Contents pages




期刊: Journal of Materials Chemistry  (RSC Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 5  

页码: 055-056




年代: 1991




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



ISSN 0959-9428 JMACEP(5) 715-901 (1991) Journal of Materials Chemistry Synthesis, structures, properties and applications of materials, particularly those associated with advanced technology CONTENTS 715 FEATURE ARTICLE. Charge fluctuations and an ionic-covalent transition in La, -,Sr,CuO, J. B. Goodenough, JS. Zhou and K. Allan 725 Behaviour of the adsorbed C1' intermediate in anodic C1, evolution at thin-film RuO, surfaces B. E. Conway, G. Ping, A. De Battisti, A. Barbieri and G. Battaglin 735 Chemical reduction of FeC1,-graphite intercalation compounds with potassium-napthalene complex in tetrahydrofuran A. Messaoudi, M. Inagaki and F. Beguin 739 Porous chromia-pillared a-zirconium phosphate materials prepared via colloid methods P. Maireles-Torres, P.Olivera-Pastor, E. Rodriguez-Castellon, A. Jimenez-Lopez and A. A. G. Tomlinson 747 New perovskite phases in the systems Li,O-(Nb,O,, Ta,05)-Zr0, M. E. ViUafuerte-Castrejon, C. Kuhliger, R.Ovando, R. I. Smith and A. R. West 751 Flash calcination of kaolinite: Mechanistic information from thermogravimetry R. C. T. Slade, T. W. Davies and H. Atakiil 757 Synthesis and thermal behaviour of mesomorphic Cu" Schiff's base complexes K. P. Reddy and T. L. Brown 765 Columnar mesophases of cyclic trimers of disubstituted acetylenes C. Pugh and V. Percec 775 Preparation and second-harmonic generation properties of tris(pyrocatecholato)stannate(Iv)compounds C. Lamberth, J. C. Macheil, D. M. P. Mingos and T. L. Stolberg 781 Low-temperature synthesis of perovskite solids LaMO, (M =Ni, Co, Mn) via binuclear complexes of compartmental ligand N,N'-bis(3- carboxysalicy1idene)thylenediamine S.P. Skaribas, P. J. Pomonis and A. T. Sdoukos 785 Surface segregation of Sr in doped MgO. Comparison between X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomistic ionic model simulations L. L. Cao, R. G. Egdell, W. R. Flavell, K. F. Mok and W. C. Mackradt 789 Preparation of submicrometre spherical oxide powders and fibres by thermal spray decomposition using an ultrasonic mist atomiser T. Ogihara, T. Ookura, T. Yanagawa, N. Ogata and K. Yoshida 795 Electrodeposition and study of multilayered Co/Cu structures V. M. Fedosyuk, 0.I. Kasyutich and N. N. Kozich 799 Preparation and thermal properties of new liquid crystals with a 2-benzoyloxy-2,4,6-cycloheptatrien-1-one core A.Mori, N. Kato, H. Takeshita, M. Uchida, H. Taya and R.Nimura 805 X-Ray photoelectron and Mossbauer spectroscopies of a binary iron phosphate glass L. Armelao, M. Bettinelli, G. A. Rizzi and U. Rum 809 Dopant effects on the response of gas-sensitive resistors utilising semiconducting oxides D. E. Williams and P. T. Moseley 815 Structural phase transition of VO,(B) to VO,(A) Y. Oka, T. Yao and N. Yamamoto 819 Docosanoyl itaconate/ 1-docosylamine alternate-layer Langmuir-Blodgett films: Polymerisation, pyroelectric properties and infrared spectroscopic studies J. Tsibouklis, M. Petty, Y-P. Song, R. Richardson, J. Yarwood, M. C. Petty and W. J. Feast 827 Crystal structure and pressure dependence of electrical conductivities of [(CH,),N][Pt(dmit),], A.Kobayashi, A. Miyamoto, H. Kobayashi, A. Clark and A. E. Underhill 831 Thermochromism and solvatochromism of bis[1,2-bis(3,4-di-n-alkoxyphenyl)ethanedione dioximato]nickel(~~) complexes K. Ohta, H. Hasebe, M. Moriya, T. Fujimoto and I. Yamamoto 835 Alkyl-substituted oligothiophenes: Crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of neutral and doped forms S. Hotta and K. Waragai 843 Synthesis and phase behaviour of mesomorphic transition-metal complexes of alkoxydithiobenzoates. Crystal and molecular structure of three metal alkoxydithiobenzoates H. Adams, A. C. AlbeNz, N.A. Bailey, D. W. Bruce, A. S. Cherodian, R. Dhillon, D. A. Dunmur, P. Espinet, J. L. Feijoo, E.Lalinde, P. M. Maitlis, R. M. Richardson and G.Ungar 857 Linear dichroism of mesomorphic transition-metal complexes of alkoxydithiobenzoates D. W. Bruce, D. A. Dunmur, S. E. Hunt, P. M. Maitlis and R. Orr 863 Improved method for the determination of the oxygen content in YB~,CU,O,-~ H. Vlaeminck, H. H. Goossens, R. Mouton, S. Hoste and G. Van der Kelen 867 Magnetic frustration, spirals and short-range order in Cr,-Fe, -,V04-I solid solutions J. P. Attfield, A. K. Cheetham, D. C. Johnson and T. Novet 875 27Al Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigation of thermal transformation sequences of alumina hydrates. Part 2.-Boehmite, y-Al00H R. C. T. Slade, J. C. Southern and I. M. Thompson 881 Electrochromism in titanyl and vanadyl phthalocyanine thin films J. Silver, P.Lukes, P. Hey and M. T. Ahmet ~ ~~~~~~ MATERIALS CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 889 Oriented nucleation of CaCO, from metastable solutions under Langmuir monolayers J. B. A. Walker, B. R. Heywood an d S. Mann 891 Effect of nickel oxide on the sintering characteristics and phase stability of zirconia-12 mol% ceria ceramics S. C. Br adwell, A. Kapusta and S. J. Milne 893 Diol-based sol-gel system for the production of thin films of PbTiO, N. J. Phillips and S. J. Milne 895 Mesomorphic behaviour of some cross-linked derivatives of all-conjugated main-chain polyesters F. Navarro G6mez and J . L. Serrano Ostariz 897 Arylaldehyde and arylketone hydrazones as a new class of amorphous molecular materials K. Nishimura , T. Kobata, H .Inada and Y. Shirota 899 Book Reviews: I. C. Callagban; L. Shields, P. A. Holmes; J. M. G. Cowie; P. D. Lickiss Note: Where an asterisk appears against the name of one or more authors, it is included with the authors’ approval to indicate that correspondence may be addressed to this person. Spelling of Sulfur The new (1990) edition of IUPAC‘s ‘Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry’ contains a table of IUPAC-approved names ‘for use in the English language’. These include ‘caesium’, ‘aluminium’, and ‘sulfur’ (spellings as given here). There is increasing use of the ‘f’ rather than the ‘ph’ spelling for sulfur in English publications, in particular the English language versions of IS0 and European standards, and those British Standards which implement IS0 standards verbatim. Furthermore, there is no good etymological basis for preferring the ‘ph’ spelling. In view of these considerations, the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Nomenclature Committee has recently recommended that RSC change to using the ‘f’ spelling in all its publications. This recommendation will be implemented for RSC‘s primary journals in 1992. Alan McNaught Manager, RSC Journals


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