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Kinetics of Na+-dependent amino acid transport using cells and membrane vesicles of a marine pseudomonad


作者: G. Dennis Sprott,   Joseph P. Drozdowski,   Eugene L. Martin,   Robert A. MacLeod,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Microbiology  (NRC Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 21, issue 1  

页码: 43-50




年代: 1975




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Sodium ion is required for transport ofL-alanine and α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) into cells and membrane vesicles of a marine pseudomonad. Initial rate data obtained at various Na+and amino acid concentrations were tested for fit by least squares analysis to sequential and Ping-Pong equations. The sequential case is preferred statistically at the 99% confidence limit. Cotransport of AIB and Na+in cells could not be detected, perhaps explained by efflux of Na+shown to occur from these cells. The kinetic analysis is consistent with formation of a ternary complex involving Na+and the amino acid.


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