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Multiple Distinct Antigenic Determinants Associated with Murine Type-C Virus Group-Specific Antigen


作者: James Davis,   Howard P. Charman,   Stephen Oroszlan,   Raymond V. Gilden,  


期刊: Intervirology  (Karger Available online 1973)
卷期: Volume 2, issue 5-6  

页码: 326-336




年代: 1973




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Multiple antigenic determinants;Murine group-specific antigen


数据来源: Karger



Three serologically active fragments were identified in tryptic digests of iodinated MuLV major group-specific antigen (p30). Two of these eluted in a single zone on Sephadex G-50 and agarose gels developed with guanidine·HCl with an apparent molecular weight of 11,500. Approximately one half of the radioactivity in this zone was precipitated with antiserum to a tryptic fragment (IEFP, mol. wt. 10,300) purified by isoelectric focusing. The remaining radioactivity was still precipitable by antisera to homologous and heterologous (FeLV) p30’s. A smaller fragment (mol. wt. 2,500) not found in IEFP was apparently derived from the material in this zone. Direct radioimmunoassays and inhibition tests established that species-specific and interspecific determinants were present on each fragment. The assay with the 125I-labeled small fragment was inhibited optimally with trypsinized p30 showing an increase of 130-fold in sensitivity compared to inhibition tests with intact p


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