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Index of authors' names, 1896




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1896)
卷期: Volume 69, issue 1  

页码: 1703-1709




年代: 1896




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF AUTHORS’ NAMES. T R A K S A C T I 0 N 8. 18 9 6. (Ettked T.) ; and to Proceedings of t h e Session 1895-1896, Nos. 155-168 ; Nov., 1895--June, 1896 (marked P.). A. Abel, (Sir), Frederick Azigustus, Eof- niann Meinorial Lecture : the liistorg of the Royal Coilege of Chemistry, and reminiscences ot Iiofmann’s pro- fessorship, T., 580; p., 1893, 135. Allen, Alfred Benry, an improT-ed method of determining urea by the ligpobromite process, P., 1896, 31 ; discussion, ibid., 33. Andrews, Ernest Robert. See Xnphael Meldola. Appleyard, James Xohert. See James Walker. Archdeacon, William Hewy. See Julius Bereiad Cohen. Armstrong, Henry Xdzcard, Hofrnann Memorial Lecture: notes on Hof- mann’s scientific work, T., 637. - studies of the terpenes and allied compoonds : note on ketopinic acid -a product of tlie oxidation of the solid h ydrichloride (chlorocamphydr- ene) prepared from pinene, T., 139’1 ; P., 1896, 167.- the origin of colour. No. 11. The yellow colour of 2 : 3-hydroxy- naphthoic acid, P., 1896, 42. - note on etherification, P., 1896,43. -- the relation of pinene to citrene, P., 1896, 44. - tlie conditions involved in the occurrence of inversion in the case of asymmetric (optically active) com- pounds, P., 1896, 45. Armstrong, I€enry Edward, and William Paliner Wynne, 2 : 1-9- naplithylaminesulphonic acid and the corresponding chloronaphthalene- sulplionic acid, P., 1895, 238. -- - 1 : 3-a-naphthylaminesulph- onic acid and the corresponding chloro- POL. LXIX. naplithale~csulplioiiic acid, I?., 1895, 238. Armstrong, Heiwy Ediuard, :ind William Palmr Wynne, studics o n the conetitution of tlie tri-deriTatires of naplithalene.No. 16. Tlic cli- sulphonic acids obtained by sulphoi at- ing 1 : S-a-naphthylamine- and 1 :% a-chloronnplitlialene-sulphonic acids, P., 1835, 240. B. Bablich, Het*inmn. See Arthur Geoiye Perkin. Baker, H. Breretoit. See Barold Baily Dixon. Barnett, Robert E. See ?Vi!liam rltigustus Tilden. Barr, John M. See George Gcrdd Henderson. Bedson, Peter Phillips, Lothar Me: e r Memorial Lecture, T., 1403 ; P., 1896, 119. Bentley, William Henry, Edwci,*d Eaworth, and Wdliana fleiiry Perkin, jun., on y-phenoxy-derivn- tives of iiialonic acid and acelic acid, and n r i o u s compounds used in the sjnthesis of these acids, T., 161 ; P., 1896, 35. Bentley, William Henry, and William Uenry Perkin, jun., note on y-accto- butyric acid, T., 1510.-- on the xjlic and xylidinic acids, P., 1896, 79. B entl e y, William Eenry , Wil li<z nr Henry Perkin, jun., and Joidgn Fleld Thorpe, cis- and trans-methj 1- isopropylsuccinic acid, T , 270; P., 1896, fi4. Bevan, Edward John. See Charles Frederick Cross. 5 Y1704 IXDEX O F AUTHORS. Bone, William A r t h u r , and David Smiles Jordan, the union of carbon and hFdrogcn, P., 1896, 60. Bone, William A r t 7~ ur , and William He?trzj Pcrkin, ~ u H . , the symmetrical climeihylsuccinic acids, T., 253 ; P., 1896, 63. - - note on the aal-dimethyl- glutaric acids, T., 26s; P., 1896, 63. Burgess, Eerhert E. See A l f r e d Chastom Chapman. , Burrell, B . -4rtAz/r, analysis o€ the water o€ tlie dropping well a t Knsres- borough, Yorksliire, T., 536: ; P., 1896, 73.C. Gain, John Caiznell, note on the action of hydrogen chloride on ethylic alco- hol, P., 1896, 12. Calvert, 2iarr-y Thornton, and Thomas Ewan, colloi'dal chromosulphuric acid, P., 1896, 160. Cannizzaro, Stanislao, congratulatory address to, P., 1896, 120. Cam, Fraiacis Wozoard. See Wyndiianz &owland Dunstan. Chapman, Alfred C'hastoit and Herbert E. Eurgess, note on santal and some of its derivatives. P.. 1896. 140. Cross, Cl'la7-l~~ Frederick, Edioni*d John Bevan, and Claud Smith, carbohydrates of cereal straws, T., 1604 ; P., 1896, 174. D. D' Arcy, 2aQik Yrancis, 011 certain views concerning tlie condition of thc dissohed substance in solutions of so- dium sulpl-tate, T., 993 ; €'., 1896, 104.Davy, S. lV. X., obituary notice of, T., 733. Dewar, James, the liquefaction of air, and resei~rcli a t low temperatures, P., 1895, 221 ; discussion, ibid., 231. Divers, Edward, and Tameitzasa Haga, thc rrduction of nitrososulphates, T., 1610 ; P., 1896,179. -- iluidosulphonates. Part 11. T., 1620 ; P., 1896, 179. -- amidosulphonic acid, T., 1634 ; P., 1896, 180. -- the economical preparation of 1iydroxylamii;e sulphate, T., 1665 ; Dixon, Azigzistzrs Edward, the chemis- try of dibromopropylthiocarbimide and tlic action of brmiine ancl iodine i~.,'isss, 1'7s. on allyltiiiourca, T., 17; I?., 1895,215. - halogen additive products of sub- Cecil Turle Evans, nietadichloro- slituLed tliiosiiiainiues, T., 851 ; Chattaway, Frederich. U., Ilnd Robert benzene, T., $48; P.,'1896, 97.-- the diphenylbenzenes. I. n~etndiplienSlbenzene, T., 980; P. 1896,113. Chikashig6, JfasunzZ;, the atomic weiglit of Japanese tellurium, T., 881 ; P., 1896,161. Clowes, Fraizk, the evolution of car- bon monoxide by alkaline pyrogallic solution during absorption of oxygen, P., 1895, 200. - the composition of the limiting explosive mixturcs of various com- bustible gases with air, P., 1895, 201 ; discussion, ihid., 20:. - explosion and detection of acety- lene in air, P., 1896, 143. Cohen, Julius Berend, and Willriain Beenry Archdeacon, the action of sodium alcoholate on the acid amides, Collie, John Norma%, and N. T. A?. Wilsmora, ihe production of noph- tlialene and of isoquinoline deriva- tives from dehydracetic acid, T., 293 ; P., 1896, 4'7.Cross, Charles Ei.ederick, Edward John Bevan, and Claud Smith, constitution of the cereal celluloses, T., 804 ; P., 1896,95. T., 91; Y., 1896, 8. P., 1896, 99. - acidic tliiouorbiniides, thioureaj, aiid ureas, !I1., 855 ; P., 1896, 100. - tliiocarbimidcs derived from COD- plex fatty acids, T., 1593 ; P., 1896, 223. Dixon, Harold Uaily, the node of formation of carbonic acid in the burning of carbon compouuds, Dixon, Harold B a i l y , and H. BI.ere- toit Baker, the clicmical inactivity of tlie Rontgen rays, T., 1305; P., 1896, 160. Dixon, Karold Bail<y, and J. A . Rar- ker, on the detonatim of chlorine pxoxide, T., 789; P., 1896, 57. Dixon, Aarold Buily, 3. H. Strange, nncl Edward Graham, thc explosion of cyanogen, T., 759; P., 1896, 53. Dohorty, W. X., apparatus for the detection of boric acid, P., 1896, 101.Doran, Robert E l l i o t , the action of lcnd tliiocpuate on the chlorocarbon- shes. Part I. Carboxyethplthio- carbamide and its derivatives, T., 1324 ; P., 1896,74. Dougal, illniyaret Donie, the eEcct of heat on aqueous solutions of chrome alum, T., 1526 ; P., 1896,183. T., 774; P., 1896, 55.INDEX OF AUTHORS. 1705 Dunstan, HGp2r’Lam Rowland, and Trancis Howard Carr, note on piper- oratine, P., 1895,177. -- clibenznconine and tetracetyl- aconitine, P., 1895,187. - note on a difficulty in the deter- mination of nitrogen by the absolute method, Y., 1896, 48. Dunstan, 7Vyndlrana Rozoland, and Ernest Goulding, the hydriodides of Iiydroxylaniine, ’.I?., S39 ; P., 1896, 72. Dunstan, 7+7qndha??z Roleland, Thomas Tickle, and David flarniltou Jack- son, tlie action of methylic alcohol on aconitinc.Formation of methylbenz- aconine, P., 1896, 159. Durrant, Reyiizald D., on a new com- pound of cobalt, and a rapid method of detecting cobalt, in presence of nickel, P., 1896, 96. E. Easterfield, Illhontas B i l l . See Thomas Barlozu Wood. Elliot, Waller John, action of chioro- form and potassium hydroxide on nietamiclobenzoic acid, T., 1513 ; P., 1896, 171. Evans, Claya de Brereton, researches on tertiary benzenoid amines. I. Derivatives of dimethylaniline, I?., 1895, 235. Evans, Robert Cecil T w l e . See Fred- erick D. Chattaway. Ewan, Thomas, note on the electrolytic conductivity of formanilide and thio- formanilide, T., 96 ; P., 1896, 8. Ewan, Thomas. See also I€arry Thormhn Calvert.F. Fenton, Henry John Horstrnan, the constitution of a new dibasiu acid resulting from the oxidation of tar- taric acid, T., 546 ; €’., 1896, 67. Fitzgerald, George B a n c i s , Helmholtz Memorial Lecture, T., 885 ; I?., 1896, 26 ; discussion, ibid., 26. Forster, Martin Onslow, studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. New derivatives of a-dibromocamphor, T., 36; P., 1895, 207. - preliminary note on a new base derivedfrom camphoroxime, P., 1896, 145. See Arthur Rich- ardson. Fortey, Zmily C. Frankland, Perez/ Tarada-y, and John MacGregor, on some of the ethereal salts of active and inactive monoben- zojl-, dihenzoyl-, diplienylacetyl-, and dipropionjl-glyceric acids, T., 104 ; P., 1896, 9. Frankland, Percy Faraclay, and Robert IIbwson Pickard, rotation of optic- alIF active coniponnds in organic solvents, T., 123; P., 1896, 11.Frankland, Percy Paraday, and Tred- ericr’c Malcolm Wharton, position iso- merism and optical activity. The methylic and ethylic salts of ortho-, meta-, and para-dit,olLiyltartaric acids, T., 1309; Y., 1896, 148. -- position isomerism and optical activity. The comparative rotatory powers of tlie dibenzoyl-, and clitoluyl- tartrates, T., 1583; Y., 1896, 186. G. Galloway, Robert, obituary notice of, Gardner, Joh.lt Addy:i;nn. See James Goodwin, William. See William Goulding, Erneyt. See Wyndham Graham, Edward. See Harold Baily Gunnell, Oswald. See Arthur George T., 733. Eme.rt Marsh. Henry Perkin, jun. Rozoland Dunstan. Dixon. Perkin. H. Hada, Seihaehi, how mei-curous and inercuric salts change into each other, Haga, Famemasa.See Edward Divers. Hake, H. Wilson, preliminary note on the absorption of moisture by de- liquescent salts, P., 1896, 33 ; diseus- sion, ibid., 35. Harcourt, Auyicslzi.r George TTernoia, Presidential Address, l’., 561 ; P., 1896, 80. Harker, J. A. See Harold Baily Dixon. Hartley, Walter A’oel, the determina- tion of the composition of a “white sou ” by a method of spectrographic analysis, T., 842; P., 1896, 98. - on the temperature of certain flames, T., 844; P., 1896, 98. Haworth, .Edward, and Wdliam Benry Perkin, jun., note on the prepara- tion of glycol, T., 175; P., 1896, 37. T., 1667 ; P., 1896, 182. 5 ~ 21706 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Haworth, Edward. See also William Benry Bentley. Heinke, J o h ~ LeatAart, and William Henry Perkin, jun., action of etliylic P-iodopropionate on the sodium deri- vative of ethylic isopropglmalonate, T., 1506; P., 1896, 155.Helmholtz, Herrnann Ludwig Terdi- nand von, memorial lecture on, T., 885; P., 1896, 25. Benderson, George Gerald, and John A!!. Barr, the action of certain acidic oxides on salts of the hydroxy acids. III., T., 1451; P., 1896, 168. Henderson, James, action of sugars on ammoniacal silver nitrate, T., 145 ; I?., 1896, 9. Henderson, James. See also James Walker. Rewitt, John Theodore, and Frank G. Pope, the condensation of cliloral with resorcinol, T., 1265; I?., 1896, 150. Hewitt, John Theodore, and Henry E. Stevenson, the three chlorobenzenc- azosalicylic acids, T., 1257 ; P., 1896, 149. Hodgkinson, William Richard Eaton, fluorene and acenaplithen?, P., 1896, 110.Hofmann, August Wilhelin con, nie- morial lectures on, T., 575, P., 1893, 133. Hooker, Samuel C., the constitution of lapaehol and its derivatives. Part 111. The structures of the nmylene chain, T., 1355 : P., 1896, 166. - lomatiol (hgclroxyisolapachol) , T., 1381 ; l’,, 1896, 166. Hummel, John James. See Arthur Qeorge Perkin. Humphreys, W. J., solution and diffu- sion of certain metals in mercury, T., 243, 1679; P., 1896, 5, 220. Hutchinson, Arthtcr and William Pol- lard, lead tetracetate and the plumbic salts, T., 212 ; P., 1896, 30. J. Jackson, Dauid Hamilton. See 7Fynd- ham Rowland Dunstan. Jackson, Herbert, note on the use of certain phosphorescent substances in rendering X-rays visible ; P., 1896, 57 ; discussion, ihid., 60. Japp, Francis Robert, and Q.Druce Lander, condensation of benzil with ethylic acetoacetate, T., 736 ; P., 1895, 146. 7- synthesis of pcntacarbon rings. Part I. Anhydrncetonebend and its homologues, P., 1896, 108. Japp, 3ranci.s Robert, and G. Druce Lander, reduction of desyleneacetic wid, and the constitution of Zinin’s pyroamaric acid, P., 1896, 109. - - synthesis of pentacarbon rings. P a r t 11. Condensation 01 bezzil with acetonedicarboxylic acid, P., 1896, 109. Japp, Francis Roh~rt, and Thoinns Smith rdurray, synthesis of penta- carbon rings. P a r t 111. Condensa- tion of benzil with levulic acid, P., 1896, 146. Jones, ,4. ZVentworth, molecular volume change duriiig the formation of dilute solutions in organic liquids, P., 1895, 179. Jordan, Dacid Smiles.See WiZZiam Arthur Bone. Jowett, Hooper Al6ert Dirkinson, contributions to our knowledge of thc aconite alkaloids. Part XIII. On atisine, the alkaloid of Aconitunz heterophyllum, T., 1518 ; P., 1896, 158. K. Kelvin, 7ViIliain Thomson ( L o r d ) , congratulatory address to, P?, 1896, 121. Xipping, Frederick Stanley, w-bromo- camphoric acid, T., 61; P., 1895, 212. - deriratives of crtmphoric acid, Part I, T., 913 ; P., 1895,33,88,210 ; 1896, 114. - wdibromocamphoric acid and its derivatives, P., 1895, 211. Kipping, Frederick Stanley, and William J. Pope, 7r-chlorocamphoric acid, P., 1895, 213. Kipping, Prederick Stanley. See also Arthur Lapworth, Cecil Revis. L. Lander, G. Druce. See B a n c i s ]tobet-€ JaPP. Lapworth, Arthwr, note on the formn- tion of camphorquinone from a- chloronitrocamphor, T., 322 ; P., 1896, 76.Lapworth, Arthur, and Frederick Stanley Kipping, isomeric wbromo- a-nitro-camphors, T., 304 ; P., 1895, 209 ; 1896, ’77. - - derivatives of camphene- sulphonic acids, T., 1546 ; P., 1895, 57; 1896,152, 185.ISDES OF AUTHORS. 1707 Law, Zobert, an auxiliary assay bal- ance, l'., 526; P., 1896, 75. Laycock, 'CVilliam Frederick, an ex- amination of the prodiicts obtained by the dry distillation of- bran w-ith lime, P., 1896, 38. Lewes, Pivian Byam, the acetylene theory of luminosity, T., 226; P., 1896, 1 ; discussion, ibid., 3. Loew, Oscar, the physiological action of amidosnlphonic acid, T., 1662 ; P., 1896,182. Luxmoore, Charles Mnnn, the oximes of benzaldehyde and their derivatives, T., 177; P., 1895, 149.M. XacGregor, JOJLIZ. See Pcrey Para- day Frankland. Mackenzie, John Edwin, dimethuxy- diphenylniethane and some of its homologues, T., 985 ; P., 1896, 117. Maclaurin, J. S., double sulphides of gold and other metals, or the action at a red heat of sulphur on gold when alloyed with other metals, T., 1269 ; P., 1896, 149. -- the relative weights of gold and silver dissolred by potassium cyanide solutions from alloys of these metals, T., 1276 ; P., 1896, 149. XcLeod, Herbert, liberation of chlor- ine durinn the heating of a mixture of potnsk chlorate ant1 mniiganic peroxide, T., 1015 ; P., 1896, 141. M'Roberts, George, obituary notice of, Marchlewski, L e o . See E'dlcard Schunck. Marsh, James Ern&, and John Addy- ma?$ Gardner, researelies on the ter- penes.VI. Products of the oxidation of camphene. Cartiphoic acid and its deriratiyes, T., 74; P., 1895, 206; discussion, ibid., 206. Marshall, B. i7leryn C., the rotation of aspartic acid, 'I., 1022; P., 1896, Meldola, Raphael, monouitroguaiacol, P., 1896, 125. Meldola, Xapkael, and Emest Robert Andrews, the alkaline reduction of metanitraniline, T., 7; P., 1895, 214. Meldola, Raphael, and Frederick William Streatfeild, mixed diazo- suiides containing an ortho-nitro- group, P., 1896, 49. benzene: a study of the relations T., 734. 196. - - all~lparadinitrodinzoamido- between melting point and constitu- tion, P., 1896, 51. Meldola, Raphael, George ITarold Woolcott, and Edward Wray, con- tributions to the chemistry of the phenol deriratives, T., 1321 ; Y., 1896,163.Meyer, Jztliu.~ LotJmr, memorial lecture on, T., 1403; P., 1896, 119. Murray, Thomas Smith. See Francis Bobert Japp. N. Newth, Geovge S., an apparstus for sliowing expeihents a-itli ozone, T., 1298; P., 1896,139. - note on the action of liydrofluoric acid on crystallised silicon, P., 1895, 176. Nicholls, A. See PTi'illiaat Augustus Tilden. Nicol, Williccnz Walker Jamps, the molecular volumes of orgallic sub- stances in solution, T., 142; P., 1895, 237. 0. O'Sullivan, Cornelius, and Arthur Landauer Stern, the identity of dextrose from different sources, with special reference to the cupric oxide reducing power, T., 1691 ; Y., 1896, 218. P. Pasteur, Louis, telegram of condolence on the deathof, P., 1895, 167. Paterson, Daaid, effiorescence of double ferrous aluminium sulphate on bricks expoecd to sulphur dioxide, T., 66; P., 1895, 203.Patterson, Thomas Stewart, iodoso- and iodoxy-benzaldehSdes, T., 1002; P., 1896, 153. Perkin, Arthur George, luteolin. Part I. T., 206; P., 1896, 37. Part 11. T., '799; P., 1896, 105. - acid compounds of natural ccolour- ing matters, T., 1439; P., 1896, 167. Perkin, Arthur George, and Rermam Bablich, morin. Part I. T., 792; P., 1896, 106. Perkin, Aythur George, and Oswald Gunnell, the colouring matter of Querbracho Colorado, T., 1303 ; P., 1896,158. Perkin, A r t h w Georfe, and John James Hummel, the colouring prin,1708 ISDEX OF AUTHORS. Perkin, William Henry, jun., and Jocelun Fkld Thorae. the condensa- I ciple contained in the bark of iiyrica magi, T., 1287 ; P., 1896, 145.Perkin, Arthur George, and John James Hunnmel, occurrence of quer- cetin in the outer skins of the bulb of the onion, %., 1295 ; P., 1896, 144. -- the colouring matters occur- ring in British plants, T., 1566; P., 1896, 185. Perkin, A r t h u r George, and George Young, colouring matter of Sicilian sumach, Xhus coriaria, T., 1299 ; P., 1896, 157. Perkin, Williaiit Raary, seiz., the influ- ence of temperature on refractive power and on the refraction equira- lents of acetylacetone and of ortho- and para-toluidine, T., 1 ; P., 1895,199. -- Hofmann Memorial Lecture : the origin of the coal-tar industry and the contributions of Hofnisnn and his pupils, T., 696; P., 1893, 137. - on magnetic rotatory power, especially of aromatic compounds, Perkin, William Henmy, j u u .(and in part William Goodwin and Jocehyn Field Thorpe), some derivatives of propionic acid, of acrylic acid, and of glutaric acid, T., 1457; P., 1896, 154, 170. T., 1025 ; P., 1896, 122. tain inetnls in mercury. P., 1896, 319. Pope, William .Jackson, pol-ymorphisrm as an explanation of the thermo- chemical peculiarities of chloral and bromal hydrates, P., 1896, 142. I_ a compound of cnmphoric acid with acetone, I., 1696; P., 1896, 217. Pope, William Jao7csoit. See also .Frederick Stanley xipging. Proude, James, and ?Villiam Henry Wood, experiments on the formation of the so-called ammonium amalgam, P., 1895, 236. Purdie, Thomas, and Sidney William- son, ethereal salts of optically active rnalic and lactic acids, T., 815; P., 1896,96. R. Revis, Cecil, and Frederick Staide9 Kipping, deriratircs of a-hyrlrin- done, P., 1895, 214.-- bromocaniphor, P., 1898, 77. Richardson, Arthur, and Em{I?/ C. Fortey, action of light on amp1 dco- hol, T., 1349; P., 1896, 164. -- note on the action of light on ether, T., 1352; P., 1896, 165. Roberts-Austen, William Chandler, note on Mr. W. J. Humplireys' paper on the solution and diffusion of cer- J ~- - 7 tion of halogen deriratires of fatty Ruhemann, Siqfrierl, forination of ethereal salts with ketones and pyrazolone derivatives from chloro- l,,t,,:, ..,:,1, D 1Qna l E < +'7.-3e..:- --:A m 1 onn ~ 13 iona ntxuuici LILLLLJ, I ., A a u u , I U U . ILLIIIL(ILIG +&LILL, I., ~ o d r , I., &ouu, Perkin, William Henry, j m . See also 166. William Artkiir Bone, W'illirrm , Ruhemann, Siegfried, and E.A. Henry Bentley, Edward Haworth, 1 Tyler, contributions to the know- and John Leathart Heinke. 1 ledge of ethylic acetoacetate. Part Pickard, Robert Hoirsow. See Percy I. Acetonylmalic acid, T., 530 ; FOWJC~OTI Frankland. 1 P.. 1896 73 - __. I'"1J - ___-II_-___ Playfair, Lord, Hofmann memorial lecture. Personal reminiscences of Hofmann, and of the condit,ions which led to the establishment of the Royal College of Chemistry, and his appointment as its professor, T., 575 ; P., 1893, 133. Pochin, Isenvy Davis, obituary notice of, T., 735. Pollard, William. See Art7mr Hut- chinson. - 7 --- -, - -. Ruhernann, Siegfried, and C. G. L. Wolf, contributions to the know- ledge of the &ketonic acids, T., 1353 ; P., 1896, 166. ~ S. I Sakurai, J G j i , the molecular con- ~ ductivity of arnidosulphonic acid, - constitution of glycocine, P., 1896, ' T., 1654 ; P., 1896, 181.I "PY, z , U,"," >. . W Y Y " V l Y l l ...."-".""I v VV. Hewit t . Schunck, Edward, and Leo March- Pope, William Jackson, substances lewski, Borne derivatives of anthra- exniair;ing circuiw poiwisiCuuIi U O ~ I L quinune, I ., 00 ; I ., LOW^, LUO. in the amorphous and crgstalline Sell, William James, studies on citra- states, T., 971; P., 1896, 116. I zinic acid. Part IV. T., 1447 j line salts, T., 1530 ; P., 1896, 177. j Shaw, George E l l i o t t , perioclides of - the refraction constants of crystal- ' P., 1896, 165. t1ianhvnm;no 1' In'>. PINDEX OF AUTHORS. 1709 Smith, Claud. See Charles Frederick Cross. Snape, Henry Llopd, on certain phenylthiocarbamates, T., 9s ; P., 1898, 12.Spivey, W. T. Xeiutoiz. See Thoinns Barlow Wood. Stephens, 3'. 12. See 7V'ilZiaea Henry Symons. Stern, Arthur Landauer. See COT- webius O 'S ullivan . Stevenson, Henry A'. See Johiz Theo- dwe Hewitt. Strange, E. I€. Sce Ilurolcl Bail:! Dixon. Streatfeild, If'rederic7c William. See Raphael Meldola. Symons, William IIenrJy, and 2'. R. Stephens, carbon dioxide : its volu- metric determination, T., 869 ; P., 1896, 103. T. Thomas, G. L., and Sydney Young, normal liexane from light petroleuin (petroleum ether), P., 1895, 173. Thorpe, Jocelyn Field. See JVdliuna Henry Bentley, Willianz Henry Perkin, jun. Tickle, Thowms. See Wyudhain Xozu- land Dunstan. Tilden, Jvd/iam Azigustzis, the action of broniiiie on piiiene with reference t o tjhe question of its constitution, T., 1009; P., 1896, 137.Tilden, William Augustus, and Robert E. Barnett, the molecular weight and formula of phosphoric anhydride and of metaphosphoric acid, T., 154 ; P., 1896, 30, discussioii, ibid., 30. Tilden, C-ViZEium Augz(stus, and A . Nicholls, preliminary note on some product froni pinene tetmbroniide, P., 1896, 138. Tutton, Alfred Edwin, connection between tlte atomic weight of cun- tained metals and the cyystallographi- cal charavters of isomorphons salts. The volume and optical relationships of the potassium, rubidium, and cesium salts of the monoclinic series of double sulphates, T., 34.4 ; Y., 1896, 68. - comparison of the results of the investigations of the simple and double sulpbates containing potas- sium, rubidiuui, and csesium, and general deductions therefrom con- cerning the inlluence of atomic weight R,M (SO,):,GH,O, on crystal character, T., 495; P., 1 1896, 71.I Tutton, Alfred Edwin, the bearing of the results of the inrestigations of 1 simple and double snlphates contnin- ing potassium, rubidium, and cmiuni 1 on the nature of the structural unit, 1 T., 507; P., 1896, 71. Tyler, E. A . See Siegfried Ruhe- mann. I V. Vernon Harcourt. See Harconrt. W. Walker, James, and Jaines R. Apple- yard, transformaLions of the allij-L amrnoniari cyanntes into the corre- sponding urms, T., 193 ; Y., 1896,12. -- absorption of dilute acids by silk, T., 1334; P., 1896, 147. Walker, James, and James Hender- son, electrolysis of potassium 2110- ethjlic camphorate. Part 11, T., 748 ; P , 1896, 110. Walker, James Wallace, electroljsis of the salts of monhydroxy-acids, T., 1278; P., 1896, 157. - action of formaldehyde on plienrl- liydrazine and on some hydmzii:es, T., 1280; P., 1896, 157. Wharton, Frede~*ick 3falcoZm. See Percy flaradn!/ Frankland. Willcax, W. H., note on the estimx- tion of butyric acid, P., 1895, 202. Williamson, Sidizey. See Thoinns Purdie. Wilsmore, AT. 2'. 1Y. See Johni'ior- man Collie. Wolf, C. G. L. See Siegfried Ruhe- mann. Wood, Thomas Barlow, availab!o potash and phosphoric acid in soils, T., 287 ; P., 1896, 13. Wood, Thomas Badow, TV. T. iieictou Spivey, and Thomas Hill Easter- field, charm, the resin of Indian hemp, T., 539; P., L896, 76. Wood, JVillinni Benrg. See Jtc1ne.r Proude. Woolcott, George Harold. See Raphael Xeldola. Wray, Edward. See Raphael 1\ICeldola. Wynne, William Palmer. See .Eez~*y Edward Armstrong. Y. Young, Geoiye. See -4rlhur Gewge Young, SydizpJI. See G. L. Thomas, Perkin.


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