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Studies of the Hot Water Extractives of the Bark and Leaves ofPopulus deltoidesBartr.


作者: Irwin A. Pearl,   Stephen F. Darling,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1971)
卷期: Volume 49, issue 1  

页码: 49-55




年代: 1971




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The hot water extractives of the fresh smooth green bark and the fresh leaves of aPopulus deltoidesBartr. tree cut in June and processed by the Waring Blendor technique in ethanol were extracted fractionally with ethyl acetate, and the individual ethyl acetate extracts were fractionated by elution chromatography with water, 20% ethanol, and 50% ethanol on polyamide columns. Important components found in the bark were salicortin, salicin, salicyl alcohol, pyrocatechol, ω-salicyloylsalicin, grandidentatin, grandidentoside, populoside, trichocarposide, and 6-methyldihydroquercetin. Important components found in the leaves were salicortin, salicin, salicyl alcohol, pyrocatechol, 1-O-p-coumaroyl-β-D-glucoside, populoside, ω-salicyloylsalicin, chrysin-7-glucoside, and a new glucoside, deltoidin, which has been identified as 2-O-salicyloylsalicin.


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