrin, 330. Ridgwav. T. H. See Woodward. W. S.X INDEX TO VOLUME 99 Roelandts, I. See Brunfelt, A. 0. Rosmus, J. See Deyl, Z. Ruiter, Th. de. See Reith, J: F. Rundle, L. M. Combustion method for deter- mination of total sulphur in limestones, 163. S Salvadori, P. See Cardelli, F. Sapeika, N. See Kaplan, E. R. Sawyer, R. Review of Pearson’s Laboratory Techniques in Food Analysis, 453. Scales, B. See Crook, M. A. Sedlk2, J., Foniokovk, E., and PAC. J. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of dilauryl /3 8’-thiodi- propionate and its primary oxidation products, 50. Semenov, A. G. See Blumenfeld, L.A. Sen, A. R., Sen Gupta, P., and Ghose Dastidar, N. Detection of Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma aronza- tica in Curcuma longa (turmeric) by thin-layer chromatography, 153. Sen Gupta, P. See Sen, A. R. Sergeant, G. A. See Murphy, J. M. Sergegev, N. M. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Cyclopentadienyl Compounds. (Review), 240. Sharples, W. G. See Bagness, J. E. Shaw, F., and Ottaway, J. M. Determination of trace amounts of lead in steel and cast iron by atomic-absorption spectrometry with use of carbon furnace atomisation, 184. Sherwood, P. M. A. Vibrational Spectroscopy of Solids. Cambridge Monographs in Physical Chemistry, 1. (Review), 143. Shohet, J. S. Improved method for colorimetric assay of thiacetazone in pharmaceutical preparations, 755.Siggia, S. Instrumental Methods of Organic Functional Group Analysis. (Review), 76. Silva, M. E. M. S. de. Method for determination of copper in biological materials involving use of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, 408. Sivasubramaniam, S. See Jayman, T. C. Z. Slegers, G., and Claeys, A. Spectrophotometric determination of magnesium in tobacco leaves with Eriochrome black B, 471. Smith, P. A. See Dewey, R. C. Snyder, L. R. See Karger, B. L. Spencer, L. E. See Greenhow, E. J. Spiteller, G. See Spiteller, M. Spiteller, M., and Spiteller, G. Massenspektrensamm- lung von Losungsmitteln, Verunreinigungen, Saulenbelegmaterialien und Einfachen Aliphati- schen Verbindungen. (Review), 191. Stace, H. C. T. See McLeod, S. Steinnes, E. See Brunfelt, A,. 0. Stenlake, J.B. Bioavailability from pharmaceutical - See also Davidson, A. G. Stewart, G. A. Historical review of analytical control Stockwell, P. B. Review of Gas and Liquid Chroma- - See also Lidzey, R. G. Strasheim, A. See Jackson, P. F. S. Strobel, H. A. Chemical Instrumentation : Syste- matic Approach. (Review), 310. Svehla, G. See Erdey, L. Sweetsur, A. W. M. Ion selective electrode method for determination of chloride in milk, 690. dosage forms, 824. of insulin, 913. tography Abstracts 1972, 144. Szepesi, G., and Giirog, S. Szymanski, H. A. See Alpert, N. L. Analysis of steroids. XXIV. Specific method for spectrophotometric determination of 17-ethynyl steroids, 218. T Tawakkol, M. S. See Amer, M. M. Telling, G. M. Review of N-Nitroso Comfiounds, Analysis and Formation.Proceedings of Working Conference Held at Deutsches Krebsforschungs- zentrum, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October, 1971, 144. Thomas, J. D. R. Review of Cammann’s Das Arbeiten lnit Ionenselektiven Elektroden. Eine Einfiihrung, 534. - See also Leighton, D. Thomerson, D. R. See Thompson, K. C. Thompson, G. E. See Gardner, J. W. Thompson, K. C., and Thomerson, D. R. Atomic- absorption studies on determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides, 595. Thorburn Burns, D. Review of Karger, Snyder and Horvath’s Introduction to Separation Science, 536. - See also Ashton, A.; Davis, D. R. Thornton, K., and Burke, K. E. Modification to extraction - atomic-absorption method for deter- mination of antimony, bismuth, lead and tin, 469.Tioh, N. H. See Campbell, A. D. Tobia, S. K., Gawargious, A. and El-Shahat, M. F. Determination of cyanide ion in cyano-complexes, 544. Tolgyessy, J., Braun, T., and Kyri, M. Isotope Dilution Analysis. (Review), 533. Torrance, K. Potentiometric method for deter- mination of chloride in boiler waters in range 0.1 to 10 pg ml-l of chloride, 203. Tbth, K. See Fehhr, Zs. Touchstone, J. C. Quantitative Thin Layer Chroma- tography. (Review), 613. Townshend, A. Review of Ashworth’s Determination of Sutphur-containing Groups. Vol. 1. Analysis of Sulphoxides, Sulphonyl Halides, Thiocyanates, Isothiocyanates and Isocyanates, 190. - Review of GOUW’S Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental Analysis, 615. Tranter, J.See Caddy, B. Tsuji, K., and Konishi, K. Gas-chromatographic analysis of polyurethane polyethers by using mixed anhydride reagent for cleavage of ether linkages, 54. Tucker, B. M. See McLeod, S. Tunis, F. See Calzolari, C. Turner, C. R. Spectrophotometric determination of organophosphorus pesticides with 4- (4-nitrobenzyl) pyridine, 43 1. V van de Leest, R. See Leest, R. van de. van Ditmarsch, W. C. See Ditmarsch, W. C. van. van Raaphorst, J. G. See Raaphorst, J. G. van. van Weers, A. W. See Weers, A. W. van. Vaughan, G. A. Thermometric and Enthalpimetric Titrimetry. (Review), 456. Verma, B. C., and Kumar, S. Determination of primary and secondary amines alone and in mixtures with tertiary amines, 498. Voevodski, V. V. See Blumenfeld, L. A.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 xi w Wadsworth, P.F. See Addison, E. Wagstaffe, P. J. Rapid determination of total dry extract of wines, 537. Wahba, N., Yassa, D. A., and Labib, R: S. Simplified colorimetric method for determination of ascorbic acid in pure solutions and in pharmaceutical preparations, 397. - See also Fahmy, E. Walker, E. A. See Bogovski, P.; Castegnaro, M. Ward, S. D. See Compton, J. P. Weers, A. W. van See Raaphorst, J. G. van. West, T.. S. Atomic-fluorescence and atomic- absorption spectrometry for chemical analysis, 886. Westwood, W., and Cooper, B. S. Analytical Methods in Use in Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgy : Selective Review, Whalley, C. Analytical chemistry in industry. Plenary lecture, 817. Whiffen, D. H. Review of Reuben’s Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift Reagents in N M R Spectroscopy : Principles, Methodology and Apfilications, 192.- Review of Sergeyev’s Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Cylopentadienyl Compounds. Pro- gress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectro- scopy. Vol. 9, Pt 2, 240. - Review of Kasler’s Quantitative Analysis by N M R Spectroscopy, 310. (Review), 455. - Review of Blumenfeld, Voevodski and Semenov’s Electron S$in Resonance in Chemistry, 696. Wiggall, P. H. Review of Lees and Jackson’s Sugar Confectionery and Chocolate Manufacture, 383. Williams, M. B. See Brooks King, G. Williams, R. A. D. Review of Keleti and Lederer’s Handbook of Micromethods for Biological Sciences, 783. Wilson, A. L. See Dowgan, W, K. Wilson, D. W. Review of Diamond and Denman’s Laboratovy Techniques in Chemistry and Bio- chemistry.2nd Edn., 76. Woodroffe, G. L. See Harrison, S. Woodward, W. S., Ridgway, T. H., and Reilley, C. N. Instrumentation-orientated micro-computer : extremely inexpensive data acquisition computer optimised for automated laboratory, 838. Wragg, J. S. See Davis, D. R. Y Yassa, D. A. See Fahmy, E.; Wahba, N. Young, P. N. W. Atomic-absorption determination of some common trace elements in aluminium oxide and other aluminium compounds using co-precipitation separation technique, 588.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 99 INDEX TO A Acids: Determination of organic - of low relative molecular mass (C, to C,) in dilute aqueous solution. Bethge and Lindstrom, 137. Activation analysis : Some modern applications of - Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. with Neutron Generators.Nargolwalla and Przybylowicz. (Review), 695. Additives: Zone electrophoresis of lubricating oil -. Leighton, Moody and Thomas, 442. Adsorption : Turning surface chemical phenomena to advantage in quantitative trace analysis. Pantony, 948. Aerosols : Some modern applications of activation analysis. Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. Alcohol(s) : Colorimetric determination of small amounts of C, to C,, - in their phthalate esters. Harrison, Hinchcliffe and Woodroff e, 491. Refractometric method for approximate measure- ment of alcoholic strength of wines a t room temperature. Cooke, 306. Alizarin fluorine blue: Sulphonated - : improved reagent for positive absorptiometric deter- mination of fluoride ion. Leonard and Murray, 645. Aluminium: Absorptiometric determination of -in water. Comparison of some chromogenic reagents and dcvelopment of improved method. Dougan and Wilson, 413.Atomic absorption determination of some common trace elements in - oxide and other - compounds using co-precipitation separation technique. Young, 588. Improved procedure for complexometric titration of -. Kragten, 43. Use of ascorbic acid to eliminate interference from iron in aluminon method for determining - in plant and soil extracts. Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, 296. Use of tiron in microchemical analysis of minerals. French and Adams, 551. Amines : Determination of primary and secondary - alone and in mixtures with tertiary -. Verma and Kumar, 498. Amino-acid: Simultaneous collection of data from two automated ~ analysers and processing of data by computer.Davidson, Boyne, Hepburn and Mackie, 670. Ammonia: Determination of - levels in water and wastewater with - probe. Evans and Partridge, 367. Filter papers as source of error in - deter- minations. 6 hAlmhain and 6 Danachair, 211. Ampicillin: Spectrophotometric determination of - and cloxacillin in combined injections. Davidson and Stenlake, 476. Analysis : Activation - with Neutron Generators. Nargolwalla and Przybylowicz. (Review), 695. Analytical chemistry and education. Belcher, 802. Analytical chemistry in industry. Whalley, 81 7. Analytical chemistry in inter-disciplinary environ- mental science. Laitinen, 1011. Analytical chemistry in public service. Markland, 810. SUBJECTS Analytical Methods in IJse in Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgy : Selcctive Review.Westwood and Cooper. (Review), 455. Analytjkum. Methoden der Analytischen Chemie und Theoretischen Grundlagen. Hartig. (Review), 454. Ascorbinometric Titrations. Erdey and Svehla. (Review), 783. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves, Vol. 2. (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultan- eously). Liptay. (Review), 190. Chemical - of Organometallic Compounds. Vol. 1. Elements of Groups 1-111. Crompton. (Review), 6 14. Comparison of two procedures for determination of organobromine by Schoniger oxygen-flask method. Denney and Smith, 166. Coulometric microtitration of arsenicfII1) and isoniazid using vitreous carbon generating electrode. Jennings, Dodson and Harrison, 145. Determination of Nitro and Related Functions. Gawargious. (Review), 693. Determination of primary and secondary amines alone and in mixtures with tertiary amines.Verma and Kumar, 498. Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental -. Gouw. (Review), 615. Handbook of Micromethods for Biological Sciences. Keleti and Lederer, (Review), 783. Handbook of Process Stream -. Clevett. (Review), 784. Highways and byways in thermal -. Mackenzie, 900. Improved procedure for complexometric titration of aluminium. Kragten, 43. Industrial Gas Chromatographic Trace -. Hachenberg. (Review), 454. Industrial sampling and -. Instrumental Methods of Food -. MacLeod. (Review), 383. Instrumental Methods of Organic Functional Group -. Siggia. (Review), 76. Introduction to Separation Science. Karger, Snyder and Horvath. (Review), 536. Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry.V. Iodimetric determination of organic bases, hydrazine derivatives and water. Greenhow and Spencer, 82. Isotope Dilution -. Tolgyessy, Braun and KyrL (Review), 533, Laboratory Techniques in Food -. Pearson. (Review), 453. Laser Micro-spectrochemical -. Moenke and Moenke-Blankenburg. (Review), 782. Lipid -. Isolation, Separation, Identification and Structural - of Lipids. Christie. (Review), 782. Method for direct titrimetric determination of iron(II1) in silicate rocks. Murphy, Read and Sergeant, 273. Methoden der Organischen Elementar- und Spurenanalyse. Ehrenberger and Gorbach. (Review), 535. Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. 21. Glick. (Review), 6 16. Docherty, 853.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 xiii of Organic Pollutants in Water and Waste Water.Leithe. (Review), 455. One hundred years of development in analytical chemistry. Irving, 787. Organic Reagents in Metal -. Burger. (Review), 19 1. Particle size -: Past, present and future. Groves, 959. Quantitative - by NMR Spectroscopy. Kasler. (Review), 310. Simultaneous collection of data from two auto- mated amino-acid analysers and processing of data by computer. Davidson, Boyne, Hepburn and Mackie, 670. Some modern applications of activation -. Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. Standard methods for - of Oils, Fats and Soaps. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Review), 239. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry : Applications in Organic -. McFadden. (Review), 693. Thermal -. Daniels. (Review), 613.Thermometric and Enthalpimetric Titrimetry. Vaughan . (Review), 456. Thermometric assay of ascorbic acid. Bark and Grime, 38. Turning surface chemical phenomena to advantage in quantitative trace -. Pantony, 948. Use of precipitate based silicone rubber ion- selective electrodes and silicone rubber based graphite voltammetric electrodes in continuous -: review. Fehkr, Nagy, T6th and Pungor, 699. Anaylst: Future of -. Cluley. Editorial, 697. Animals: Method for determination of volatile fatty acids in blood plasma of ruminant -. Gardner and Thompson, 326. Anions: Technique for determination of trace - by combination of potentiometric sensor and liquid chromatography, with particular reference to determination of halides. Franks and Pullen, 503. Antazoline: Colorimetric determination of - in some pharmaceutical preparations with sodium nitrite.Amer, Tawakkol and Ismaiel, 487. Antibiotics: Methods for identification and assay of virginiamycin in animal feeds. Boon and Dewart, 19. Antimony: Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of -, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides . Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Modification to extraction - atomic-absorption method for determination of -, bismuth, lead and tin. Thornton and Burke, 469. Antioxidant analysis incorporating thin-layer chro- matographic separation procedure. Miles, 724. Apparatus : Absolute galvanic detector for nitrogen dioxide (“cavity electrode” galvanic cell). Allen, 765. Atomic-absorption studies on determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising gener- ation of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595.Atomic-fluorescence and atomic-absorption spectrometry for chemical analysis. West, 886. Atomic-fluorescence spectrometry as analytical technique. Critical review. Browner, 617, Automatic analyses of trace amounts of 2- furfuraldehyde in gas oil. Lidzey and Stockwell, 749. Combustion method for determination of total sulphur in limestones. Rundle, 163. Control analysis of boron by measurement of transmission of radioisotope source neutrons (neutron transmission monitor). Pierce, Boswell and Peck, 774. Convenient method for collecting gas-chromato- graphic ef?luents for micro-scale infrared spectrophotometric analysis in gas phase.hTorin, 717. Coulometric determination of trace levels of sulphur in gallium phosphide. Gijsbers, Bastings and Leest, 376. Coulometric microtitration of arsenic(II1) and isoniazid using vitreous carbon generating electrode (cell). Jennings, Dodson and Harrison, 145. Determination of clopidol in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 233. Determination of impurities in oxygen by mass spectrometry. Compton and Ward, 214. Determination of nitrogen-1 5 in plant material with emission spectrometer. Lloyd- Jones, Hudd and Hill-Cottingham, 580. Determination of small amounts of water in gases using Karl Fischer reagent (absorption column). Archer and Hilton, 547.Determination of trace amounts of lead in steel by anodic stripping voltammetry (electrode assembly). Metters and Cooksey, 457. Electrolytic extraction combined with flame atomic-absorption for determination of metal ions in aqueous solution. Dawson, Ellis, Hartley, Evans and Metcalf, 602. Highways and byways in thermal analysis (specimen holders). Mackenzie, 900. Method of collecting and concentrating headspace volatiles for gas-chromatographic analysis. Hurst, 302. Method for determination of total sulphur in silicate rocks (reduction and titration -) . Murphy and Sergeant, 515. Modified methylene blue method for micro- determination of hydrogen sulphide (entrain- ment and trapping unit). Matheson, 577. One hundred years of development in analytical chemistry. Irving, 787.Preferred experimental conditions for trace analysis by modern liquid chromatography (detectors). Kirkland, 859. Problems in determination of carbon in steel by precision coulometric method (coulometric cell). Hobson and Leigh, 93. Simple modification to flame-ionisation detector linear amplifier for logarithmic display of gas chromatograms and its use. Collins, 709. Simultaneous collection of data from two auto- mated amino-acid analysers and processing of data by computer. Davidson, Boyne, Hepburn and Mackie, 670. Simultaneous measurement of pH, chloride and electrolytic conductivity in soil suspensionsxiv INDEX TO (electrode holders). McLeod, Stace, Tucker and Bakker, 193. Solid-state potentiostat for controlled cathode- potential electrolysis. Juniper, 58.Some modern applications of activation analysis (isotopic neutron source activation and counting installation). Technique for determination of trace anions by combination of potentiometric sensor and liquid chromatography, with particular reference to determination of halides (detector). Franks and Pullen, 503. Turning surface chemical phenomena to advantage in quantitative trace analysis (bubble-chamber -). Pantony, 948. Use of precipitate based silicone rubber ion- selective electrodes and silicone rubber based graphite voltammetric electrodes in continuous analysis: review. FehCr, Nagy, T6th and Pungor, 699. Archaeology : Some modem applications of activation analysis. Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. Arsenazo III : Highly selective direct colorimetric procedure for determination of zirconium in steel with - by using pressure digestion technique for sample dissolution.Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 108. Arsenic: Atomic-absorption studies on determination of antimony, -, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising genera- tion of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Arsenic(III) : Coulometric microtitration of - and isoniazid using vitreous carbon generating electrode. Jennings, Dodson and Harrison, 145. Ascorbic acid: Ascorbinometric Titrations. Erdey and Svehla. (Review), 783. Simplified colorimetric method for determination of - in pure solutions and in pharmaceutical preparations. Wahba, Yassa and Labib, 397. Thermometric assay of -. Bark and Grime, 38.Use of - to eliminate interference from iron in aluminon method for determining aluminium in plant and soil extracts. Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, 296. Assay: Historical review of analytical control of insulin. Stewart, 913. Atomic-absorption spectrometry : Atomic-fluores- cence and - for chemical analysis. West, 886. Atomic-fluorescence and atomic-absorption spec- trometry for chemical analysis. West, 886. spectrometry as analytical technique. Critical review. Browner, 617. Atomisation: Kinetic theory of - for non-flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace. Kinetics and mechanism of - for copper, Fuller, 739. Azomethine 13: Automated in situ preparation of - and subsequent determination of boron in aqueous solution. Basson, Pille and Du Preez, 168.Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. B VOLUME 99 Bases : Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. V. Iodimetric determination of organic -, hydrazine derivatives and water. Greenhow and Spencer, 82. 1,4-Benzodiazepines : Determination of some - and their metabolites in body fluids: review. Clifford and Franklyn Smyth, 241. Beverages: Rapid method for semi-quantitative determination of N-nitrosamines in alcoholic -. Castegnaro, Pignatelli and Walker, 156. S-Bioallethrin: Quantitative determination of enantiomeric purity of synthetic pyrethroids. 11. -. Rickett and Henry. 330. Bioavailability from pharmaceutical dosage forms. Stenlake, 824. Biochemistry : Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry and -. Diamond and Denman.2nd Edn. (Review), 76. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 21. Glick. (Review), 615. Biological material(s) : Loss of zinc and cobalt during dry ashing of -. Raaphorst, Weers and Haremaker, 523. Method for determination of copper in - involving use of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. Silva, 408. Biology: Handbook of Micromethods for Biological Sciences. Keleti and Lederer. (Review), 783. Bipyridylglyoxal dithiosemicarbazone: Application of spectrophotometric determination of nickle and cobalt in mixtures with - to analysis of catalysts. Bahamonde, PCrez Bendito and Pino, 356. Bismuth : Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of antimony, arsenic, -, germanium lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595.Modification to extraction - atomic-absorption method for determination of antimony, -, lead and tin. Thornton and Burke, 469. Blood plasma : Method for determination of volatile fatty acids in - of ruminant animals. Gardner and Thompson, 326. Body fluids: Determination of some 1,Pbenzodiaze- pines and their metabolites in -: review. Clifford and Franklyn Smyth, 241. Boiler waters: Potentiometric method for deter- mination of chloride in - in range 0.1 to 10 pg ml-l of chloride. Torrance, 203. Book renews: Alpert, Keiser and Szymanski. IR - Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectroscopy, 533. Blumenfeld, Voevodski and Semenov. Electron Spin Resonance in Chemistry, 696. Brooks King, Caldwell and Williams. College Chemistry. 6th Edn., 312 ; Laboratory Experi- ments in College Chemistry.2nd Edn., 312. Burger. Organic Reagents in Metal Analysis, 191. Cammann. Das Arbeiten mit ionenselektiven Elektroden. Eine Einfuhrung, 534. Christie. Lipid Analysis. Isolation, Separation, Identification and Structural Analysis of Lipids, 782. Ciardelli and Salvadori. Fundamental Aspects Barium : Determination of rubidium, caesium, - and Recent Developments in Optical Rotatory and eight rare earth elements in ultramafic Dispersion and Circular Dichroism, 382. rocks by neutron-activation analysis. Brunfelt, Clevett. Handbook of Process Stream Analysis, Roelandts and Steinnes, 277. 784.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 XV Crompton. Chemical Analysis of Organo-metallic Compounds. Vol. 1. Elements of Groups Crook, Johnson and Scales, Liquid Scintillation Counting.Vol. 2, 381. Daniels. Thermal Analysis, 61 3. Deyl, Rosmus, Jui-icovS and Kopeckjr. 1-111, 614. Biblio- graphy of Column Chromatography 1967-1970 and Survey of Applications, 453. Diamond and Denman. Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 76. Ehrenberger and Gorbach. Methoden der Organischen Elementar- und Spurenanalyse, 535. Erdey and Svehla. Ascorbinometric Titrations, 783. Faires and Parks. Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques. 3rd Edn., 143. Gawargious. Determination of Nitro and Related Functions, 693. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 21, 615. Gouw. Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental Analysis, 615. Hachenberg. Industrial Gas Chromatographic Trace Analysis, 454. Hartig. Analytikum. Methoden der Analyti- schen Chemie und Theoretischen Grundlagen, 454.Hatch. Experimental Chemistry, 312. Hayat. Electron Microscopy of Enzymes. Principles and Methods. Vol. 1, 311. Karger, Snyder and Horvath. Introduction to Separation Science, 536. Kasler. Quantitative Analysis by NMR Spectro- scopy, 310. Keleti and Lederer, Handbook of Micromethods for Biological Sciences, 783. L h g . Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVIII, 782. Lees and Jackson. Sugar Confectionery and Chocolate Manufacture, 383. Leithe. Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water and Waste Water, 455. Liptay. Atlas of Thermonanalytical Curves. Vol. 2. (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultaneously), 190. McFadden. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry : Appli- cations in Organic Analysis, 693.MacLeod. Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis, 383. Mathieu. Advances in Raman Spectroscopy. VOl. 1, 534. Moenke and Moenke-Blankenburg. Laser Micro- Mooney. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Nargolwalla and Przybylowicz. Activation Pearson. Laboratory Techniques in Food Perry, Amos and Brewer. Practical Liquid Price. Dynamic Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 3, 191. Purnell. New Developments in Gas Chromato- Reuben. Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift Reagents spectrochemical Analysis, 782. Vol. 5B, 695. Analysis with Neutron Generators, 695. Analysis, 453. Chromatography, 693. graphy, 614. Sergeyev. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectro- scopy of Cyclopentadienyl Compounds, 240. Shenvood. Vibrational Spectroscopy of Solids. Cambridge Monographs in Physical Chemistry, 1, 143.Siggia. Instrumental Methods of Organic Func- tional Group Analysis, 76. Spiteller and Spiteller. Massenspektrensammlung von Losungsmitteln, Verunreinigungen, Saulebelegmaterialien und Einfachen Alipha- tischen Verbindungen, 191. Strobel. Chemical Instrumentation : Systematic Approach. 2nd Edn., 310. Tolgyessy, Braun and Kyrg. Isotope Dilution Analysis, 533. Touchstone. Quantitative Thin Layer Chroma- tography, 613. Vaughan. Thermometric and Enthalpimetric Titrimetry, 456. Westwood and Cooper. Analytical Methods in Use in Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgy: Selective Review, 455. Analytical Methods for Soup Industry. 2nd Edn. , 694. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). 26th Edn ., 75. Gas and Liquid Chromatography Abstracts 1972, 144. N-Nitroso Compounds, Analysis and Formation.Proceedings of Working Conference Held at Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October 1971, 144. Standard Methods for Analysis of Oils, Fats and Soaps. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 239. Vocabulaire des Agents de Surface, Terms at DCfinitions (Vokabularium von Tensiden, Begriffe und Definitionen; Vocabulary of Surface Active Agents, Terms and Definitions), 190. Boron: Automated in situ preparation of azomethine H and subsequent determination of - in aqueous solution. Basson, Pille and Du Preez, 168. Control analysis of - by measurement of transmission of radioisotope source neutrons. Pierce, Boswell and Peck, 774. Spectrophotometric method for determination of - in water by use of ferroin.Bassett and Matthews, 1. Bromine: Comparison of two procedures for deter- mination of organobromine by Schoniger oxygen-flask method. Denney and Smith, 166. N-Bromosuccinimide : Determination of copper(1) with -. El Kheir, Ayad and Amer, 528. C Caesium : Determination of rubidium, -, barium and eight rare earth elements in ultramafic rocks by neutron-activation analysis. Brunfelt, Roelandts and Steinnes, 277. Camphene : Detection of Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma aromatica in Curcuma longa (turmeric) by thin-layer chromatography. Sen, Sen Gupta and Ghose Dastidar, 153. Camphor : Detection of Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma aromatica in Curcuma longa (turmeric) in NMR Spectr© : Principles, MethodGlogy by thin-layer chromatography.- Sen, Sen and Applications, 192.Gupta and Ghose Dastidar, 153.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 0'3 Carbon: Problems in determination of - in steel by precision coulometric method. Hobson and Leigh, 93. Carrageenan: Determination of iota- - with 2-thiobarbituric acid. Anderson and Bowtle, 178. Cast iron: See Iron. Catalysts: Application of spectrophotometric deter- mination of nickel and cobalt in mixtures with bipyridylglyoxal dithiosemicarbazone to analysis of -. Bahamonde, P&ez Bendito and Pino, 355. Cerium(1V) sulphate : Determination of tannins with -. Kapel and Karunanithy, 661. Cheeses : Determination of tyramine content of South African - by gas-liquid chromato- graphy. Chemicals: Hazardous ~ as reagents. Cluley, 81. Chemistry: Analytical __ and education.Belcher, Kaplan, Sapeika and Moodie, 565. 802. Analytical - in industry. Whalley, 817. Analytical - in inter-disciplinary environ- Analytical - in public service. Markland, 810. Analytikum. Methoden der Analytischen Chemie und Theoretischen Grundlagen. Hartig. (Review), 454. College - . Brooks King, Caldwell and Williams. 6th Edn. (Review), 312. Electron Spin Resonance in -. Blumenfeld, Voevodski and Semenov. (Review), 696. Experimental -. Hatch. (Review), 312. Instrumental Methods of Organic Functional Group Analysis. Siggia. (Review), 76. Laboratory Experiments in College -. Brooks King, Caldwell and Williams. 3rd Edn. (Review), 312. Laboratory Techniques in - and Biochemistry. Diamond and Denman. 2nd Edn. (Review), 76. One hundred years of development in analytical -.Irving, 787. Chloride : Ion-selective electrode method for deter- mination of - in milk. Sweetsur, 690 Potentiometric method for determination of - in boiler waters in range 0.1 to 10 pg ml-l of -. Torrance, 203. Simultaneous measurement of pH, - and electrolytic conductivity in soil suspensions. McLeod, Stace, Tucker and Bakker, 193. Chocolate: Sugar Confectionery and - Manu- facture. Lees and Jackson. (Review), 383. Chromatography: Bibliography of Column - 1967-1970 and Survey of Applications. Deyl, Rosmus, Ju?icovA and Kopeck?. (Review), 453. Convenient method for collecting gas-chromato- graphic effluents for micro-scale infrared spectrophotometric analysis in gas phase. Norin, 717. Gas and Liquid - Abstracts 1972. (Review), 144. Industrial Gas Chromatographic Trace Analysis.Hachenberg. (Review), 454. Method of collecting and concentrating headspace volatiles for gas-chromatographic analysis. Hurst, 302. New Developments in Gas - . Purnell. (Review), 614. Practical Liquid -. Perry, Amos and Brewer. (Review), 693. mental science. Laitinen, 1011. Preferred experimental conditions for trace analysis by modern liquid -. Kirkland, 859. Quantitative Thin Layer -. Touchstone. (Review), 6 13. Simple modification to flame-ionisation detector linear amplifier for logarithmic display of gas chromatograms and its use. Collins, 709. Techniques of Combined Gas - /Mass Spectro- metry: Applications in Organic Analysis. McFadden. (Review), 693. Citrus fruits : Determination of thiabendazole in - by ultraviolet spectrophotornetry.Rajzman, 120. Clopidol: Determination of - in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 233. Cloxacillin: Spectrophotometric determination of ampicillin and - in combined injections. Davidson and Stenlake, 476. Cobalt : Application of spectrophotometric deter- mination of nickel and - in mixtures with bipyridylglyoxal dithiosemicarbazone to analysis of catalysts. Bahamonde, Pdrez Bendito and Pino, 355. Loss of zinc and - during dry ashing of biological material. Raaphorst, Weers and Haremaker, 523. Complexes: Determination of cyanide ion in cyano -. Tobia, Gawargious and El-Shahat, 544. Computer : Instrumentation-orientated micro- - : extremely inexpensive data acquisition - optimised for automated laboratory.Woodward Ridgway and Reilley, 838. Simultaneous collection of data from two auto- mated amino-acid analysers and processing of data by -. Davidson, Boyne, Hepburn and Mackie, 670. Conductivity: Simultaneous measurement of pH, chloride and electrolytic - in soil suspen- sions. McLeod, Stace, Tucker and Bakker, 193. Confectionery: Sugar - and Chocolate Manu- facture. Lees and Jackson. (Review), 383. Copper : Kinetic theory of atomisation for non-flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace. Kinetics and mechanism of atomisa- tion for -. Fuller, 739. Method for determination of - in biological materials involving use of sodium diethyl- dithiocarbamate. Silva, 408. Copper(1) : Determination of - with N-bromosuc- cinimide.El Kheir, Ayad and Amer, 528. Curcuma: Detection of - zedoaria and - arornatica in - Zonga (turmeric) by thin-layer chromatography. Sen, Sen Gupta and Ghose Dastidar, 153. Cyanide: Determination of - ion in cyano- complexes. Tobia, Gawargious and El-Shahat, 544. Cyclopentadienyl compounds : Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of -. Sergeyev. (Review), 240. D Diethylenetriamine : Polarographic determination of thallium, palladium, nickel, zinc and indium with -. Rao and Kumar, 439.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 xvii Dilauryl ,8 /I1-thiodipropionate: Gas-chromatographic determination of - and its primary oxidation products. SedlA?, FoniokovA and P&c, 50. Diphenylmethylene ether : Oxidation procedures in assay of some drugs containing - or diphenyl- methyleneamino group.Caddy, Fish and Tranter, 555. Diphenylmethyleneamino: Oxidation procedures in assay of some drugs containing a diphenyl- methylene ether or - group. Caddy, Fish and Tranter, 555. Drugs: Analytical chemistry in public service. Markland, 810. Bioavailability from pharmaceutical dosage forms. Stenlake, 824. Determination of some 1,4-benzodiazepines and their metabolites in body fluids: review. Clifford and Franklyn Smyth, 241. Direct gas-chromatographic method for deter- mination of basic nitrogenous - in pharma- ceutical preparations. Greenwood and Guppy, 313. Oxidation procedures in assay of some - containing a diphenylmethylene ether or diphenylmethyleneamino group. Caddy, Fish and Tranter, 555. E Editorial: Future of The Analyst. Cluley, 697. Education : Analytical chemistry and -.Belcher, 802. Effluents: Industrial sampling and analysis. Docherty, 853. Electrode(s) : Coulometric microtitration of arsenic (111) and isoniazid using vitreous carbon generating - . Jennings, Dodson and Harrison, 145. Das Arbeiten mit ionselektiven Elektroden. Eine Einfuhrung. Cammann. (Review), 534. Ion-selective - method for determination of chloride in milk. Sweetsur, 690. Use of precipitate based silicone rubber ion- selective - and silicone rubber based graphite voltammetric - in continuous analysis: review. Fehdr, Nagy, Tbth and Pungor, 699. Electrolysis: Solid-state potentiostat for controlled cathode-potential -. Juniper, 58. Electron spectroscopy and analyst. Betteridge, 994. Spin Resonance in Chemistry. Blumenfeld, Voevodski and Semenov.(Review), 696. Electrophoresis: Gel supports for - with pyridine - acetic acid media. Leighton, Moody and Thomas, 149. Zone - of lubricating oil additives. Leighton, Moody and Thomas, 442. Environment: Analytical chemistry in inter-disci- plinary environmental science. Laitinen, 101 1. Enzymes : Electron Microscopy of -. Principles and Methods. Vol. 1. Hayat. (Review), 31 1. Ergocslciferol : Stable and sensitive colorimetric method for determination of - (vitamin Da) by using trifluoracetic acid. Gharbo and Gosser, 222. Eriochrome black B: Spectrophotometric deter- mination of magnesium in tobacco leaves with Hazardous chemicals as reagents. Cluley, 81. F Fats: Standard Methods for Analysis of Oils, - and Soaps. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Review), 239.Fatty acids: Method for determination of volatile - in blood plasma of ruminant animals. Gardner and Thompson, 326. Feeding Stuffs : Determination of clopidol in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 233. Determination of nitrovin in compound animal feeds and pre-mixes. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-Com- mittee, 70; Erratum, 384. Determination of quindoxin in compound animal feeds and pre-mixes. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-Com- mittee, 63. Methods for identification and assay of virgini- amycin in animal feeds.Boon and Dewart, 19. Ferroin: Spectrophotometric method for deter- mination of boron in water by use of -. Bassett and Matthews, 1. Fertilisers: Industrial sampling and analysis. Docherty, 853. Titrimetric method for determination of sulphate in - . Campbell, Hubbard and Tioh, 519. Filter-papers as source of error in ammonia deter- minations. 6 hAlmhain and 6 Danachair, 2 11. Use of - in determination of nitrogen in foods. Pearson, 6 12. Fluorescence : Atomic- - and atomic-absorption spectrometry for chemical analysis. West, 886. Atomic- - spectrometry as analytical tech- nique. Critical review. Browner, 617. Partly quenched, synchronously excited - emission spectra in characterisation of complex mixtures. Lloyd, 729. Fluoride: Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue : improved reagent for positive absorptiometric determination of - ion.Leonard and Murray, 645. Food(s) : Analytical chemistry in public service. Markland, 810. Instrumental Methods of - Analysis. MacLeod (Review), 383. Laboratory Techniques in - Analysis. Pearson. (Review), 453. Method for determination of copper in biological materials involving use of sodium diethyldithio- carbamate. Silva, 408. Use of filter-papers in determination of nitrogen in -. Pearson, 612. Fruit(@ : Determination of thiabendazole in citrus - by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Rajzman, 120. Fucus spiralis: Loss of zinc and cobalt during dry ashing of biological material. Raaphorst, Weers and Haremaker, 523. Fujiwara reaction : Improved procedure for appli- cation of - in determination of organic halides.Reith, Ditmarsch and Ruiter, 652. Fumigant (5) : Determination of residues of volatile - in grain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Pro- ducts in Foodstuffs, Panel on - Residues in . Slegers and Claeys, 471. Grain, 570.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 99 2-Furfuraldehyde : Automatic analyses of trace Indole : Determination of tryptophan and - amounts of - in gas oil. Lidzey and substances by colorimetric diazotisation method. Stockwell. 749. Goswami. 657. G Gallium phosphide : Coulometric determination of trace levels of sulphur in -. Gijsbers, Bastings and Leest, 376. Gas(@ : Determination of small amounts of water in - using Karl Fischer reagent. Archer and Hilton, 547.Gas oil: Automatic analyses of trace amounts of 2-furfuraldehyde in -. Lidzey and Stockwell, 749. Gel supports for electrophoresis with pyridine - acetic acid media. Leighton, Moody and Thomas, 149. Geological samples : Mass-spectrographic analysis of - using low-voltage discharge source. Jackson and Strasheim, 26. Germanium : Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, -, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides . Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Grain: Determination of residues of volatile fumi- gants in - . Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veteri- nary Products in Foodstuffs, Panel on Fumigant Residues in -, 570.Graphite furnace : Kinetic theory of atomisation for non-flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with -. Kinetics and mechanism of atomisation for copper. Fuller, 739. H Halides : Improved procedure for application of Fujiwara reaction in determination of organic -. Reith, Ditmarsch and Ruiter, 652. Technique for determination of trace anions by combination of potentiometric sensor and liquid chromatography, with particular refer- ence to determination of -. Franks and Pullen, 503. Herbicide: Detection and determination of residues of - nitrofen in vegetables. KvalvAg, 666. Hydrazine : Ionic polymerisation as means of end- point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry. V. Iodimetric determination of organic bases, - derivatives and water. Greenhow and Spencer, 82.Hydrides: Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent -. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Hydrocarbons: Detection and determination of poly-nuclear aromatic - by luminescence spectrometry utilising Shpol’skii effect a t 77 K. Kirkbright and Lima, 338. Hydrogen sulphide : Modified methylene blue method for micro-determination of -. Matheson, 577. Hydroxyl : Enthalpimetric determination of - values of glycerol - alkylene oxide polyethers and butane-1,Cdiol- adipic acid polyesters. Kaduji and Rees, 435. I Indium: Polarographic determination of thallium, palladium, nickel, zinc and - with diethylene- triamine. Rao and Kumar, 439. Indophenol: Colorimetric method for determination of phenacetin and paracetamol. 111.Studies of - reaction : alternative manual procedure for determination of phenacetin and paracetamol and its application to determination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulphonamides, procaine and related compounds. Davis, Fogg, Thorburn Burns and Wragg, 12. Industry: Analytical chemistry in -. Whalley, 817. Industrial sampling and analysis. Docherty, 853. Infrared spectrophotometric analysis : Convenient method for collecting gas-chromatographic effluents for micro-scale - in gas phase. Norin, 717. Spectroscopy: I R - Theory and Practice of -. Alpert, Keiser and Szymanski. (Review), 633. Instrumentation: Chemical - : Systematic Approach. Strobel. 2nd Edn. (Review), 310. Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental Analy- sis.Gouw. (Review), 615. Insulin : Historical review of analytical control of -. Stewart, 913. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry: Standard Methods for Analysis of Oils, Fats and Soaps. (Review), 239. Ions: Electrolytic extraction combined with flame atomic-absorption for determination of metal - in aqueous solution. Dawson, Ellis, Hartley, Evans and Metcalf, 602. Iridium: Determination of - and ruthenium in rhodium sponge by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Ashy and Headridge, 285. Iron: Determination of trace amounts of lead in steel and cast - by atomic-absorption spectro- metry with use of carbon furnace atomisation. Shaw and Ottaway, 184. Use of ascorbic acid to eliminate interference from - in aluminon method for determining aluminium in plant and soil extracts.Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, 296. Iron(III) : Method for direct titrimetric deter- mination of - in silicate rocks. Murphy, Read and Sergeant, 273. Isoniazid: Coulometric microtitration of arsenic (111) and - using vitreous carbon generating electrode. Jennings, Dodson and Harrison, 145. Isotope Dilution Analysis. Tolgyessy, Braun and Kyrg. (Review), 533. K Karl Fischer reagent : Determination of small amounts of water in gases using -. Archer and Hilton, 547. ICinetic(s) : - theory of atomisation for non-flame atomic-absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace. - and mechanism of atomisation for copper. Fuller, 739. L Laboratory: Instrumentation-orientated micro- computer : extremely inexpensive data acquisi- tion computer optimised for automated -.Woodward, Ridgway and Reilley, 838. Radioisotope - Techniques. Faires and Parks. 3rd Edn. (Review), 143.INDEX TO VOLUME 99 xix Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Diamond and Denman. 2nd Edn. (Review), 76. Laser Micro-spectrochemical Analysis. Moenke and Moenke-Blankenburg. (Review) , 782. Lead : Atomic-absorption studies on determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, -, selenium, tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Determination of trace amounts of - in steel and cast iron by atomic-absorption spectro- metry with use of carbon furnace atomisation. Shaw and Ottaway, 184. Determination of trace amounts of - in steel by anodic stripping voltammetry.Metters and Cooksey, 457. Modification to extraction - atomic-absorption method for determination of antimony, bismuth, - and tin. Thornton and Burke, 469. Limestones : Combustion method for determination of total sulphur in -. Rundle, 163. Lipid@) : Analysis. Isolation, Separation, Identifi- ation and Structural Analysis of -. Christie. (Review), 782. Lubricants: Zone electrophoresis of lubricating oil additives. Leighton, Moody and Thomas, 442. Luminescence: Detection and determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by - spectrometry utilising Shpol’skii effect at 77 K. Kirkbright and Lima, 338. M Magnesium: Spectrophotometric determination of - in tobacco leaves with Eriochrome black B. Slegers and Claeys, 471.Management studies and techniques for application in analytical research, development and service. Goulden, 929. Manganese : Chemical interferences in determination of - in plant material by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Bradfield, 403. Photometric determination of - in water by using o-tolidine. Ma19 and Fadrus, 128. Mass spectrography : Mass-spectrographic analysis of geological samples using low-voltage discharge source. Jackson and Strasheim, 26. Mass Spectrometry: Dynamic -. Vol. 3. Price. (Review), 19 1. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatography/ - : Applications in Organic Analysis. McFadden. (Review), 693. Meat: Potentiometric titration method for rapid determination of salt in - products. Kapel and Fry, 608. Mercury (II) : Determination of - by radiochemi- cal replacement with silver-110%. Bowen, 771.Metal: Electrolytic extraction combined with flame atomic-absorption for determination of - ions in aqueous solution. Dawson, Ellis, Hartley, Evans and Metcalf, 602. Organic Reagents in - Analysis, Burger. (Review), 191. Metallurgy: Analytical Methods in Use in Non- ferrous Mining and -: Selective Review. Westwood and Cooper. (Review), 455. Methylene blue: Modified - method for micro- determination of hydrogen sulphide. Matheson, 677. Microscopy : Electron - of Enzymes. Principles and Methods. Vol. 1. Hayat. (Review), 311. Milk : Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin D, in fortified full-cream dried -. IBell and Christie, 385. Ion-selective electrode method for determination of chloride in -. Sweetsur, 690.Minerals: Use of tiron in microchemical analysis of -. French and Adams, 551. Mining: Analytical Methods in Use in Non-ferrous -- and Metallurgy: Selective Review. ’Nestwood and Cooper. (Review), 455. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Com- mittee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Food- stuffs. Panel on Fumigant residues in Grain. Determination of residues of volatile fumigants in grain, 570. Morantel tartrate: Determination of isomeric im- by gas - liquid purity in samples of - chromatographic analysis of products of controlled degradation procedure. Addison , Davison and Wadsworth, 114. Mytilus edulis: Loss of zinc and cobalt during dry ashing of biological material. Raaphorst, Weers and Haremaker, 523.N Neutron(s) : Control analysis of boron by measure- ment of transmission of radioisotope source -- . Pierce, Boswell and Peck, 774. generators : Activation Analysis with -. Nargolwalla and Przybylowicz. (Review) , 695. Some modern applications of activation analysis. Op de Beeck and Hoste, 973. Nickel: Application of spectrophotometric deter- mination of - and cobalt in mixtures with hip yridylglyoxal dithiosemicarbazone to analysis of catalysts. Bahamonde, PBrez Bendito and I’ino, 355. Pol arographic determination of thallium, palla- dium, -, zinc and indium with diethylene- triamine. Rao and Kumar, 439. Nitro: Determination of - and Related Functions. Gawargious. (Review), 693. 4- (4-Nitrobenzyl) pyridine : Spectrophotometric determination of organophosphorus pesticides with -.Turner, 431. Nitrofen : Detection and determination of residues of herbicide - in vegetables. Nitrogen: Use of filter-papers in determination of -- in foods. Pearson, 612. Nitrogen-15: Determination of - in plant material with emission spectrometer. Lloyd- Jones, Hudd and Hill-Cottingham, 580. Nitrogen dioxide : Absolute galvanic detector for -. Allen, 765. N-Nitrosamines: Rapid method for semi-quantitative determination of volatile - in alcoholic beverages. Castegnaro, Pignatelli and Walker, 156. N-Nitroso Compounds, Analysis and Formation. Proceedings of Working Conference Held a t Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidel- berg, Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October 1971. (Review), 144. in compound Nitrovin: Determination of - animal feeds and pre-mixes.Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-Committee. 70 : Erratum. 284 Kvalv%g, 666.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 99 Nuclear magnetic resonance: Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 5B. Mooney. (Review), 695. Spectroscopy of Cyclopentadienyl Compounds. Sergeyev. (Review), 240. Spectroscopy : Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift Reagents in -: Principles, Methodology and Applications. Reuben. (Review), 192. Spectroscopy: Quantitative Analysis by -. Kasler. (Review), 310. 0 Oils: Determination of soap in refined vegetable ___ by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Gegiou, 745. Standard Methods for Analysis of -, Fats and Soaps. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Review), 239.Optical activity: Fundamental Aspects and Recent Developments in Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism. Ciardelli and Salvadori. (Review), 382. Oxygen: Determination of impurities in - by mass spectrometry. Compton and Ward, 214. P Palladium : Polarographic determination of thallium, -, nickel, zinc and indium with diethylene- triamine. Rao and Kumar, 439, Paracetamol : Colorimetric method for determination of phenacetin and -. 111. Studies of indophenol reaction : alternative manual pro- cedure for determination of phenacetin and - and its application to determination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulphonamides, procaine and related compounds. Davis, Fogg, Thorburn Burns and Wragg, 12. Particle size analysis : past, present and future. Groves, 959.Pesticides: Determination of substituted pyrimidine - ethirimol, dimethirimol, pirimiphos- methyl, pyrimiphos-ethyl and pirimicarb in technical and formulated materials by gas chromatography. Bagness and Sharples, 225. Spectrophotometric determination of organo- phosphorus - with 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridine. Turner, 43 1. pH: Simultaneous measurement of -, chloride and electrolytic conductivity in soil suspensions. McLeod, Stace, Tucker and Bakker, 193. Pharmacopoeia: Extra - (Martindale). (Review), 75. Pharmacy : Bioavailability from pharmaceutical dosage forms. Stenlake, 824. Improved method for the colorimetric assay of thiacetazone in pharmaceutical preparations. Shohet, 755. Phenacetin : Colorimetric method for determination of - and paracetaniol. 111. Studies of indophenol reaction : alternative manual pro- cedure for determination of - and para- cetamol and its application to determination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulphon- amides, procaine and related compounds.Davis, Fogg, Thorburn Burns and Wragg, 12. Phthalate: Colorimetric determination of small amounts of C, to C,, alcohols in their - esters. Harrison, Hinchcliffe and Woodroffe, 491, Piperazine : Colorimetric determination of - in pharmaceutical formulations. Dessouky and Ismaiei, 482. Plant(s) : Chemical interferences in determination of manganese in - material by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Bradfield, 403. Determination of nitrogen-15 in - material with emission spectrometer. Lloyd- Jones, Hudd and Hill-Cottingham, 580. Use of ascorbic acid to eliminate interference from iron in aluminon method for determining aluminium in - and soil extracts.Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, 296, Plumbane : Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, selenium tellurium and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Pollution : Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water and Waste Water. Leithe. (Review), 455. Analytical chemistry in inter-disciplinary environ- mental science. Laitinen, 1011. Industrial sampling and analysis. Docherty, 853. Polyesters: Enthalpimetric determination of hydroxy values of glycerol - alkylene oxide polyethers and butane-1.4-diol - adipic acid -. Kaduji and Rees, 435. Polyethers: Enthalpimetric determination of hydroxyl values of glycerol - alkylene oxide -and butane-1,Cdiol- adipic acid polyesters Kaduji and Rees, 435.Gas-chromatographic analysis of polyurethane by using mixed anhydride reagent for cleavage of ether linkages. Polyoxyethylene p-t-nonylphenyl ethers: Determi- nation of ~ in pomades. Calzolari, Favretto and Tunis, 171. Polysaccharides: Determination of iota-carrageenan with 2-thiobarbituric acid. Anderson and Bowtle, 178. Polyurethane: Gas-chromatographic analysis of - polyethers by using mixed anhydride reagent for cleavage of ether linkages. Tsuji and Konishi, 54. Pomades: Determination of polyoxyethylene 9-t-nonylphenyl ethers in -. Calzolari, Favretto and Tunis, 171. Potentiosat : Solid-state - for controlled cathode- potential electrolysis. Juniper, 58.Procaine: Colorimetric method for determination of phenacetin and paracetamol. 111. Studies of indophenol reaction : alternative manual pro- cedure for determination of phenacetin and paracetamol and its application to determination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulphon- amides, - and related compounds. Davis, Fogg, Thorburn Burns and Wragg, 12. Public Analyst: Analytical chemistry in public service. Markland, 810. Pyrethroids: Quantitative determination of enantio- meric purity of synthetic -. 11. S-Bio- allethrin. Rickett and Henry, 330. Pyrimidine: Determination of substituted - pesticides ethirimol, dimethirimol, pirimiphos- methyl, pirimiphos-ethyl and pirimicarb in technical and formulated materials by gas chromatography. Bagness and Sharples, 226.Quindoxin: Determination of - in compound animal feeds and pre-mixes. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-committee, 63. Tsuji and Konishi, 54. QINDEX TO VOLUME 99 xxi R Radioactive materials : Control analysis of boron by measurement of transmission of radioisotope source neutrons. Pierce, Boswell and Peck, 774. Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques. Faires and Parks, 3rd Edn. (Review), 143. Raman Spectroscopy: Advances in -. Vol. 1. Mathieu . (Review), 534. Rare earth: Determination of rubidum, caesium, barium and eight - elements in ultramafic rocks by neutron-activation analysis. Brunfelt, Roelandts and Steinnes, 277. Reagent(s) : Absorptiometric determination of aluminium in water. Comparison of some chromogenic - and development of im- proved method.Hazardous chemicals as -. Cluley, 81. Organic - in Metal Analysis. Burger. (Review), 191. Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift - in NMR Spectroscopy : Principles, Methodology and Applications. Reuben. (Review), 192. Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue : improved - for positive absorptiometric determination of fluoride ion. Leonard and Murray, 645. Research : Analytical chemistry and education. Belcher, 802. Management studies and techniques for appli- cation in analytical -, development and service. Goulden, 929. Rhodium: Determination of iridium and ruthenium in - sponge by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorp tion spectrophotome try. Ashy and Headridge, 285. Rocks: Determination of rubidium, caesium, barium and eight rare earth elements in ultramafic - by neutron-activation analysis.Brunfelt, Roelandts and Steinnes, 277. Method for determination of total sulphur in silicate -. Murphy and Sergeant, 515. Method for direct titrimetric determination of iron(II1) in silicate -. Murphy, Read and Sergeant, 273. Rubidium: Determination of -, caesium, barium and eight rare earth elements in ultramafic rocks by neutron-activation analysis. Brunfelt, Roelandts and Steinnes, 277. Ruthenium: Determination of iridium and - in rhodium sponge by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Ashy and Headridge, 286. Dougan and Wilson, 413. Separation: Introduction to - Science. Karger, Snyder and Horvath. (Review), 536. Shpol’skii effect: Detection and determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by lumi- nescence spectrometry utilising - a t 77 K.Kirkbright and Lima, 338. Silicate: Method for determination of total sulphur in - rocks, Silicone rubber: Use of precipitate based - ion- selective electrodes and - graphite voltam- metric electrodes in continuous analysis : review. Silver-llOm : Determination of mercury(I1) by radiochemical replacement with -, Bowen, 771. Soap(s) : Determination of - in refined vegetable oils by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Gegiou, 745. Standard Methods for Analysis of Oils, Fats and -. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Review), 239. Society for Analytical Chemistry : Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-committee.Determination of nitrovin in compound animal feeds and pre-mixes, 70; Erratum, 384. Analytical Methods Committee. Miscellaneous Additives in Feeds Sub-committee. Deter- mination of quindoxin in compound animal feeds and pre-mixes, 63. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee. Deter- mination of clopidol in animal feeds, 233. Centenary celebrations. Editorial. Milner, 785. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate : Method for deter- mination of copper in biological materials involving use of -. Silva, 408. Sodium nitrite: Colorimetric determination of antazoline in some pharmaceutical preparations with --. Amer, Tawakkol and Ismaiel, 487. Soil: Simultaneous measurement of pH, chloride and electrolytic conductivity in - suspen- sions. McLeod, Stace, Tucker and Bakker, 193.Use of ascorbic acid to eliminate interference from iron in aluminon method for determining aluminium in plant and - extracts. Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, 296. Solids: Vibrational Spectroscopy of -. Sherwood. (Review), 143. Solvents: Massenspektrensammlung von Losungs- mitteln, Verunreinigungcn, Saulenbelegmateri- alien und Einfachen Aliphatischen Verbin- dungen. Spiteller and Spiteller. (Review), Murphy and Sergeant, 515. FehBr, Nagy, T6th and Pungor, 699. i n i S Salt: Potentiometric titration method for rapid determination of - in meat products. Kapel and Fry, 608. Sampling: Industrial - and analysis. Docherty, 853. Schoniger oxygen-flask method : Comparison of two procedures for determination of organobromine by -. Denney and Smith, 166.Crook, Johnson and Scales. (Review), 381. Selenium: Atomic-absorption studies on deter- mination of antimony. arsenic. bismuth, Scintillation Counting : Liquid - . VOl. 2. _ I . germanium, lead, -, tellurium.and tin by utilising generation of covalent hydrides. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Critical review. Browner, 617: IYI. Soup : Analytical Methods for --Industry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 694. Spectra: Absorption - in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVIII. LAng. (Review), 782. Massenspektrensammlung von Losungsmitteln, Verunreinigungen, Saulenbelegmaterialien und Einfachen Aliphatischen Verbindungen. Spiteller and Spiteller. (Review), 191. Partly quenched, synchronously excited fluores- cence emission - in characterisation of complex mixtures. Lloyd, 729.Spectrochemical analysis: See Analysis. Spectrometry: Atomic-fluorescence and atomic- absorption ~ for chemical analysis. West, 886. Atomic-fluorescence - as analvtical techniaue.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 99 T Detection and determination Of pOlynUClear T a m s : Determination of ____ with cerium(IV) aromatic hydrocarbons by luminescence - sulphate. Kapel and Karunanithy, 661. utilising Shpol'skii effect a t 77 K. Kirkbright ~ ~ l l ~ ~ i ~ ~ : Atomic-absoTtion studies on deter- and Lima, 338. mination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, ger- Spectroscopy: Advances in Raman -. Vol. 1. manium, lead, selenium, - and tin by Mathieu. (Review) , 534. utilising generation of covalent hydrides. Annual Reports on NMR-. Vol. 5B. Mooney. (Review), 695. Testosterone: Studies on specific colour reaction for Electron - and analyst.Betteridge, 994. determination of -. Fahmy, Yassa and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - of Cyclo- Wahba, 759. PentadienYl Compounds. SergeYev. (Review) 3 Thallium: Polarographic determination of -, 240. palladium, nickel, zinc and indium with Paramagnetic Lanthanide Shift Reagents in diethylenetriamine. Rao and Kumar, 439. NMR - : Principles, Methodology and Thermal analysis: See Analysis. Applications. Reuben. (Review), 192. Thermoanalytical Curves: Atlas of -. Vol. 2 . Vibrational - of Solids. Sherwood. (Review), (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simul- 143. taneously). Liptay. (Review), 190. Staphylomycin : See Virginiamycin. Thiabendazole: Determination of __ in citrus Steel: Determination of trace amounts of lead in fruits by ultraviolet spectrophotometry.- and cast iron by atomic-absorption Rajzman, 120. spectrometry with use Of carbon furnace Thiacetazone : Improved method for colorimetric atomisation. Shaw and Ottaway, 184. assay of - in pharmaceutical preparations. Determination of trace amounts of lead in - Shohet, 755. by anodic stripping voltammetry. %letters and 2-Thiobarbituric acid : Determination of iota-carra- Cooksey, 457. geenan with ---. Anderson and Bowtle, 178. Highly selective direct colorimetric procedure Thiols : ~~~i~ polymerisation as means of end-point for determination of zirconium in - with indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- arsenazo I11 by using pressure-digestion metry. VI. Determination of -. Greenhow technique for sample dissolution.Ashton, and Loo, 360. Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 108. Tin: Atomic-absorption studies on determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, by precision coulometric method. Hobson and selenium, tellurium and - by utilising Leigh, 93. generation of covalent hydrides . Thompson Stereochemistry : Fundamental Aspects and Recent and Thomerson, 595. Developments in Optical Rotatory Dispersion Modification to extraction - atomic-absorption and Circular Dichroism. Ciardelli and Salvadori. method for determination of antimony, bismuth, (Review), 382. lead and -. Thornton and Burke, 469. Steroids : Analysis of -. XXIV. Specific method Tiron: Use of - in microchemical analysis of for spectrophotometric determination of minerals. French and Adams, 551. 17-ethynyl-.Szepesi and Gordg, 218. Titration: See Analysis. Titrimetry: Ionlc polymerisation as means of end- Lees and Jackson. (Review), 383. point indication in non-aqueous thermometric -. VI. Determination of thiols. Greenhow - in fertilisers. Campbell, Hubbard and and Loo, 360. Tioh, 519. Thermometric and Enthalpimetric -. Vaughan . (Review) , 456. Sulpbonamides : Colorimetric method for deter- mination of phenacetin and paracetamol. 111, Tobacco: Spectrophotometric determination of magnesium in - leaves with Eriochrome Studies of indophenol reaction : alternative black B. Slegers and Claeys, 471. manual procedure for determination of phen- acetin and paracetam01 and its application to o-Tolidine : Photometric determination of manganese in water by using -. Ma19 and Fadrus, 128. determination of other pharmaceuticals, inclu- ding -, procaine and related compounds. Trifluoroacetic acid : Stable and Sensitive Colorimetric method for determination of ergocalciferol Davis, Fogg, Thorburn Burns and Wragg, (vitamin DB) by using -. Gharbo and 12. Gosser, 222. Tryptophan: Determination of - and indole Sulphur : Combustion method for determination of substances by colorimetric diazotisation method. total - in limestones. Rundle, 163. Coulometric determination of trace levels of - in gallium phosphide. Gijsbers, Bastings and 657' Turmeric: Detection of Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma aromatica in Curcuma longa (-) by Leest, 376. in thin-layer chromatography. Sen, Sen Gupta and Ghose Dastidar, 153. silicate rocks, Murphy and Sergeant, 515. advantage in quantitative trace analysis. African cheeses by gas - liquid chromatography. Pantony, 948. Surface-active agents : Vocabulaire des Agents de Surface, Terms et DCfinitions (Vokabularium von Tensiden, Begriff e und Definitionen; Vegetable(s) : Detection and determination of Vocabulary of -. Terms and Definitions. residues of herbicide nitrofen in -. KvalvAg, (Review), 190. 666. Thompson and Thomerson, 595. Problems in determination of carbon in - Sugar Confectionery and Chocolate Manufacture. Sulphate : Titrimetric method for determination of Method for determination of total - Surface: Turning -- chemical Phenomena to Tpadne: Determination of __ content of South Kaplan, Sapeika and Moodie, 565. VINDEX TO VOLUME 99 xxiii Vegetable oils : Determination of soap in refined - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Gegiou, 745. Virginiamycin: Methods for identification and assay of - in animal feeds. Boon and Dewart, 19. Vitamin A: Electrochemical determination of -. I. Voltammetric determination of - in pharmaceutical preparations. Atuma, Lindquist and Lundstrom, 683. Vitamin D,: Gas - liquid chromatographic deter- mination of - in fortified full-cream dried milk. Bell and Christie, 385. See also Ergocalciferol. W Wastewater : See Water. Water : Absorptiometric determination of alum- inium in -. Comparison of some chromo- genic reagents and development of improved method. Dougan and Wilson, 413. Analysis of Organic Pollutants in - and Waste -. Leithe. (Review), 465. Determination of ammonia levels in - and wastewater with ammonia probe. Evans and Partridge, 367. Determination of organic acids of low relative molecular mass (C, to C,) in dilute aqueous solution. Bethe and Lindstrom, 137. Determination of small amounts of - in gases using Karl Fischer reagent. Archer and Hilton, 547. Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. V. Iodimetric determination of organic bases, hydrazine derivatives and -. Greenhow and Spencer, 82. Photometric determination of manganese in - by using o-tolidine. Ma19 and Fadrus, 128. Spectrophotometric method for determination of boron in - by use of ferroin. Bassett and Matthews, 1. See also Boiler Water. Wines: Rapid determination of total dry extract of -. Wagstaffe, 537. Refractometric method for approximate measure- ment of alcoholic strength of - a t room temperature. Cooke, 306. Z Zinc: Loss of - and cobalt during dry ashing of biological material. Raaphorst, Weers and Haremaker, 623. Polarographic determination of thallium, palla- dium, nickel, - and indium with diethylene- triamine. Rao and Kumar, 439. Zirconium : Highly selective direct colorimetric procedure for determination of - in steel with arsenazo I11 by using pressure-digestion technique for sample dissolution. Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 108. ERRATA Vol. 98, 1973: p. 825. 14th line. For “Preparation of sample” read “Preparation of sample mixture.” p. 825. 19th line. For “sample size” read “injection volume.” Vol. 99, 1974: p. 70. 15th line. Fo; “aminohydrazone” wad “amidinohydrazone .Printed by Heffers Printers Ltd Cambridge England