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On the electrolysis of salt solutions in liquefied sulphur dioxide at low temperatures.Discussion


作者: Bertram D. Steele,  


期刊: Transactions of the Faraday Society  (RSC Available online 1908)
卷期: Volume 3, issue March  

页码: 169-169




年代: 1908




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



Thc Favnday Socicty is tiot vesportsiblc for ofiinioizs e.t$vcssed befrrc i t b y Azithors or Speakers. OF FOUNDED 1903. TO PROMOTE THE STUDY OF LLECTROCHEM18TRY, LLECTROMLTALLURQY, CHEMICAL PHYSICS, METALLOQRAPHY, AND KINDRED 8UBdROTS. VOL. 111. MARCH, IPS. PART 3. ON THE ELECTROLYSIS OF SALT SOLUTIONS IN LIQUEFIED SULPHUR DIOXIDE AT LOW TEM- PERATURES. BY BERTRAM D. STEELE, D.Sc.* DISCUSSION. Dr. T. M. Lowry was sceptical as to the existence of the sulphur cathions postulated by Dr. Steele. A few years ago Walden had made a similar assumption in reference to bromine, which was supposed to act both as anion and cathion when dissolved in sulphur dioxide. In that case the conductivity was doubtless due, not to the electrolysis of the element, but to that of hydrogen bromide and sulphuric acid formed by the interaction of the bromine with the solvent sulphur dioxide in presence of moisture. To attribute electrolytic properties to a compound of two elements so similar to one another as sulphur and oxygen was only one degree less fanciful than in the case of an element. The formation of sulphur as a secondary product of cathodic reduction would, however, be perfectly normal, since this reduction actually took place in the electrolysis of sulphuric acid, which at high con- centratioiis yielded both sulphur and hydrogen sulphide at the cathode. issued in October, 1907. * This Paper was published in the volume o f Trnnsaciiotis (vol. iii. part 2, p. 164)


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