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Defective 5-HT1 -Receptor-Mediated Neurotransmission in the Control of Growth Hormone Secretion in Parkinson’s Disease


作者: R. Volpi,   P. Caffarra,   A. Scaglioni,   S. Boni,   A. Saginario,   P. Chiodera,   V. Coiro,  


期刊: Neuropsychobiology  (Karger Available online 1997)
卷期: Volume 35, issue 2  

页码: 79-83




年代: 1997




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Sumatriptan;Growth hormone;Parkinson’s disease;5-HT receptors


数据来源: Karger



In order to gain a better insight in the serotonergic disorder affecting the parkinsonian brain, the growth hormone (GH) response to the 5-HT1 serotonergic receptor agonist sumatriptan was tested. Sumatriptan was injected subcutaneously in 10 de novo parkinsonian patients (aged 58-69 years) and in 9 age-matched normal controls. On different occasions, subjects were also tested with GH-releasing hormone (GH-RH; 1 µg/kg body weight in an intravenous bolus) and L-arginine (30 g in 50 ml normal saline over 30 min), which releases GH from somatostatin inhibition, to determine whether GH secretion in response to alternate secretagogues is preserved in Parkinson’s disease. In addition, a control test with the administration of normal saline instead of drug treatments was performed. Plasma GH levels were recorded over 2 h in all tests. Placebo administration did not change plasma GH levels in any subject. Similar GH responses were observed in normal controls and parkinsonian patients when GH-RH or arginine were administered. A significant GH increase was observed in normal controls after sumatriptan injection; in contrast, GH secretion was not modified by sumatriptan administration in parkinsonian patients. These data show that Parkinson’s disease is associated with an impairment in the 5-HT1-receptor-mediated serotonergic transmission in the control of GH secretion, suggesting that this specific defect might alter other serotonergic-mediated mechanisms in the parkinsonian b


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