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Tungsten‐Rhenium Thermocouples for Use at High Temperatures


作者: R. R. Asamoto,   P. E. Novak,  


期刊: Review of Scientific Instruments  (AIP Available online 1967)
卷期: Volume 38, issue 8  

页码: 1047-1052




年代: 1967




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Tungsten‐rhenium thermocouple systems were evaluated for use in measuring temperatures between 1600 and 3000°C. Temperature‐millivolt relationships were extended from 2300 to 3000°C for bare‐wire W3Re/W25Re and W5Re/W26Re thermocouples in vacuum. The performance of W26Re sheathed, high‐fired beryllia‐insulated thermocouples was limited only by the melting point of the beryllia insulation (∼2550°C). The thermoelectric output of high‐fired thoria‐insulated thermocouples sheathed in W26Re was determined and found to be reliable up to at least 2850°C, when corrected for electrical shunting through the insulation. Stability of high temperature thermocouples using thoria insulation was within ±0.3 mV (±40°C) when held at 2425°C for 148 h.


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