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Mating system ofCalluna vulgaris: self-sterility and outcrossing estimations


作者: Grégory Mahy,   Anne-Laure Jacquemart,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Botany  (NRC Available online 1998)
卷期: Volume 76, issue 1  

页码: 37-42




年代: 1998




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The evolutionary significance of a mixed mating system is currently under debate.Calluna vulgaris(L). Hull, a widespread European shrub, is likely to undergo mixed mating because of geitonogamy. Mating system was investigated in three populations ofC. vulgarisby means of greenhouse controlled crosses, pollen tube observations, and outcrossing rate estimations from allozyme markers. The species is highly self-sterile, most probably as a result of early inbreeding depression. Mean fruit set and mean seed number per fruit following hand self-pollination were 48 and 13%, respectively, of those following cross-pollination. Pollen tubes produced by self pollen penetrated the ovary with the same success as those from cross-pollination. Multilocus estimates of the outcrossing rates ranged from 0.71 to 0.90, and two estimates were significantly different from 1.00.Calluna vulgariscould thus be classified as being mixed mating with predominant allogamy. Single-locus estimates did not differ significantly from multilocus estimates suggesting that biparental inbreeding did not contribute to the apparent selfing rate. The maintenance of high early inbreeding depression despite an intermediate level of selfing is discussed with respect to recent theories on mating system evolution.Key words:Calluna vulgaris, mating system, self-sterility, pollen tubes, outcrossing rate, inbreeding depression.


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