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Ferroelectric properties of Al and Nb doped PbTiO3thin films prepared by chemical solution deposition process


作者: Takashi Iijima,   Helfried Näfe,   Fritz Aldinger,  


期刊: Integrated Ferroelectrics  (Taylor Available online 2000)
卷期: Volume 30, issue 1-4  

页码: 9-17




年代: 2000




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: lead titanate;ferroelectric property;thin film;CSD process


数据来源: Taylor



Thin films of pure and acceptor (Al) as well as donor (Nb) doped PbTiO3were prepared using a chemical solution deposition method. The nominal compositions of the solutions were equivalent to those of PbTiO3, Pb(Ti0.95Al0.95)O3and Pb(Ti0.95Nb0.05)O3, respectively. In the case of PbTiO3, the remanent polarization amounted to 43 μC/cm2, but the shape of the hysteresis curve was round. On the other hand, Al and Nb doped PbTiO3thin films exhibited well-saturatedP-Ehysteresis curves. The shape of these curves was slim compared to that of PbTiO3. The remanent polarization of the Pb(Ti0.95Al0.05)O3and Pb(Ti0.95Al0.05)O3thin films amounted to 18 and 15 μC/cm2, respectively, and the coercive field decreased in comparison with that of PbTiO3. The leakage currents of the PbTiO3, Pb(Ti0.95Al0.05)O3and Pb(Ti0.95Al0.05)O3thin films were 7.68x10−3, 3.21x10−6and 6.58x10−4A/cm2, respectively, at+10V.


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