THE ANALYST. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS. 73 Testing for a Chew. Xoc., vol. xx. FOODS AND DRUGS ANALYSIS. Yellow Azo-colour in Fats, etc. A. H. Low. (Journ. Arner. [Ill, 889.)-A few C.C. of the pure filtered fat are treated with an equal volume of a mixture of strong sulphuric acid, 1 part, and glacial acetic acid 4 ,parts, the whole being then heated nearly to boiling, and thoroughly mixed by agitation. After settling, the lower stratum (mixed acids) will exhibit a strong, wine-red coloration, if the yellow azo-dye be present, whereas only a very faint brownish tinge is produced in the case of pure butter, The sulphuric acid may be replaced by strong hydrochloric acid, or a mixture of 1 part strong sulphuric acid with 3 parts water may be employed; the acetic acid mixture, however, gives the best results.c. s. The Detection of Horseflesh in Sausages. T. Baskion. (Jozmz. Pharnz. Chim., 1898, vii., 540-542.)-The author has examined various methods based on the colour reaction which the glycogen of the horseflesh gives with iodine. With the original process of Brautigam and Edelmann (ANALYST, xix., 24) he has only been able to obtain certain results in the presence of a large proportion of horseflesh, and he has also found Courlay and Coremon’s modification (ANALYST, xxi., 231) inconclusive. By varying the experimental conditions he has worked out the following modi- fication, by which, he asserts, it is possible to detect the presence of 5 per cent. of horseflesh in sausages, even in the presence of starch : About 20 grammes of the finely minced sausage are boiled for from thirty minutes to one hour with 100 C.C.of water, so that the volume of the liquid is reduced to about 30 C.C. When cold the broth is filtered, and about 10 C.C. tested with 2 or 3 drops of a solution of iodine in potassium iodide (iodine, 1 gramme ; potassium iodide, 2 grammes ; water, 100 c.c.) or of iodine water. A fugitive reddish violet coloration indicates the presence of horseflesh. The iodine reagent must be added carefully, since a slight excess changes the colour to reddish-brown. If starch is also present, the broth is decanted when cold, and from 1 to 2 volumes of acetic acid added according to the quantity of starch. After standing for 5 minutes the liquid is filtered, and 10 C.C. of the filtrate tested as before with 2 to 3 drops of the iodine solution, which in this case also produces a violet colour in the presence of horseflesh.74 THE ANALYST, Water.A summary of the author's experiments is given in the subjoined table : -.___ -- _- ____ in KI solution. Pork. I ' I 22- Starch. Water. Slight brown. Do. Ihration of Boiling. RI. Nil. Do. -- 0 i 0 i 0 ~ 40 0 1 40 0 40 Addition of 2 vols. of Acetic Acid. 1.0 F. 0 1.0B. 1'0 F. Do. Do. Reddish violet. Do. Yellowish brown. Reddish violet. Violet. Do. Do. D O . Volume of Water. C.C. 150 150 150 150 Reddish brown. Do. Reddish violet. Do. Nil. Yellowish brown. Reddish viole t. Do. Do. Do. 0 ; 20 I 0 20 0 20 'LO 0 19 1 1-OF. 0.5 F. 0.5 F. 0 0 , Reddish brown. Light brown. Dark brown. Brownish D O . 18 2 18.5 1 18 I 1 17'5 1 2 2 l7 1 0 0.5 F. 1.0 F. 0 * 5 F . 1.0 F. .- I Grammes. ' Grammes. ' Grammes 0 1 0 1 05F, I Nil. Do. Dark blue. Nil. Slight brown. Do. Dark reddish violet. Dark blue. Blood red. Reddish violet. Do. Brownish violet. Blood I red. ' Reddish violet. Do. Do. Reddish brown. Do. Violet. Reddish brown. Do. Brown- ish yellow. Do. Do. Do. 1 150 Liquid reduced to half its Do. Violet brown. Do. Do. Do. DO. Brownish 1 Nil. yellow. DO. Nil. Brownish violet. 100 150 150 150 I 150 ! 150 I Dark reddish violet. Dark blue. Reddiah brown. Faint brown. Dark brown. Do. Do. DO. Do. DO. __ B = wheat starch. F=Potato starch. C. A. M.