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Methylation of pentachlorophenol byTrichoderma virgatum


作者: A. J. Cserjesi,   E. L. Johnson,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Microbiology  (NRC Available online 1972)
卷期: Volume 18, issue 1  

页码: 45-49




年代: 1972




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The formation of pentachloroanisole by methylation from pentachlorophenol byTrichoderma virgatumin liquid cultures was detected using gas chromatography and confirmed by melting point determination and infrared (i.r.) spectroscopy. The formation of pentachloroanisole, however, did not account for the total loss of pentachlorophenol in the medium, suggesting that this reaction is only the first step in the metabolism of this compound or a parallel reaction to degradation. Pentachloroanisole was much less toxic than pentachlorophenol toTrichoderma virgatum,Cephaloascus fragrans, andPenicilliumsp., as well as to fish in laboratory toxicity tests.


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