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Initial Adjustment Processes in Young Married Couples


作者: Beverly R. Cutler,   William G. Dyer,  


期刊: Social Forces  (OUP Available online 1965)
卷期: Volume 44, issue 2  

页码: 195-201




年代: 1965




出版商: The University of North Carolina Press


数据来源: OUP



In examining marital adjustment in young couples, it was found that when husbands and wives had their expectations violated the predominant process of handling the situation was to adopt a “wait and see” strategy, hoping that adjustment would occur as a function of time. This strategy was most prevalent for husbands when their expectations regarding frequency of sexual intimacy were violated, but different areas of marriage found different patterns of responses in the adjustment process.Wives, more often than husbands, indicated they talked over their violations openly in an attempt to effect adjustment. Both husbands and wives felt their responses to each other were predominantly adjustively oriented, but wives admitted more non-adjustive responses than husbands.


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