Contents pages




期刊: Discussions of the Faraday Society  (RSC Available online 1953)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 1  

页码: 1-7




年代: 1953




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



DISCUSSIONS OF THE FARADAY SOCIETY No. 13, 1953 THE PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF PROTEINS THE FARADAY SOCIETY Agents .for the Society’s Publications : The Aberdeen University Press Ltd. 6 Upper Kirkgate A berdeenThe Faraday Society reserves the copyright of all Communications published in the '' Discussions If PUBLISHED . . . 1953 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS A B E R D E E NA GENERAL DISCUSSION ON The Physical Chemistry of Proteins A GENERAL DISCUSSION on The Physical Chemistry of Proteins was held in the Zoological Department, Downing Street, Cambridge (by kind permission of Prof. J. Gray) on the 6th, 7th and 8th August, 1952. The Chairman of the Colloid and Biophysics Committee, Dr. J. H. Schulman, O.B.E., was in the Chair and about 400 members and visitors were present.Among the distinguished overseas members and visitors welcomed by the Chairman were the following:- Dr. L.-G. Allgen (Sweden), Mr. W. McD. Armstrong (Eire), Mr. J. P. W. van Baal (Holland), Mr. R. C. Backus (U.S.A.), Dr. E. Barbu (France), Dr. J. J. Blum (U.S.A.), Dr. P. Bocquet (France), Prof. C. J. F. Bottcher (Holland), Miss J. Botts (U.S.A.), Dr. A. Bussard (France), Dr. A. S. Cummin (U.S.A.), Mr. J. Drenth (Holland), Mr. W. Drenth (Holland), Dr. B. Drake (Sweden), Dr. E. L. Durrum (U.S.A.), Prof. and Mrs. J. T. Edsall (U.S.A.), Prof. H. Eilers (Holland), Dr. E. Ellenbogen (U.S.A.), Dr. F. Elliott (Belgium), Mr. P. Flodin (Sweden), Dr. E. Fredericq (Belgium), Mr. H. C. Freeman (Australia), Dr. G. Frick (Sweden), Dr. S. L. Friess (U.S.A.), Mr.and Mrs. Gelotte (Sweden), Dr. R. J. Goldberg (U.S.A.), Prof. and Mrs. E. Gorter (Holland), Mr. P. Gros (France),Dr. K. H. Gustavson (Sweden), Dr. G. Hamoir (Belgium), Prof. A. Baird Hastings (U.S.A.), Prof. F. Haurowitz (U.S.A.), Miss A. Haurowitz (U.S.A.), Dr. T. L. Hill (U.S.A.), Dr. M. Joly (France), Dr. C. Julen (Sweden), Dr. F. Karush (U.S.A.), Dr. D. Kertesz (France), Dr. Katchalsl (Israel), Dr. R. L. Kenyon (U.S.A.), Dr. H. B. Klevens (France), Prof. I. M. and Mrs. Klotz (U.S.A.), Prof. R. Lontie (Belgium), Prof. J. Murray Luck (U.S.A.), Dr. and Mrs. B. Malmstrom (Sweden), Prof. K. Meyer (U.S.A.), Prof. W. J. Moore (U.S.A.), Dr. M. Morales (U.S.A.), Prof. and Mrs. A. Monroy (Italy), Dr. L. Nanninga (Holland), Prof. and Mrs. Neurath (U.S.A.), Dr.and Mrs. Nottingham (New Zealand), Prof. J. L. Oncley (U.S.A.), Dr. L. Ouellet (U.S.A.), Dr. A. B. Pardee (U.S.A.), Prof. and Mrs. Pauling (U.S.A.), Dr. K. 0. Pedersen (Sweden), Dr. Gertrude Perlmann (U.S.A.), Dr. E. M. Petri (Holland), Dr. Mary Petermann (U.S.A.), Dr. J. Pouradier (France), Prof. P. Putzeys (Belgium), Dr. S. Ranzi (Italy), Prof. R. I. Razouk (Egypt), Prof. and Mrs. 0. K. Rice (U.S.A.), Dr. and Mrs. L. Robert (France), Dr. L. A. Sluyterman (Holland), Prof. A. SLhoberl (Germany), Dr. A. J. 34 OVERSEAS MEMBERS AND VISITORS Staverman (Holland), Dr. G. J. M. Sprokel (Holland), Prof. D. M. and Mrs. Surgenor (U.S.A.), Dr. D. B. Taylor (U.S.A.), Mr. G. P. Talwar (France), Mr. M. van den Tempe1 (Holland), Miss M. G. Ter Horst (Holland), Mr. J.H. Verhoog (Holland), Mr. A. J. de Vries (Holland), Dr. L. A. Wall (U.S.A.), Mr. J. W. Williams (U.S.A.), and Prof. L. Zervas (Greece). A special welcome was given to Dr. J. T. Edsall (Harvard University) who gave the 6th Spiers Memorial Lecture, entitled “ The molecular shapes of certain proteins and some of their interactions with other substances ”.CONTENTS Sixth Spiers Memorial Lecture- The Molecular Shapes of certain Proteins and some of their Interactions with other Substances. By John T. Edsall . I. Experimental Techniques- Zone Electrophoresis in Filter Paper and other Media. By Arne Tiselius . Polarjzation of the Fluorescence of Labelled Protein Molecules. By G. Weber The Application of Solubility Measurements to the Study of Complex Protein Solutions and to the Isolation of Individual Proteins.By J. S. Falconer, D. J. Jenden and D. B. Taylor . GENERAL DrscussIoN.-Dr. P. Flodin, Dr. R. Consden, Dr. E. L. Durrum, Dr. D. L. Mould, Dr. E. Barbu, Dr. L. Robert, Dr. A. G. Ogston, Dr. K. 0. Pedersen, Dr. B. Robert, Dr. G. S . Adair, Dr. L. Nanninga, Dr. D. B. Taylor . 11. Low Molecular Weight Proteins- Thermodynamics of the Association of Insulin Molecules. By Paul Doty and George E. Myers . Molecular-kinetic Properties of Trypsin and Related Proteins. By Leon W. Cunningham, Jr., Frank Tietze, N. Michael Green and Hans Neurath . Electrophoretic Studies of Enzymatically Modified Ovalbumin and Casein. By Gertrude E. Psrlmann . The Globular-fibrous Protein Transformation. By E. Barbu and M. Joly . GENERAL DIscussIoN.-Prof.H. Neurath, Dr. A. Wassermann, Dr. P. Doty, Prof. F. Haurowitz, Dr. L. Nanninga, Prof. W. T. Astbury, Dr. E. Barbu, Dr. W. E. F. Naismith, Mr. A. J. Hyde, Dr. M. Joly 111. High Molecular Weight Systems- The Physicochemical Examination of the Conarachin Fraction of the By P. Johnson and Groundnut Globulins (Arachis hypugaea). W. E. F. Naismith . The Effects of certain Ions and Neutral Molecules on the Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin. By Sidney Shulman . 5 PAGE 9 29 33 40 46 51 58 67 77 93 98 1096 CONTENTS Electrophoretic Study of the Muscle Structural Proteins. Energetics and Molecular Mechanisms in Muscle Action- By G. Hamoir . Part I.-Outline of a Theory of Muscle Action, and some of its Experimental Basis. By Manuel Morales and Jean Botts . Part I1 .-S t a t is t ical Thermodynamical Treatment of Contractile Systems.By Terrell L. Hill . Aspects of Polymerization in Proteins of the Muscle Fibril. By T.-C. Tsao and K. Bailey . Electrochemical Properties of Lupin Seed Protein. By Miss E. M. Petri and A. J. Staverman . GENERAL DIscussIoN.-Dr. G. A. Gilbert, Dr. P. Johnson, Dr. L. Nanninga, Dr. K. H. Gustavson, Dr. Staverman, Dr. M. G. ter Horst, Dr. G. Hamoir, Dr. A. Wassermann, Dr. A. G. Ogston, Prof. W. T. Astbury, Dr. J. T. Edsall, Dr. M. Morales . IV. Protein Interactions- Aggregation of Globular Proteins. By Linus Pauling . The Interaction of Plasma Proteins with Heavy Metals and with Alkaline Earths, with Specific Anions and Specific Steroids, with Specific Polysaccharides and with the formed elements of the Blood.By Edwin J. Cohn, Douglas M. Surgenor, Karl Schmid, W. H. Batchelor, Henry C . Tsliker and Eva H. Alameri . Protein Interactions with Organic Molecules. By Irving M. Klotz and Janet Ayers . The Influence of Salt on the Size and Shape of a Protein-detergent Complex. By B. S. Harrap and J. H. Schulman . Complexes of Heparin and Proteins. By E. Gorter and L. Nanninga Nucleic Acid and Protein Interactions-an Electrophoretic Study of Calf Thymus Deoxypentose Nucleoprotein and of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. By Muriel Fleming and D. 0. Jordan . Antigen-antibody Reactions in Theory and Practice. By Richard J. Goldberg and J. W. Williams . GENERAL DrscussIoN.-Dr. J. A. V. Butler, Dr. J . T. Edsall, Prof. A Schoberl, Dr. B. Robert, Dr. L. Robert, Dr. Bo G. Malmstrom, Dr.K. H. Gustavson, Prof. J. Murray Luck, Mr. B. P. Brand, Dr. B. A. Pethica, Dr. K. Walton, Dr. D. Hamer, Dr. G. A. Gilbert, Prof. K. Meyer, Prof. E. Gorter and Dr. L. Nanninga, Prof. J. W. Williams, Dr. C. G. Pope, Dr. S. McGavin and Dr. J. Iball, Prof, S. Haurowitz, Prof. J. R. Marrack, Dr. R. J. Goldberg PAGE 116 125 132 145 151 159 170 176 189 197 205 21 7 224 23 1CONTENTS 7 V . Conjugated Proteins (Nucleo- and Muco-Proteins)- PAGE Conjugated Proteins. By M. Stacey . . 245 Tuberculin Proteins. By Florence B. Seibert . . 251 Swelling and Orientation Phenomena with Nucleoprotein Films. By E. J. Ambrose and J. A. V. Butler . . 261 Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulphates and their Protein Complexes. By Karl Meyer . . 271 Composition and Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Complex of Ox Synovial Fluid. By A. G. Ogston and J . E. Stanier . . 275 GENERAL DIscussIoN.-Mr. A. M. Woodin, Mr. J. H. Verhoog, Prof. M. Stacey, Dr. R. Consden, Prof. F. Haurowitz, Prof. W. T. Astbury and Dr. N. N. Saha, Dr. R. D. B. Fraser, Dr. J. T. Edsall, Dr. E. J. Ambrose, Mr. J. E. Stanier, Dr. A. G. Ogston . . 281 Author Tndex . . 288


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