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Monitoring of desertification process in Karnataka state of India using multi-temporal remote sensing and ancillary information using GIS


作者: G. K. TRIPATHY,   T. K. GHOSH,   S. D. SHAH,  


期刊: International Journal of Remote Sensing  (Taylor Available online 1996)
卷期: Volume 17, issue 12  

页码: 2243-2257




年代: 1996




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



This study evaluates in detail the indicators of desertification process in semi-arid lands by making use of temporal satellite information along with the surface and statistical data with the aid of a GIS. The indicators were correlated to the surface information to establish the severity of desertification and factors helping the desertification process to continue. The results show that the process is a natural phenomenon but is aggravated by human activity.


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